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Complete Solutions to MCQ HOTSPOT of chapter STATES OF MATTER : GASES AND LIQUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following does not change during compression of a gas at constant pressure-

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  2. For which of the following gaseous mixtures, Dalton's law of partial pressure is not applicable-

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  3. Volume of a given mass of an ideal gas is VL at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure. If volume of the gas is reduced by 80% at constant pressure, temperature of the gas will have the be-

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  4. At STP, density of air is `1.3xx10^(-3)g*cm^(-3)`. Vapour density of air is-

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  5. At a given temperature, molar concentration of `N_(2)` is greater than that of `H_(2)` in a mixture of `N_(2) and H_(2)` gases present in a closed containerr. I the average kinetic enegies of `N_(2) and H_(2)` molecules are xJ and yJ respectively then,-

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  6. The density of gas A is `d_(A)` at a temperature of `T_(A)K`, and the density of gas B is `d_(B)` at a temperature of `T_(B)K`. The molar mass of A is 4 times that of B. if `T_(A):T_(B)=2:1` and `d_(A),d_(B)=1:2`, the ratio of pressure of A to B is-

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  7. Two gases A and B have respective van der waals constant `_(1),b_(1) and a_(2),b_(2).` if 'A' is more compressible than 'B' when which of the following conditions has to be satisfied:

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  8. The dimension of coefficient of viscosity-

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  9. The densities of water and water vapour are 1.0 `g*cm^(-3) and 0.0006g*cm^(-3)` respectively at `100^(@)C` and 1 atmm pressure. At this temperature, the total volume occupied by watrer molecules in 1L of water vapour is-

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  10. The most probable velocity of the molecules of gas A (molar mass 16`g*mol^(-1)`) and that of the molecules of gas B (molr mass 28 `g*mol^(-1)`) are the same. If the absolute temperature of the gases A and B are T(A) and T(B) respectively, then-

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  11. At a given temperature and pressure, the volume of 1 mol of an ideal gas is 10 L. at the same temperature and pressure, the volume of 1 mol of a real gas is VL. At this temperature and pressure, if the compressibility factor of the real gas is greater than 1, then -

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  12. Pressure of a gas increases when its temperature is increased at constant volume. This is because, with increase in temperature -

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  13. Under a gives conditions, the rate of diffusion of `CH_(4)` gas is `sqrt(2)` times that of `B_(2)` gas. Gas `B_(2)` reacts with element A to form gaseous compounds `AB_(2) and AB_(3)`. Under a given conditon, the rate of diffusion of `AB_(2)` is 1.12 times that of `AB_(3)`. the atomic mass of A (in `g*mol^(-1)`) -

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  14. Two flasks are connected by a valve: One of them with volume 5L contains 0.1 mol of `H_(2)` at `27^(@)C` and the other of volume 2L contains 0.1 mol of `N_(2)` at the same temperature. If the valve is opened keeping temperature constant, then at equilibrium the contribution of `H_(2)` gas to the total pressure of the gas mixture-

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  15. A balloon filled with acetylene is pricked by a pin and dropped readily in a tank of `H_(2)` gas under identical conditions. After a while the balloon will-

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  16. At STP, the density of a gas is `1.25g*L^(-1)`. The molar concentrationn `(mol*L^(-2))` of 0.7 g of this gas at `27^(@)C` and a pressure of 2 atm is-

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  17. There are 100 persons sitting at equal distances in a row XY. Laughing gas `(N_(2)O)` is released from the side X and tear gas (mol. Mass=176) from side Y at the same moment and at the same pressure. The person who will have a tendency to laugh and weep simultaneously is-

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  18. Van der waals constant, b of a gas is 4.42 centrilitre`*mol^(-1)`. How near can centres of 2 molecules approach each other -

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  19. Which of the following liquids has least surface tension-

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  20. At P atm pressure and TK a sphetical air bubble is rising from the depth of a lake. When it comes to the surface of the lake the percentage increase inn the radius will be (assume pressure and temperature at the surface to be P/4 atmm and 2TK respectively)-

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  21. A given mass of a perrfect gas is first heated in a small and then in a large vessel, such that their volumes remain unaltered. The P-T curves are-

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  22. At a given temperature, most of the molecules in a sample of oxygen gas move with a velocity of `4.06 xx10^(4)cm*s^(-1)`. The average velocity of the molecules of the gas at the same temperature is-

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  23. There is a depression in the surface of the liquid inside capillary tube when-

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  24. One mol of a real gas following the equation, P(V-b)=RT, the a compressibility factor of 1.2 at `0^(@)C` and 200 atm pressure. The value of 'b' for this gas is-

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  25. At a given temperature, the root mean square velocity of `O_(2)` molecules is `sqrt(2)` times than that of the molecules of a gas. The molar mass of the gas (in `g*mol^(-1)` ) is-

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  26. At a given condition, 20 L of `SO_(2)` gas a takes 60s for its effusion. At the same condition, the value of `O_(2)` gas that will effuse out in 30s is -

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  27. The average velocity of the molecules of a gas at `T_(1)K` will be the same as the most probable velocity of the molecules of the gas at `T_(2)K` when-

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  28. Two ideal gases A and B have molar masses `M_(A) and M_(B)g*mol^(-1)` respectively. Volumes of the same mass of A and B are the same, and the rms velocity of A molecules is twice that of the molecules of B. if `M_(A):M_(B)=2:1`, then the ratio of the pressures of A to B is-

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  29. The uncertainty in the position of an electron moving with a velocity of `1x10^4ms^-1` (accurate up to `0.011%`) will be

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  30. An open vessel has a temperature of TK. When the vessel is heated at `477^(@)C`, three fifths of air in the vessel escapes out. What fraction of air in the vessel would have been expelled out if the vessel were heated at 900 K (assume that volume of the vessel remains unchanged on heating)-

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  31. Critical temperature of the gases A, B, C and D are 126 K, 155K, 304 K and 356 K respectively. Among these gases the one with strongest intermolecules forces of attraction is-

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  32. The volumes of two gases A and B at `0^(@)C` and 200 atm pressure are 0.112 L and 0.09 L respectively. Which of the following comments is true for these gases at this temperature and pressure-

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  33. Which of the following correctly represents the relation between capillary rise (h) and radius of capillary (r)-

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  34. For `CO_(2)` gas the P vs V isotherms at temperature above `31.1^(@)C` are-

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  35. At a certain temperature, 1 mol of chlorine gas at 1.2 atm takes 40 sec to diffuse while 1 mol of its oxide at 2 atm takes 26.5 sec. the oxide is-

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  36. At 10 bar pressure a 4:1 mixture of He and `CH_(4)` is contained in a vessel. The gas mixture leaks out through a hole present in the vessel. The mixture effusing out has an initial composition of -

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  37. A gas mixture consisting of 1 mol of `N_(2) and 3` mol of `O_(2)` has a pressure of 2 atmm at `0^(@)C`. Keeping the volume and the temperature of the mixture constant, some amount of `O_(2)` was removed from the mixture. As a result, the total pressure of the mixture and the partial pressure of `N_(2)` in the mixture became 1.5 atm and 0.5 atm respectively. the amount of oxygen gas removed was-

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  38. The quantity `(PV)/(kT)` represents -

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  39. At STP, `O_(2)` gas present in a flask was replaced by `SO_(2)` under similar conditions. The mass of `SO_(2)` present in the flask will be-

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  40. The relative densities of oxygen annd carbon dioxide are 16 and 22 respectively. If `37.5cm^(3)` of oxygen effuses out in 96s, what volume of carbon dioxide will effuse out in 75s under similar conditions-

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MCQ HOTSPOT questions and complete solutions for chapter STATES OF MATTER : GASES AND LIQUIDS of CHHAYA CHEMISTRY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11