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Complete Solutions to Hots Numerical Problems (Based on Rectilinear Motion) of chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIHots Numerical Problems (Based on Rectilinear Motion)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A car starting with velocity 10 `"m.s"^(-1)` attains an acceleration 1 `"m.s"^(-2)`.
    After what time interval will its velocity be 20 `"m.s"^(-1)` ?

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  2. A car starting with velocity 10 `"m.s"^(-1)` attains an acceleration 1 `"m.s"^(-2)`.
    What would be the distance traveled in time interval 10 sec?

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  3. A car starting with velocity 10 `"m.s"^(-1)` attains an acceleration 1 `"m.s"^(-2)`.
    What would be the velocity after traveling the first 100 m of the path?

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  4. The acceleration of an obeject starting from rest is related to time as a = Kt+c. What will be its velocity after time t ?

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  5. A particle starts moving from rest with uniform acceleration. It travels a distance x in first 2 seconds and distance y in the next 2 seconds. Then:

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  6. A body with a uniform acceleration travels `(9)/(25)` part of its total path during the last second of its motion. If the body, starting from rest travel 6 cm in the first second
    how long does the body remain in motion?

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  7. A body with a uniform acceleration travels `(9)/(25)` part of its total path during the last second of its motion. If the body, starting from rest travel 6 cm in the first second
    What is the length of the total path traveled ?

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  8. A particle was at x =0 at t = 0 . It moves with velocity v along the positive x -axis . If v changes with respect to x following the rule v = k `sqrt(x)` , how do its velocity and acceleration change with time?

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  9. Two trains, moving at velocities `u_(1)` and `u_(2)` travel along the same line towards each other. Drivers of both the trains when the trains are at a distance x apart simultaneously apply brakes producing retardations `a_(1)` and `a_(2)` , respectively. Prove that a collision can be avoided only if `u_(1)^(2)a_(2)+u_(2)^(2)a_(1)=2a_(1)a_(2)x.`

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  10. Acceleration of a body is given by a = `2sqrt(t)` , where t is the time. If the body starts from rest what will be its velocity and acceleration 4 s later ? [ SI units are to be used ]

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  11. A particle moves in a straight line with constant acceleration, starting from a point on the line. It moves through distances a ,b,c and d, in 0. n, 2n and 3n s respectively. Show that,
    (i) d-a = 3(c-b) (ii) initial velocity = `(4b-3a-c)/(2n)` and (iii) acceleration = `(c+a-2b)/(n^(2)).`

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  12. A particle with constant acceleration travels x m in t th second and y m in (t+n)th second. Show that the acceleration is `(y-x)/(n) "m.s"^(-2)`.

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  13. A train starts from a station and stops at another station. First the velocity of the train increases at a uniform rate, reaches a maximum velocity v and then starts decreasing at a constant rate. If the time spent for the entire journey is t, prove that the distance between the two stations is `(1)/(2)`vt.

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  14. Starting from rest a body moves at first with constant acceleration a. Then it moves with a uniform velocity and finally comes to rest with a constant retardation a. If the displacement is s and time taken is t, prove that the body was in motion with uniform velocity for a time interval of `sqrt(t^(2)-4s//a).`

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  15. A particle crosses points A, B, C in a straight line at a constant acceleration. The particle travels from A to B in time `t_(1)` and B to C in time `t_(2)` . If AB = a , BC = b then prove that the acceleration of the particle is `2(bt_(1)-at_(2))//t_(1)t_(2)(t_(1)+t_(2))`.

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  16. A particle moves along a straight line with a retardations of `av^(n+1)` , where v is the velocity at time t and a is a positive constant. If at t = 0 the velocity of the particle is u, show that at = `(1)/(n)((1)/(v^(n))-(1)/(u^(n))).`

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  17. If the time taken by a particle moving at constant acceleration to travel equal distances along a straight line are `t_(1), t_(2), t_(3)` respectively prove that `(1)/(t_(1))-(1)/(t_(2))+(1)/(t_(3))=(3)/(t_(1)+t_(2)+t_(3))`.

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  18. An object moving with a constant acceleration in a straight line travels from A to B. At half -time , the position of the object is P . Prove that `(AP)/(BP) = (3u+v)/(3v+u)`, where u and v are the velocities at A and B respectively.

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  19. A particle travels half of the distance between A and B with a velocity `v_(0)`. During half of the time required to travel the remaining distance the particle moves with a velocity `v_(1)` and the rest with a velocity `v_(2)`. Find the average velocity of the particle.

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  20. A train, initially at station A , starts its journey and eventually stops at station B after travelling a distance s . The first part of its journey is under uniform acceleration u and the later part under uniform retardation v . Show that the time taken for the journey is `sqrt(2s((1)/(u)+(1)/(v))).`

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  21. Two cyclists are in motion towards each other along a slightly inclined hill road. The first cyclist starts with a velocity of 5.4 kg /h and attains a downhill acceleration `0.2 m//s^(2)`. The second cyclist is under an uphill retardation of 0.2 m/`s^(2)` after starting with a velocity of 18 km/h . If the initial distance between them is 130 m , then when would they meet? What would be their velocities at that instant?

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  22. The velocity of a particle moving along the positive direction of x-axis is v=`Asqrt(x)`, where A is a positive constant. At time t = 0 , the displacement of the particle is taken as x = 0 . (i) Express velocity and acceleration as functions of time , and (ii) find out the average velocity of the particle in the period when it travels through a distance s ?

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  23. A particle, starting from rest, is in uniform acceleration. Its displacement in (P- 1) seconds and P seconds are `s_(1) `and `s_(2)` respectively . Then what would be its displacement in the `(P^(2)-P+1)` -th second?

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  24. From what height should a stone be dropped so that the ratio of the distances traveled during the first and the last second of the fall is 1:9 ? Find the total time of its fall. [`g = 9.8 "m.s"^(-2)`].

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  25. Points P, Q and R are in a vertical line such that PQ = QR. A ball at P is allowed to fall freely. The ratio of times of descent through PQ and QR is

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  26. An object is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 30 m.`s^(-1)`.The velocity of the object half a second before it reaches the maximum height is

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  27. A lift starts moving upwards from ground with a constant acceleration a cm.`s^(-2)`. After t s a piece of stone is dropped from it. Show that the stone touches the ground after `(tsqrt(a))/(g) (sqrta+sqrt(a+g))s.`

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  28. A piece of stone is dropped from the top of a pillar. It travels the last h ft of the height in t s. Prove that the time of fall for the stone is `((t)/(2)+(h)/("gt"))`s.

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  29. Figure 1.68 gives the speed -time graph of a particle in motion along a constant direction. Three equal intervals of time are shown. In which interval is the average acceleration greatest in magnitude ? In which interval is the average speed greatest? Choosing the positive direction as the constant direction of motion give the signs of v and a in the three intervals. What are the acceleration at the points A,B,C and D?

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  30. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 200 m high with initial speeds of 15 `"m.s"^(-1)` and 30 `"m.s"^(-1)`. Verify that the graph shown in correctly represents the time variation of the relative position of the second stone with respect to the first. Neglect air resistance and assume that the stones do not rebound after hitting the ground. Take g = 10 m.`s^(-2)`. Give the equations for the linear and curved parts of the plot.

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Hots Numerical Problems (Based on Rectilinear Motion) questions and complete solutions for chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11