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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (NUMBERICAL PROBLEMS) of chapter STATES OF MATTER : GASES AND LIQUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. At `10^(-3)mm` pressure and 300 K, a 2L flask contains equal numbers of moles of `N_(2)` and water vapour. (i) what is the total number of moles of `N_(2)` and water vapour in the mixture ? (ii) what is the total mass of the mixture?

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  2. At constant temperature and 1 atm pressure, an ideal gas occupies a volume of `3.25m^(3)`. Calculate the final presure of the gas in the units of atm, torr and Pa if the its volume is reduced to `1.25m^(3)` while its temperature is kept constant.

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  3. Density of a gas at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm is `15g*mL^(-1)`. At what temperature, will density of that gas be `10g*mL^(-1)`, at the same pressure?

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  4. Density of a gas at `30^(@)C` and 1.3 atm pressure is 0.027 `g*mL^(-1)`. What is the molar mass of the gas?

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  5. 0.0286g of a gas at `25^(@)C` and 76 cm presure occupies a volume of `50cm^(3)`. What is molarr mass of the gas?

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  6. Density of a gas at `-135^(@)C` and 50.66 atm pressure is `2g*cm^(-3)`. What is the density of the gas at STP?

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  7. A gaseous mixture contains `336cm^(3)` of `H_(2)` and `224cm^(3)` of He at STP. The mixture shows a pressure of 2 atm when it is kept in a container at `27^(@)C`. Calculate the volume of the gas?

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  8. At `100^(@)C` a 2 litre flask contains 0.4 g of `O_(2)` and 0.6 g of `H_(2)`. What is the total pressure of this gas mixture in the flask?

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  9. 1.0 g of benzene is burnt completely in presence of 4.0g `O_(2)` in a completely evacuated bomb calorimeter of volume 1L. What is the pressure inside the bomb at `30^(@)C`, if the volume and pressure of water vapour produced are neglected?

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  10. A closed vessel of fixed volume is filled with 3.2g `O_(2)` at a pressure of P atm and at a temperature of TK. The container is then heated to a temperature of (T+30)K. to maintain the pressure of P atm inside the container at (T+30)K, a certain amount of gas is removed from the container. the gas removed is found to have a volume of 246 mL at 1 atm and `27^(@)C`. calculate T.

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  11. The temperature of an ideal gas is 340 K. the gas is heated to a temperature at constant pressure. As a result, its volume increases by 18%. What is the final temperature of the gas?

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  12. What is the density of air at STP? Assume that air contains 78% `N_(2) and 22%` `O_(2)` by masses.

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  13. At `100^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure, the densities of water and water and water vapour are 1.0 `g*mL^(-1)` and 0.0006 `g*mL^(-1)` respectively. What is the total volume of water molecules in 1 litre of steam at `100^(@)C`?

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  14. The volume of 0.44 g of a colourless oxide of `N_(2)` is 224 mL at `273^(@)C` and 1530 mm pressure. What is the compound?

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  15. A spherical balloon is filled with air at 2 atm pressure. What pressure is to exerted on the balloon from outside so that its diameter will be reduced to half of its initial diameter?

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  16. If 3.2 g of sulphur is heated to a temperature, the sulphur vapour produced occupies a volume of 780 mL at 723 mm pressure and `450^(@)C`. What is the molecular formula of sulphur at this state?

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  17. Determine partial pressures of `O_(2) and N_(2)` in air at `0^(@)C` and 760 mm Hg pressure. Air contains 78% `N_(2) and 22%` `O_(2)` by volume.

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  18. 200 `cm^(3)` of `N_(2)` gas is collected over water at `20^(@)C` and 730 mm pressure. At this temperature, aqueous tension is 14.20 mm. what is the mass of `N_(2)` gas collected?

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  19. 0.5 g `O_(2)` gas is collected over water at `20^(@)C` and 730 mm pressure. If aqueous tension at that temperature be 14.20 mm, what is the volume of `O_(2)` gas collected?

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  20. A vessel contains equal masses of `CH_(4) and H_(2)` gas at `25^(@)C`. What part of the total pressure inside the vessel is equal to the partial pressure of `H_(2)` gas?

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  21. 8g `O_(2)` and some quantity of `CO_(2)` are introduced at `30^(@)C` into an emtpy flask of volume 10L. If the total pressure of the, mixture in the flask be 1520mm. Find the amount of `CO_(2)` gas taken.

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  22. Partial pressures of the component gases in a gas-mixture are: `H_(2)=300mm: CH_(4)=150mm:N_(2)=250` mm. what is the percentage of `N_(2)` gas by volume in the mixture?

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  23. At constant temperature 2L of `N_(2)` gas at 750 mm Hg pressure I mixed with 3L of `O_(2)` gas. As a result the pressure and volume of the gas mixture are found to be 732 mm Hg and 5 L respectively. What is the initial pressure of `O_(2)` gas?

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  24. The respective mole fractions of `N_(2) and O_(2)` is dry air are 0.78 and 0.21 gt if the atmospheric presure and temperature are 740 torr and `20^(@)C` respectively, then what will be the mass of `N_(2) and O_(2)` present in a room of volume of `3000ft^(3)`? (Assuming the relative humidity of air as zero)

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  25. 300 `cm^(3)` of `H_(2)` gas diffusses through a fine orifice in 1 minute. At the same temperature annd pressure, what volume of `CO_(2)` gas will diffuse through the same orifice in 1 minute?

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  26. At constant temperature and pressure, the rates of diffusion of two gases A and B are in the ratio of 1:2 . In a mixture of A and B gases if the mass ratio of A and B be 2:1, the find the mole fraction ratio of A and B in the mixture?

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  27. Average velocity of the molecules of a gas is `400m*s^(-1)`. At the same temperature, what will be rms velocity o the molecules?

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  28. At a constant temperature and at 1 atm pressure, the density of `O_(2)` gas is 0.0081 `g*moL^(-1)`. At the same temperature, calculate average velocity, root mean square velocity and most probable velocity of `O_(2)` molecules.

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  29. A certain gas of mass 6.431 g occupies a volume of 5 L at a definite temperature and 750 mm pressure. At the same temperature, what will be the rms velocity of the molecules of that gas?

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  30. What is the ratio of average velocity and root mean square velocity of the molecules of a gas?

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  31. At what temperature will the rms velocity of `SO_(2)` molecules be equal to the rms velocity of `O_(2)` molecules at `25^(@)C`?

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  32. Show the the rms velocity of `O_(2)` molecules at `50^(@)C` is not equal to the rms velocity of `N_(2)` molecules at `25^(@)C`.

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  33. Average kinetic energy of the atom of Hg vapour is 1000 `cal*mol^(-1)`. What will be the value of its rms velocity?

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  34. In a container of volume 1L, there are `10^(23)` gas molecules, each of which has a mass of `10^(-22)` g. at a certain temperature, if the rms velocity of these molecules is `10^(5)cm*s^(-1)`, then what would be the pressure at the temperature inside the container?

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  35. At a constant temperature, a vessel of 1 litre capacity contains `10^(23)N_(2)` molecules. If the rms velocity of the molecules be `10^(3)m//s`, then determine the total kinetic energy of the molecules and the temperature of the gas.

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  36. At `0^(@)C` the kinetic energy of `1O_(2)` molecule is `5.62xx10^(-14)` erg. Determine avogadro's number.

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  37. The volume of 2 moles of `SO_(2)` at `30^(@)C` and 55 atm pressure is 680 mL. what is the value of compressibility factor of the gas? What is the nature of deviation of the gas from ideal behaviour?

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  38. Compressibility factor of a real gas at `0^(@)C` and 100 atm pressure is 0.927. at this temperature and pressure, how much of this real gas is required to fill a vessel of 100 L [molar mass=`40g*mol^(-1)`] ?

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  39. For a van der waals gas, `b=5.0xx10^(-2)L*mol^(-1)`. What is the diameter of a molecule of this gas?

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  40. Volume of 2 moles of `CO_(2)` gas at `27^(@)C` is 0.001 `m^(3)`. What will be the pressure of this gas (i) according to van der waals equation and (ii) according to ideal gas equation?
    [Given `a(CO_(2))=0.364" "N*m^(4)*mol^(-2) and b(CO_(2))=4.27xx10^(-5)m^(3)*mol^(-1)`]

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  41. The equation of state for 1 mole of a gas is P(V-b)=RT.
    At STP, 1 mole of this gas occupies a volume of 28L.
    Calculate the compressibility factor of the gas at STP.

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  42. Compressibility factor of 2 mol of `NH_(3)` gas at `27^(@)C` and 9.18 atm pressure is 0.931. if the volume of the gas molecules is not taken into consideration, then what is the value of van der waals constant 'a' for `NH_(3)` gas?

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  43. Pressure exerted by 12g of an ideal gas at `t^(@)C` in a vessel of volume VL is 1 atm. When the temperature is increased by `10^(@)C` at the same volume, the pressure increased by `10%`. Calculate the temperature 't' and volume V (molar mass of gas=120).

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  44. An open vessel contains air at `27^(@)C`. At what temperature should the vessel be heated so that 1/4h of air escapes from the vessel? Assume that volume of the vessel remains same on heating.

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  45. A container of fixed volume 0.4 L contains 0.56 g of a gas at `27^(@)C`. The pressure of the gas at this temperature is 936 mmHg. If the amount of the gas is increased to 2.1g and its temperature is decreased to `17^(@)C`, then what will be the pressure of the gas? Assuming gas behaves ideally.

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  46. A cylinder capable of holding 3L of water contains `H_(2)` gas at `27^(@)C` and a pressure of P atom. At STP, it is possible to fill up 10 balloons, each of which has a radius of 10 cm, with the gas present in the cylinder. Find the value of P.

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  47. At room temperature `2NO+O_(2) to 2NO_(2) to N_(2)O_(4)` reaction proceeds near to completion. The dimer, `N_(2)O_(4)`, solidified at 262K. A 250 mL flask and a 100 mL flask are separated by a stop-cock. At 300K, nitric oxide in the longer flask exerts a presure of 1.053 atm and and the smaller one contains oxygen at 0789 atm. the gases are mixed by opening the stopcock and after the end off the reaction the flasks are cooled to 220K. Neglecting vapour pressure of the dimer, find out pressure and composition of the gas remaining at 220 K (assume that the gases behave ideally).

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  48. An LPG cylinder weighs 18.4 kg when empty when full, it weighs 29.0 kg and shows a presure of 2.5 atm. In the course of use `27^(@)C`, the mass of the full cylinder is reduced to 23.2 kg. find out the volume of the gas is cubic meters used up at the normal usage conditions, and the final pressure inside the cylinder. assume LPG to be n-butane with normal boiling pont of `0^(@)C`.

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  49. An evacuated vessel weighs 50.0g when empty, 148g when filled with a liquid (d=0.98`g*mL^(-1)`) & 50.5g when filled with an ideal gas at 760 mm Hg at 300K. Determine molar mass of the gas.

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  50. A gas mixture composed of `N_(2) and O_(2)` gases has a density of `1.17g*L^(-1)` at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure. Calculate the mass percents of `N_(2) and O_(2)` in the mixture. Assume that the gas mixture behaves like an ideal gas.

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  51. One mole of nitrogen gas at 0.8 atm takes 38s to diffuse through a pin-hole, whereas one mole of an unknown compound of xenon with fluorine at 1.6 atm takes 57s to diffuse through the same hole. Determine the molecular formula of the compound.

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  52. A gas bulb of 1L capacity contains `2.0xx10^(21)` molecules of nitrogen exerting a pressure of `7.57xx10^(3)N*m^(-2)`. Calculate the rms velocity and temperature off the gas. If ratio of most probable speed to the root mean square speed in 0.82, calculate the most probable speed of the molecules at this temperature.

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  53. Composition of the equilibrium mixture `(Cl_(2) hArr 2Cl)`. Which is attained at `1200^(@)C`, is determined by measuring rate of effusion through a pin-hole. It is observed that at 1.80 mmHg pressure, the mixture effuses 1.16 times as fast as Kryptom effuses under the same conditions. calculate the fraction of chlorine molecules dissociated into atoms. (Relative atomic mass of Kr=84).

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  54. Density of the vapour of a substance at 1 atm and 500K is 0.36 `Kg*m^(-3)`. The vapour effuses through a hole at a rate of 1.13 times faster than `O_(2)` under same conditon. (i) Determine (a) molar mass (b) molar volume (c) compression factor (Z) of the vapour nand (d) which forces among the gas molecules are dominating-attractive or repulsive? (ii) if vapour behaves ideally at 1000K, find average translational kinetic energy of a molecule.

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  55. Compressibility factor for 1 mole of a van er waals gas at `0^(@)C` and 100 atms pressure is 0.5 assuming that volume of a gas molecule is negligible, calculate the van der waals constant, a.

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  56. The rpessure in a bulb dropped from 2000 to 1500 mm of Hg is 47 min when the contained oxygen leaked through a small hole. The bulb was then evacuated. A mixture of oxygen and another gas off molar mass 79 in the molar ratio of 1:1 at a total pressure of 4000 mm of Hg was introduced. find the molar ratio of two gases remaining in the bulb after a period of 74 min.

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