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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL EXAMPLES of chapter STATES OF MATTER : GASES AND LIQUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. At a certain place, the atmospheric pressure is 740 mm Hg, what will be the value of this pressure in the units of
    (1) torr
    (2) atm

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  2. A bulb filled with a gas is connected to an open -end manometer. the level of mercury in the arm attached to the gas bulb is 20 cm lower than that in the open. end arm, calculate the pressure of the gas in the bulb in the units of atm and Pa? Consider the atmospheric pressure to be 76 cm Hg.

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  3. An open-end manometer was used to determine the pressure of a gas present in a container. It was found that the height of mercury level in the arm attached to the gas-filled container was 4 cm higher than that in the open ene arm. If the atmospheric pressure was measured to be 76 cm Hg, then what will be the pressure of the gas inside the container in atm unit?

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  4. A balloon contains 1.2L of air at a particular temperature and 90 cm Hg pressure. What will be the volume of air if the pressure is reduced to 70 cm Hg, while keeping the temperature constant?

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  5. The volume of a certain amount of gaa containing an incompressible solid is 100 cc at 760 mm Hg and 80cc at 1000 mm Hg. What is the volume of the solid?

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  6. At constant pressure, the temperature of a difinite amount of a gas is increased from `0^(@)C` to `t^(@)C`. As a result, the volume of the gas is increased by a factor of three. Calculate the value of t.

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  7. A 16 sample of oxygen at 760 Hg pressure and `27^(@)C` is kept in a container of 12.30 L capacity. What will be the temperature of the gas if the entire gas is transferred to a container of 24.6 L capacityt, keeping the pressure constant?

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  8. When sample of hydrogen is immersed in a mixture of ice and water, it occupies an exact volume of 69.37 cc at 1 atm. At the same pressure, if the gas is immersed in boiling benzene, then its volume expands to 89.71 cc. what is the boiling point of benzene ?

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  9. An iron cylinder contains He gas at a pressure of 250 kPa at 300K. The cylinder can withstand a pressure of `1xx10^(6)Pa`. The room in which the cylinder is placed catches fire. Predict whether the cylinder will blow up before it melts or not. [M.P. of the cylinder=1800 K]

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  10. A cylinderical of cooking gas can withstand a pressure of 14.9 atm at `27^(@)C`, the pressure gauge of the cylinder records a pressure of 12 atm. Due to a sudden fire in the building, the temperature starts rising. At what temperature, will the cylinder explode?

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  11. At a given temperature annd pressure, the volume of 10 g of He gas is 61.6 L. how much of He gas has to be taken out at the same temperature and pressure to reduce its volume to 25 L?

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  12. At a particular temperature and pressure, the volume of 12 g of `H_2` gas is 134.5 L. what will be the final volume of the gas if 4 g of `H_(2)` gas is added to it at the same temperature and pressure?

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  13. Find the volume of 2.2 g `CO_(2)` gas at `25^(@)C` & 570 mm Hg presssure. Consider that `CO_(2)` behvaes ideally.

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  14. A sample of Ar vapour contains `3xx10^(4)` atoms of Ar in a vacuum tube with a volume of 5 mL of `-100^(@)C`. Calculate the presure of the vapour in microtorr unit.

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  15. At 273 K and 76 cm Hg pressure, the volume of 0.64 g of a gas is 224 mL. what temperature 1 g of this gas will occupy a volume of 1 litre at 1 atm pressure?

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  16. At `25^(@)C` and at a certain pressure, 3.7 g of a gas occupies the same volume as the volume occupied by 0.184 of `H_(2)` gas at `17^(@)C` and the same pressure. Calculate molar mass of the gas.

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  17. A He balloon is such that it can rise to a maximum height of 50 km above the Earth's surface. When the balloon rises to this height, its expansion reaches maximum with a volume of `10^(5)L`. If the temperature and pressure of the air at this height are `-10^(@)C` and 1.8 mm Hg, respectively, then what mass of He gas will be required for the maximum expansion of the balloon?

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  18. At 300 K, an evacuated cylinder with a volume of 10Lgt is filled with 2 g of `H_(2) and 2g` of `D_(2)`. Find the pressure of the gas mixture in the cylinder. Will the presure be the samme if the container is cubical having the same volume?

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  19. When an open vessel at `27^(@)C` ws heated, three-fifths of the air is in escaped from it. If the volume of the vessel remained unchanged, calculate the temperature at which the vessel was heated?

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  20. A spherical balloon with a diameter of 21 cm is to be filled with hydrogen gas at STP from a cylinder of `H_(2)` gas at 20 atm pressure and `27^(@)C`. If the cylinder can hold 2.82 L of water, how many balloon can be filled with the hydrogen gas from the cylinder?

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  21. When 2 g of a gas 'M' is introduced into an empty flask at `30^(@)C`, its pressure becomes 1 atm. Now, if 3g of another gas 'N' is introduced in the same flask at the same temperature, the total pressure becomes 1.5 atm. Find the ratio of the molar masses of the two gases.

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  22. What is the density (in `g*cm^(-3)`) of nitric oxide (assuming ideal behaviour) at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure?

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  23. The density of `CO_(2)` at STP is `1.96g*L^(-1)`. A sample of `CO_(2)` occupies a volume of 480 mL at `17^(@)C` and 800 mm Hg pressure. What is the mass of the sample?

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  24. At `27^(@)C`, a cylinder of volume 10 L contains a gas mixture consisting of 0.4 He, 1.6g `O_(2)&1.4g` `H_(2)`. Determine the total pressure of the mixture and the partial pressure of He in the mixture.

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  25. The volume percentages of `N_(2),O_(2)` and He in gas mixture are 25, 35 and 40 , respectively. At a given temperature, the pressure of the mixture is 760 mm Hg. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas at the same temperature.

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  26. A mixture of `N_(2) and O_(2)` at 1 bar pressure contains 80% `N_(2)` by weight. Calculate the partial pressure of `N_(2)` in the mixture.

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  27. At a given temperature, the pressure in a oxygen cylinder is 10.3 atm. At the same temperature the pressure in another oxygen cylinder of volume 1/3rd of the first cylinder is 1.1 atm. Keeping temperature constant, if the two cylinders are connected, then what will be the pressure of `O_(2)` gas in the system?

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  28. Thermal decomposition of x g of `KClO_(3)` produces 760 mL `O_(2)`, which is collected over water at `27^(@)C` and 714 mm Hg pressure. Find the value of x. [Given tht at `27^(@)C`, aqueous tension=26 mm Hg and atomic weights of K=39, Cl=35.5, O=16]

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  29. The rate of diffusion of a gas is 2.92 times that of `NH_(3)` gas. Determine the molecular weight of that gas.

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  30. 432 mL of gas A effuses out through a fine orifice in 36 min. 288 mL of another gas B effuses out through the same orifice in 48 mon. if the molecular weight of B is 64, what is the molecular weight of A?

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  31. Molecular weights of two gases are 64 annd 100 respectively. If rate of diffusion of first gas be 15 `mL*sec^(-1)`, then what is the rate of diffusion of the other?

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  32. Determine the relative rates of diffusion of `""^(235)UF_(6)` and `""^(238)UF_(6)` gases?

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  33. In a mixture of `O_(2)` and an unknown gas, the percentage of the unknown gas is 20% by mass. At a given temperature and pressure, time required to effuse V mL of the gas mixture through an aperrture is 234.1 s. under the same conditions, time required to effuse the same volume of pure `O_(2)` gas is 223.1 s. what is the molar mass of unknown gas?

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  34. A gas mixture consisting of He and `CH_(4)` gases in mole ratio 4:1 is present in a vessel at a pressure of 20 bar. Due to a fine hole in the vessel, the gas mixture undergoes effusion. What is the composition (or ratio) of the initial gas mixture that is effused out?

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  35. X' and 'Y' are the two open ends of a glass tube with a length of 1m. `NH_(3)` gas through 'X' and HCl gas through 'Y' are simultaneously allowed to enter the tube. As `NH_(3)` and HCl gases diffuse towards each other inside the tube, they meet and react to form `NH_(4)Cl()`, and as a result of which a white fume appears. where will the white fume appear first inside the tube?

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  36. Determine the rato of root mean square velocity nad average velocity of the molecules in a gas at a given temperature.

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  37. Show that the root mean square velocity of an `O_(2)` molecule at `54^(@)C` is not twice its root mean square velocity at `27^(@)C`.

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  38. Determine the rms velocity, average velocity and most probable velocity of `H_(2)` molecules at 300 K.

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  39. At what temperature will the most probable velocity of `H_(2)` molecule be equal to the root mean square velocity of `O_(2)` molecule at `20^(@)C` ?

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  40. The density of `O_(2)` gas at 1 atm pressure and 273 K is 1.429 `g*dm^(-3)`. Calculate the root mean square velocity of `O_(2)` molecule at 273 K?

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  41. Determine the total kinetic energy of the molecule of 1 g `CO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` in the units of erg and calorie. Assume the ideal behaviour of the gas.

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  42. Determine the total kinetic energy of the molecules of 8.0 g `CH_(4)` at `27^(@)C` in the unit of joule.

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  43. At a given temperature, the average kinetic energy of `H_(2)` molecules is 3.742 `kJ*mol^(-1)`. Calculate root mean square velocity of `H_(2)` molecule at this temperature.

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  44. 2 mol of a van der waals gas at `27^(@)C` occupies a volume of 20 L. what is the pressure of the gas? [a=6.5 `atm*L^(-2)*mol^(-2),b=0.056L*mol^(-1)`]

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  45. A container with a volume of 5 L holds 100 g of `CO_(2)` at `40^(@)C`. For `CO_(2)` gas, a `=3.59L^(2)*atm*mol^(-2)` and `b=4.27xx10^(-2)L*mol^(-1)`. Determine the pressure of `CO_(2)` gas. How much does this value differ from that calculated by using ideal gas equation?

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  46. 2 mol of gas is kept in a 4 litre flask. The pressure of the gas at 300 K is 11 atm. If the value of 'b' for the gas is 0.05 `L*mol^(-1)`, then determine the value of 'a' by using van der waals equation.

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