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Complete Solutions to Subjective of chapter RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 1 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the instant shown in the diagram the board is moving up (vertically) with velocity `v`. The drum winds up at a constant rate `omega`. If the radius of the drum is `R` and the board always remains horizontal, find the value of velocity in terms of `R, theta, omega`.

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  2. A weightless rod of length `l` with a small load of mass `m` at the end is hinged at point `A` as shown and occupies a strictly vertical position, touching a body of mass `M`. A light jerk sets the system in motion.
    a. For what mass ratio `M//m` will the rod form an angle `alpha=pi//6` with the horizontal at the moment of the separation from the body?
    b. What will he the velocity `u` of the body at this moment? Friction should be neglected.

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  3. A cylinder of weight `W` and raidus `R` is to be raised onto a horizontal step of height `h=R//3` as shown. A rope is wrapped around the cylinder and pulled horizontally. Assuming no slipping, find the minimum value of `F` to raise the cylinder.

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  4. A cylinder is rolling without sliding over two horizontal planks (surfaces) `1` and `2`. If the velocities of the surfaces `A` and `B` are `-vhati` and `2vhati` respectively, find the:
    a. Position of instantaneous axis of rotation.
    b. Angular velocity of the cylinder.

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  5. A block of mass `M= 4 kg` of height and breath `b` is placed on a rough plank of same mass `M`. A light inextensible string is connected to the upper end of the block and passed through a light smooth pulley as shown in figure. A mass `m =1 kg` is hung to the other end of the string.
    a. What should be the minimum value of coefficient of friction between the block and the plank so that, there is no slipping between the block and the wedge?
    b. Find the minimum value of `b//h` so that the block does not topple over the plank, friction is absent between the plank and the ground.

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  6. A uniform rod `AB` of mass `m` and length `l` is suspended by two massless and inextensible strings `AC` and `BD` whose ends `C` and `D` are fixed as shown. Find the tension in the string `BD` immediately after the string at `A` is cut.

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  7. A cylinder rests on a horizontal rotating disc, as shown in the figure. Find at what angular velocity, `omega`, the cylinder falls off the disc, if the distance between the axes of the disc and cylinder is `R`, and the coefficient of friction `mugtD//h` where `D` is the diameter of the cylinder and It is its height.

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  8. A uniform slender bar `AB` of mass `m` is suspended as shown from a small cart of the same mass `m`. Neglecting the effect of the friction, determine the accelerations of points `A` and `B` immediately after a horizontal force `F` has been applied at `B`.

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  9. A uniform bar of length `I` and mass `m` stands vertically touching a vertical wall (`y`-axis). When slightly displaced, its lower end begins to slide along the floor (`x`-axis). Obtain an expression for the angular velocity (`omega`) of the bar as a function of `O`. Neglect friction everywhere.

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  10. A uniform cube of side `'a'` and mass `m` rests on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force `F` is applied normal to one of the faces at a point directly below the centre of the face, at a height `a//4` above the base.
    a. What is the minimum value of `F` for which the cube begins to tip about an edge?
    b. What is the minimum value of its so that toppling occurs?
    c. If `mu=mu_("min")` find minimum force for topping.
    d. Find minimum `mu_(s)` so that `F_("min")` can cause toppling.

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  11. Find minimum value of `l` so that truck can avoid the dead end, without toppling the block kept on it.

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  12. A uniform rod of mass m and length `l` can rotate in vertical plane about a smooth horizontal axis hinged at point `H`. Find angular acceleration `alpha` of the rod just after it is released from initial position making an angle of `37^@` with horizontal from rest?

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  13. A wheel of radius `R=10 cm` and moment of inertia `I=0.05kg m^(2)` is rotating about a fixed horizontal axis `O` with angular velocity `omega_(0)=10rads^(-1)`. A uniform riigid rod of mass `m=3 kg` and length `l=50 cm` is hinged at one end `A` such that it can rotate at end `A` in a vertical plane. End `B` of the rod is tied with a thread as shown in figure such that the rod is horizontal and is just in contact with the surface of rotating wheel. Horizontal distance between axis of rotation `O` of cylinder and `A` is equal to `a = 30 cm`.
    If the wheel stops rotating after one second after the thread has burnt, calculate coefficient of friction ,`mu` between the rod and the surface of the wheel. `(g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 1 of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11