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Complete Solutions to Numerical Examples of chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle moves along a circular path of radius 7 cm. Estimate the distance covered and displacement when the particle (i) covers half circular path and (ii) completes the total circular path once.

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  2. A particle move `10 sqrt(3)` m towards east and then 10 m towards north. Find the magnitude and direction of its displacement .

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  3. A particle moves in a circular path of radius 7 cm. It covers (i) half of the circle in 4s and (ii) one complete round in 10 s. In each case find the average speed and average velocity.

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  4. An aeroplane travels 2000 km to the west. It then turns north and moves 2000 km more. Finally it follows the shortest path to return to its starting point. If the speed of the plane is 200 km.`h^(-1)`, find its average velocity for the total journey .

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  5. Find the speed of the tip of a 3 cm long second's hand in a clock.

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  6. A train travels from station A to station B at a constant speed of 40 km. `h^(-1)` and returns from B to A at 60 km . `h^(-1)` . Find the average speed and average velocity of the train.

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  7. The motion of a particle, along x-axis, follows the relation x = 8t-`3t^(2)` . Here x and t are expressed in metre and second respectively . Find (i) the average velocity of the particle in time interval 0 to 1 s and (ii) its instantaneous velocity at t = 1 s.

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  8. A person travels half of a distance at an average velocity of 24 km.`h^(-1)`. At what average velocity should he move to cover the second half of the path so that his average velocity for the total path becomes 32 km . `h^(-1)`?

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  9. A velocity of 60 km.`h^(-1)` of a train is reduced by the application of brakes. A retardation of 40 cm .`s^(-1)` is produced . After how much time will the train stop? What will be the velocity of the train after 20 s?

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  10. A body covers 200 cm in the first 2s of motion and 220 cm in the next 4s. Calculate the velocity 7s after the start.

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  11. A man is 9 m behind a train at rest. The train starts with an acceleration of 2 `"m.s"^(-2)` and simultaneously the man starts running. He is able to board the train somehow after 3 s. Find the acceleration of the man.

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  12. A particle moves with a uniform acceleration along a straight line. It covers 41 cm and 49 cm in the 6th and the 10th seconds respectively. What will be the distance covered by the particle in 15 s?

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  13. A train begins its journey from station A and stops at station B after 45 min. C is a certain point between A and B where the train attains its maximum velocity of 50 km.`"h"^(-1)` . If the train travels from A to C with a uniform acceleration and from C to B with a uniform retardation, calculate the distance between A and B.

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  14. A train moving with a constant acceleration crosses an observer standing on the platform. The first and the second compartments, each 15 m long cross the observer in 2s and 2.5 s, respectively. Find the velocity of the train when its first compartment just crosses the observer and also find its acceleration.

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  15. A bullet with an initial velocity u penetrates a target. After penetrating a distance x, its velocity decreases by `(u)/(n)`. How much farther will the buIIet move through the before if comes to rest?

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  16. Starting from rest, a train traveIs a certain distance with a uniform acceleration `alpha`. Then it traveIs with a uniform retardation `beta` and finally comes to rest again. If the totaI time of motion is t,find (i) the maximum velocity attained and (ii) the totaI distance travelled by the train.

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  17. A partical traveIIing with uniform acceleration along a straight line has average velocities `v_(1),v_(2)` and `v_(3)` in successive time intervals `t_(1),t_(2)` and `t_(3)` respectively . Prove that, `(v_(2)-v_(1))/(v_(3)-v_(2))=(t_(1)+t_(2))/(t_(2)+t_(3))`

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  18. A bullet, moving with a velocity of 200 `"m.s"^(-1)` can just go through a 4 cm thick plank. What should be the velocity of a bullet for just going through a 10 cm thick identical plank?

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  19. The speed of a train drops 48 `"km.h"^(-1)` to 24 `"km.h"^(-1)` after moving through a distance of 108 m with uniform retardation. How much farther would it move with the same retardation before coming to rest?

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  20. A particle starts with a velocity u with a uniform acceleration f. In the p-th, q-th and r-th seconds, it moves through distances a,b and c respectively. Prove that `a(q-r)+b(r-p)+c(p-q) = 0`

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  21. From two stations A and B, two trains started simultaneously towards each other with velocities `v_(1) "and" v_(2)` respectively. After they crossed each other the first train reached B in time `t_(1)` and the second train reached A in time `t_(2)`. Show that `v_(1) : v_(2) = `sqrt(t_(2)):sqrt(t_(1))`

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  22. A train attains a velocity v after starting from rest with a uniform acceleration `alpha`. Then the train travels for sometime withuniform velocity, and at last comes to rest with a uniform retardation `beta`. If the overall displacement is s in time t , show that `t = (s)/(v)+(v)/(2)((1)/alpha+(1)/(beta))`

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  23. s-t graph for a partical, moving with a constant acceleration, subtends `45^(@)`angIe with the time axis at time t. That angle becomes `60^(@)` 1s Iater. Find the acceleration of the partical.

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  24. Displacement x and time t, in a rectiIinear motion of a partical are reIated as `t = sqrt(x)+3`. Here x is measured in metre and t in second. Find the displacement of the partical when its velocity is zero.

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  25. A body starts from rest and moves with an acceleration proportionaI to time. (i) Find its velocity n s after starting. (ii) What distance will it traveI in n s?

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  26. Velocity of a moving partical v decreases with its displacement. Given, `v = v_(0) - alpha`x where `v_(0)`= initial velocity ,x = displacement and alpha is a constant. How long will the partical take to reach a point B on the x- axis at a distance `x_(m)`from the origin?

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  27. The relation between the time taken and the displacement of a moving body is s = `2t - 3t^(2) + 4t^(3)`, where the unit of s is in metre and that of t is in second. Find out the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the body 2s after initiation of the journey.

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  28. For a particle travelling along a straight line the equation of motion is s = 16 t+5`t^(2)`. Show that it will always travel with uniform acceleration.

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  29. If a,b and c are constant of motion and `s = at^(2)+bt+ c`, then prove that 4a(s-c) = `v^(2) - b^(2)`.

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  30. The retardation `alpha` of a particle in rectilinear motion is proportional to the square root of its velocity v. Assume that the constant A of proportionality is positive. The initial velocity of the particle is `v_(0)` . How far would the particle move before coming to rest? What would be the time required to travel that distance?

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  31. The acceleration-time graph of a particle starting from rest is given in. Draw the corresponding velocity-time graph and hence find out the displacement in 6s.

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  32. A stone is dropped from a height of 19.6m. What is the time taken by the stone to travel the last metre of the path?

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  33. An object is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 40 `"m.s"^(-1)`. (i) How long will the object move upwards? (ii) What will be the maximum height attained? (iii) How much time will it taken to reach the ground ? (iv) When will the object be at a height of 25 m from the ground ? (v) What will be its velocity after 2 s? [` g= 9.8 "m.s"^(-2)]`.

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  34. A ball falls freely on a perfectly elastic plate from a height of 3m . At the instant t = 0 , the velocity of the ball is zero. Draw velocity -time graph for the motion of the ball. [g = 9.8 `"m.s"^(-2)` ]

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  35. A body is thrown vertically upwards. After attaining half of its maximum height its velocity becomes 14 `"m.s"^(-2)`. (i) How high will the body rise? (ii)What will be the velocity of the body 1 s and 3 s after its projection? (iii)What is the average velocity of the body in the first haIf second?

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  36. A piece of stone was dropped from a stationary baloon. The stone covered 13.9 m during the last `(1)/(7)`s of its descent. Find the height of the balloon and the velocity of the stone whe it strikes the ground. [g = 9.8 `"m.s" ^(-2)`]

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  37. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 400 m high. At the same time another stone is thrown upwards from the ground with a velocity of 100 `"m.s"^(-2)`. When and where will they meet each other? [g = 9.8 `"m.s"^(-2)`]

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  38. A stone is dropped from the top of a vertical pillar. When the stone has fallen through a height x, another stone is dropped from height y below the top of the pillar. Both the stones touch the ground at the same time . Prove that the height of the pillar should `(x+y)^(2)/(4x)`.

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  39. A,B,C and D are four points on a vertical line such that AB = BC CD. A body is allowed to fall freely from A. Prove that the respective times required by the body to cross the distances AB, BC, CD should be in the ratio `1 : (sqrt(2)-1) : (sqrt(3)-sqrt(2)).`

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  40. A rubber ball is thrown vertically downwards from the top of a tower with an initial velocity of `14"m.s"^(-1)` . A second ball is dropped 1 s later from the same place. In 2 s the first ball reaches the ground and rebounds upwards with the same velocity. When will they collide with each other?

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  41. An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is deaccelerated at a rate given by ` a= - 2.5 sqrt(v) `, where v is the instantaneous speed. What is the time taken by the object to come to rest?

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  42. Two bodies reIeased from different heights fall freeIy and reach the ground at the same time. The first body takes a time,`t_(1) = 2`s and second body takes a time, `t_(2) = 1`s. What was the height of the first body at the time of reIease of the second body?

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  43. A balloon moves verticaIIy upwards with a uniform velocity `v_(0)`. A weight is tied to baIIoon with a rope. When the baIIoon attains a height `h_(0)`, the rope snaps. How much time will the weight take to reach the ground?

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  44. According to , three cars P, Q and R are at three points along the x-axis at a given moment. Now the car p starts its motion towards `P_(1)` parallel to the y-axis with a uniform velocity v. Again, R is in motion paraIIeI to the y-axis along `"RR"_(1)` with uniform acceleration a. If the car Q too moves paraIIeI to the y-axis then under what condition will aII of them remain coIIinear? Given PQ = QR.

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Numerical Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11