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Complete Solutions to PROBLEM SET - I of chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A force of 1 N acts for 4 s on a mass of 500 g. If the mass is initially at rest, find its final velocity.

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  2. A bullet, of mass 50 g moving at 400 m`cdot s^(-1)` , penetrates 20 cm into a wall and stops. Find the average resistance offered by the wall.

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  3. What force is required to generate a velocity of 36 km`cdot h^(-1)` in a body of mass 500 g. within a distance of 2 m?

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  4. A force of 500 dyn is applied against the motion of a body of mass 50 g moving at 1 m`cdot s^(-1)`. When and where will the body stop?

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  5. A body of mass 20 kg falls from a height of 20 m on the earth's surface. If the resistance offered by the surface is 10000 N , how far will the body penetrate?
    (g = 10 m`cdot s^(-2)`)

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  6. A mass m acquires a velocity v after covering a distance x, when a force F is applied on it for time t. show that, t `= (mv)/(F) and x = (1)/(2) (mv^(2))/(F)`.

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  7. A block of mass `m_(1)` kg accelerates at 10 m`cdot s^(-2)` when a force of 10 N acts on it. Another block of mass `m_(2)` kg accelerates at 5 `m cdot s^(-2)` when the same force acts on it. Find the acceleration if both the blocks are tied together and same force acts on the combination.

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  8. A hammer of mass 4 kg, falling from a height of 50 cm, hits a nail, partially fixed on a surface, and stops in 0.1 s. find the force exerted on the nail in N.

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  9. A cricket ball of mass 125 g, moving horizontally at 30 m`cdot s^(-1)` is hit by a bat and then it moves in the opposite direction at 20 m`cdot s^(-1)`. If the collision takes place for `(1)/(20)`s, find the force exerted by the bat.

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  10. A rubber ball of mass 100 g falls from a height of 1 m rebounds to a height of 40 cm. Find the impulse and the average force between the ball and the ground if time during which they are in contact was 0.1 s.

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  11. A block of mass 5 kg lies on a horizontal frictionless plane. A string attached to it passes over a smooth pulley fixed to the edge of the plane and carries a load of mass 1 kg. Find the acceleration of the system.

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  12. A mass of 1 kg is suspended from the roof of a lift by a wire. The wire can withstand a maximum tension of 14.7 N. Find the limit of the acceleration of the lift for which the wire does not snap. G = 9.8 `m cdot s^(-2)`

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  13. A balloon of mass 1000 kg is motionless is the air at some height above the earth's surface. When an object of mass 200 kg is dropped from the balloon, what will be the acceleration with which the balloon starts rising?
    (g = 9.8 m `cdot s^(-2)` )

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  14. From a gun of mass 10 kg , a bullet of mass 50 g is fired. Find the recoil velocity of the gun if the velocity of the bullet is 400 m`cdot s^(-1)`.

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  15. A bomb at rest explodes into three fragments of equal masses. Two fragments fly off at right angles to each other with velocities 9 m`cdot s^(-1)` and 12 m`cdot s^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the speed of the third.

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  16. A stone of cross - sectional area `10m^(2)` completely stops the flow of a river current of 5 m`cdot s^(-1)` . What is the force exerted on the stone? (denstiy of water = 1000 kg`cdot m^(-3)` )

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  17. A piece of stone of mass m is sliding down a smooth ice surface. Standing on the same surface, a boy of mass M picks up the stone. Find the initial velocity acquired by the boy.

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  18. A football of mass 200 g moving towards a player with a velocity of 20m`cdot s^(-2)` is kicked back by him. If the ball after being kicked moves with a velocity of 30 m`cdot s^(-1)` at an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal, then find (i) the net impuse of the force and (ii) the average force acting on the football. (Given , time of contact between football and the foot of the player is 0.1 s )

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PROBLEM SET - I questions and complete solutions for chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11