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Complete Solutions to HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL (HOYS) QUESTIONS of chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A metal ball is suspended from the roof of a train by a string. When the train is in uniform motion, will the string remain vertical? What happens to the string if the train accelerates?

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  2. When a bullet is fired at a glass window, it creates a round hole on the glass pane without shattering the whole pane. But when we throw a stone, the glass pane shatters. Explain.

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  3. A body is kept on the floor of a train. When the train accelerates forward, the body gains a backward acceleration. Which force is responsible for the backward acceleration?

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  4. A body of mass m is suspended by two strings making angles `alpha_(1) and alpha_(2)` with the horizontal. Find the tension in the strings.

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  5. A force is applied on a particle in a lift moving upward with an acceleration `alpha`. Can Newton's second law of motion be applied to describe the motion of this particle?

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  6. Masses 1 kg and 3 kg move towards each other, due to their mutual attraction , no other external force acts on them. When their velocity of approach is 2 m`cdot s^(-1)` , the velocity of the centre of mass is 0.5 m`cdot s^(-1)`. What will be the velocity of the centre of mass of this system when the velocity of approach is 3 m`cdot s^(-1)`.

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  7. Is it possible, for a person sitting inside a car at rest, to make the car move by pushing it from inside?

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  8. A meteorite burns in air. Is the momentum of the meteorite conserved?

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  9. A man of mass m is standing on a rope-ladder attached to and kept vertical by a balloon af mass m at rest in the air.the man starts climbing up the rope-ladder at a constant speed v with respect to the ladder.what will be the velocity of the balloon at that time?

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  10. A ball in thrown up. The magnitude of its momentum first decreases and then increases. Does this violate the conservation of momentum principle.

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  11. In a game of tug-of-war, if both the parties exert a force of T dyn from either side, what will be the tension in the rope?

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  12. Two persons pull a rope by its two ends, exerting equal but opposite forces F. In another situation, one end of the rope is tied to a rigid support and a person pulls it with a force of 2F. In which case will the tension in the be greater ?

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  13. A uniform rope of length L rests on a smooth plane. One end of the rope is pulled with a force F. what is the tension in the rope at a distance l from that end ?

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  14. A boat is floating in still water. A man walks from one end of the boat to the other . What will be the displacement of the boat?

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  15. A jet plane usually fllies at a considerable height but a propeller plane fllies at a low altitude. Explain.

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  16. Which principle of conservation can explain the flight of a rocket?

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  17. Two persons are facing each other on two boats floating on still water. They are holding the two ends of a rope. When either of them or both pull the rope, then the boats meet at the same point whatever the pull on the rope may be. Give reasons for this. Is there any difference in the times taken by the boats to meet, for different forces applied on the rope?

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  18. A block of mass m is suspended from the ceilling using a string C. Another piece of string D is fitted to the other end of block. When the string D is pulled suddenly, it snaps . But when D is pulled slowly. The string C snaps. Explain.

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  19. Rocket is the only means of travel in space - explain.

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  20. Two balls of different masses have the same volume. If the air resistance on both the balls are the same, prove that, when dropped from the same height, the heavier ball reaches the ground earlier.

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  21. A balloon of mass M, carrying some is descending with an acceleration a. When `(1)/(4)` th of the sand is emptied out the balloon, the balloon descends with a unifrom velocity. Find the initial mass of sand in the balloon.

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  22. Two forces, `F_(1) and F_(1)` are applied at the two ends of a rope of length l. `F_(2) gt F_(1)` and they are oppositely directed . What will be the force that will act at a point at a distance x from one of the extreme ends of the rope?

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  23. If you stand on the floor it exerts an upward reaction on you. Then why don't you fo up ?

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  24. A body of weight `W_(1)` is suspended from from the ceiling of a room by a rope of weight `W_(2)`. What is the force exerted by the ceiling on the body?

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  25. A ball of mass m is suspended by a light thread attached to the hook of a car. At the precise moment when the car began to descend a smooth inclined plane under gravity, the thread was perpendicular to the plane. When the car begins to descend, what angle will the thread make with the plane? the angle of inclination = `alpha`.

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  26. A body of mass 1 kg initially at rest explodes and breaks into three fragments of masses in the ration 1 : 1 : 3. The two pieces of equal mass fly off perpendicular to each other with a speed of 30 m/s each. What is the velocity of the heavier fragment?

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