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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL EXAMPLES of chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A force of 100 dyn acts on a mass of 25g for 5 s. Find the velocity attained.

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  2. A force acts on a mass of 16 g for 3 s and then ceases to act. In the next 3 seconds, the mass travels 81 cm. What was the magnitude of the force?

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  3. A bullet of mass 50 g moving at 400 m`cdot s^(-1)` penetrates a wall with an average force of 4`xx 10 ^(4)` N. It comes out of the other side of the wall at 50 m`cdot s^(-1)`. Find the thickness of the wall.

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  4. The force on a particle of mass 10 g is `(10 hat(i) + 5 hat(j))` N. If it starts from rest what would be its position at time t = 5s ?

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  5. Raindrops of radius 1 mm and mass 4 mg are falling with a speed of 30 m/s on the head of a bald person.The drops splash on the head and come to rest. Assuming equivalently that the drops cover a distance equal to their radii on the head, estimate the force exerted by each drop on the head.

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  6. A paratrooper of mass 75 kg falls with a constant velocity. Find the air resistance acting on him.

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  7. The graph ABCD in represents the change in force (N) against time (`mu`s). Find the impulse on the body between 4 `mu`s to 16 `mu`s.

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  8. The initial speed of a body of mass 2.0 kg is 5.0 m/s. A force acts for 4 s in the direction of motion of the body. The force-time graph is shown in Calculate the impulse of the force and the final speed of the body.

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  9. A hammer of mass 1 kg hits a nail at a speed of 10 m. `s^(-1)` . For this, the nail penetrates 2 cm through a wooden plank. Calculate (i) impulse due to the hammer, (ii) the applied force and (iii) the time of contact between the hammer and the nail.

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  10. Water, ejected from the jet of a fire fighting engine, hits a wall perpendicularly at the rate of 12.2 m`cdot s^(-1)`. Assuming that the water does not recoil from the wall, calculate the pressuer developed on the wall. Mass of 1 `m^(3)` of water `10^(3)` kg.

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  11. Two bodies of equal mass are at rest, side by side. A constant force F is applied on the first body while at the same instant an impulsive force, producing an impulse I is applied in the same direction on the second body. Determine the time taken by them, in terms of F and I, to be side by side again.

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  12. A cricket ball of mass 150 g, moving at 12 m`cdot s^(-1)` , is hit by a cricket bat. The ball recoils with a velocity of 20 m`cdot s^(-1)`. If the bat was in contact with the ball for 0.01 s, find the average force imparted on the ball by the bat.

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  13. A person of mass 60 kg jumps from a height of 5 m, onto the ground. If he does not bend his knees on touching the ground, he comes to rest in `(1)/(10)` s. But if he bends his knees, he takes 1 s to come to rest. Find the force exerted by the ground on him in the two cases. [ g = 10 m `cdot s^(2)` ]

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  14. Two masses M and m are connected at the two ends of an inextensible string. The string passes over a smooth frictionless pulley. Calculate the acceleration of the masses . Given M > m.

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  15. Two blocks of masses 2.9 kg and 1.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support, using two inextensible wires, each of length 1m , as shown in. The mass of the upper string is negligible and that of the lower string is 0.2 kg`cdot m^(-1)` . If the whole system is moving up with an acceleration of 0.2 m`cdot s^(-2)`, find (i) the tension at the midpoint of the lower string and (ii) the tension at the midpoint of the upper string. Acceleration due to gravity
    9.8 `m cdot s^(-2)`.

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  16. Two bodies of masses 7 kg and 5 kg are joined with a rope of mass 4 kg . An upward force of 200 N is applied on the upper body. Find (i) the acceleration of the system, (ii) tension t the top end of the rope and (iii) tension at the midpoint of the rope.

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  17. A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50kg. The length of the scale is 20cm. A body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with period of 0.6s. What is the weight of the body ?

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  18. A body of mass 1 kg is suspended from a spring balance calibrated for acceleration due to gravity of 10 m`cdot s^(-2)`. What is the reading on the spring balance when the system (i) is ascending with an acceleration of 5 m`cdot s^(-2)` and (ii) is descending with the same acceleration? [ g = 10 `m cdot s^(-2)`]

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  19. A man of 50 kg is standing on a weighing machine in a lift. As the lift moves with a constant acceleration, the weighing machine registers the man's weight as 45 kg. State whether the lift is ascending or descending. Give reasons for your answer. What is the acceleration of the lift? [ g = 9.8 `m cdot s^(-2)` ]

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  20. A man of mass 70 kg is sitting in a motor car. The car is moving with an acceleration of 5 m`cdot s^(-2)`. What is the gravitational force on the man?
    [ g = 9.8 m`cdot s^(-2)`]

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  21. A man of mass 60 kg is standing in a lift at rest. What will be the reaction force on the man when the lift is (i) stationary, (ii) moving up with an acceleration of 4.9 `m cdot s^(-2)` , (iii) moving up at a constant speed, and (iv) moving up with a retardation of 4.9 m`cdot s^(2)`? [ g = 9.8 m`cdot s^(2)`]

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  22. A man of mass 98 kg, is standing on a weighing machine in a lift. What will be the readings of the weighing machine in the following cases: (i) the lift ascends at 100 cm per second. (ii) The lift descends with an acceleration of 30 cm`cdot s^(-2)` ?
    [ g = 980 cm`cdot s^(-2)`]

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  23. A man weighing 60 kg is in a lift that descends with an acceleration of 4 cm`cdot s^(-2)`. What force will the man exert on the floor of the lift?

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  24. A lift of mass 200 kg is moving up with an acceleration of 4 m`cdot s^(-2)`. What is the tension in the lift cable? If the lift moves down with the same acceleration, what will be the tension in that case?
    [ g = 9.8 m`cdot s^(-2)` ]

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  25. A lift of mass 2000 kg is supported by thick steel ropes. If maximum upward acceleration of the lift be 1.2 `m//s^(2)`, and the breaking stress for the ropes be `2.8 xx 10^(8)`N/`m^(2)`, what should be the minimum diameter of the rope?

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  26. A bullet of mass 6 g is fired with a velocity of 500 m`cdot s^(-1)` from a gun of mass 4 kg. Find the recoil velocity of gun.

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  27. While firing a bullet of mass 8 g, the recoil velocity of the gun of mass 5 kg becomes 64 cm`cdot s^(-1)`. The bullet penetrates 50 cm through a target and then stops. Express the average resistance on the bullet in newton.

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  28. A body of mass m moving with velocity V along the X-axis, collides with another mass M moving with velocity v along the Y-axis. The masses coalesce after collision. Find the velocity and the direction of motion of the combined mass.

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  29. A body of mass 50 kg is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 100 `m cdot s^(-1)`. After 5 s it splits up into two parts due to an explosion. One part of mass 20 kg moves vertically upwards with a velocity of 150 `m cdot s^(-1)`.Find the velocity of the second body. Find the sum of momenta of the two parts 3 s after the explosion and show that if there was no explosion. the momentum of the body would have been constant.

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  30. A body P of mass 20 g and another body Q of mass 40 g are projected at the same time from points A and B on the earth's surface. Velocity of projection for each was 49 m`cdot s^(-1)` and it was directed at an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal. Distance AB = 245m. P and Q collide on the same vertical plane. After collision, P retraces its path to the ground. Find the position where Q touches the ground. How long will Q take to reach the ground after the collision? [ g = 9.8 m`cdot s^(-2)`]

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  31. A car of mass 2000 kg collides with a truck of mass `10^(4)` kg moving at 48 km`cdot h^(-1)`. After collision the car rides up the truck and the truck-car combination moves at 15 km`cdot h^(-1)`. What was the velocity of the car before collision?

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  32. A ball weighing 100 g was thrown veritcally upwards with a velocity 49 ms^(-1). At the same moment another indentical ball was dropped from a height of 98 m vertically above the first ball. After some time the two balls collided and got stuck together. This combined mass reached the ground finally. Determine how long the balls were in motion.

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  33. A body of mass m is at rest on a smooth horizontal plane. A force F = kt is applied on the body making an angle `alpha` with the horizontal. In the equation of force, t is time and k is a constant. At the instant the object loses contact with the plane, how far will it move along the plane and what will be its velocity?

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  34. A cannonball of mass 50 kg is fired with a velocity of 40 m`cdot s^(-1)` form a cannon of mass 1000 kg. what will be the recoil velocity of the cannon?
    If the force of friction between the surface and the wheels of the cannon is `(1)/(10)`th of the weight of the cannon, how far will the cannon move before coming to rest? [ Given, g = 10 `m cdot s^(-2)`]

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  35. Four identical blocks, each of mass m, are connected as shown in and are kept on horizontal table. A force F is applied on the first block.Find the tension in each string, neglecting friction.

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  36. A wagon is moving along a straight railway track with a velocity of 3.2 `m cdot s^(-1)`. The wagon is being loaded with coal in moving condition at a rate of 540 kg.`min^(-1)`. How much force is to be applied to move the wagon at a constant velocity?Assume, the initial velocity of the coal at horizontal direction is zero.

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  37. A rocket loses `(1)/(4)`th of its mass in one second, during its upward motion. The speed of ejection of gas is 4000 m`cdot s^(-1)`. Find the acceleration gained.

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  38. rocket is using 200 kg of fuel per second for its flight. Gas produced during combustion is ejected at a velocity of 6000 m`cdot s^(-1)`. What is the force acting on the rocket?

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  39. A machine gun fires bullets at the rate of 180 shots per minute. Each bullet is of mass 20 g and moves with a velocity of 1 km `cdot s^(-1)` . After colliding perdicularly with a steel plate, the bullets rebound with half the incident speed. What will be the force required to keep the steel plate in position?

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  40. Just before take-off, the mass of a rocket is 4000 kg and the velocity of ejection of the burnt fuel is 400 m`cdot s^(-1)` . What should be the rate of combustion of the fuel so that the rocket can take off vertically?

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NUMERICAL EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11