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Complete Solutions to Integer of chapter RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 1 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A solid cylinder with `r= 0.1 m` and mass `M = 2 kg` is placed such that it is in contact with the vertical and a horizontal surface as shown in Fig. The coefficient of friction is `mu = (1//3)` for both the surfaces. Find the distance (in `CM`) from the centre of the cylinder at .which a force `F = 40 N` should be applied vertically so that the cylinder just starts rotating in anticlockwise direction.

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  2. A uniform rod of length `1 m` and mass `2 kg` is suspended. Calculate tension `T` (in `N`) in the string at the instant when the right string snaps `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`.

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  3. A uniform rod `AB` of mass `2 kg` is hinged at one end `A`. The rod is kept in the horizontal position by a massless string tied to point `B`. Find the reaction of the hinge (in `N`) on end `A` of the rod at the instant when string is cut. `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  4. A square plate `ABCD` of mass `m` and side `l` is suspended with the help of two ideal strings `P` and `Q` as shown. Determine the acceleration (in `m//s^(2))` of corner `A` of the square just at the moment the string `Q` is cut. `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`.

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  5. Four solid spheres each of diameter `sqart5`cm and mass 0.5 kg are placed with their centers at the corners of a square of side 4cm. The moment is `Nxx10^(-4)kg - m^2` , then N is .

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  6. A uniform cylinder rests on a cart as shown. The coefficient of static friction between the cylinder and the cart is `0.5` If the cylinder is `4 cm` in diameter and `10 cm` in height, which of the following is the minimum acceleration of the cart needed to cause the cylinder to tip over ?

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  7. A uniform disc of mass `m`, radius `R` is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. If we apply a horizontal force `F` at `P` as shown in the figure. If `F = 4 N, m= .1 kg, R = 1 m` and `r = 1/2 m` then, find the:

    acceleration of the `CM` (in `ms^(2)`)

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  8. A uniform disc of mass `m`, radius `R` is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. If we apply a horizontal force `F` at `P` as shown in the figure. If `F = 4 N, m= .1 kg, R = 1 m` and `r = 1/2 m` then, find the:

    angular acceleration of the disc. `(rads^(-1))`

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  9. A uniform disc of mass `m`, radius `R` is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. If we apply a horizontal force `F` at `P` as shown in the figure. If `F = 4 N, m= .1 kg, R = 1 m` and `r = 1/2 m` then, find the:

    A rod of length `l = 1 m` leaning against a vertical wall is pulled at its lowest point `A` with a constant velocity `v = 4 ms^(-1)`. In consequence, the rod rotates win the vertical plane. When the rod makes an angle `theta=4ms^(-1)` with vertical and find the angular velocity of the rod (in `rad s^(-1)`).

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  10. A light rigid rod of length `4 m` is connected rigidly with two identical particles each of mass `m = 2 kg`. the free end of the rod is smoothly pivoted at `O`. The rod is released from rest from its horizontal position at `t = 0`. Find the

    angular acceleration of the rod at `t = 0` (in `rad s^(-2)).`

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  11. A light rigid rod of length `4 m` is connected rigidly with two identical particles each of mass `m = 2 kg`. the free end of the rod is smoothly pivoted at `O`. The rod is released from rest from its horizontal position at `t = 0`. Find the

    reaction offered by the pivot at `t = 0` (in `N`).

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Integer questions and complete solutions for chapter RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 1 of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11