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Complete Solutions to Problem Set - II (Based on Rectilinear Motion ) of chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIProblem Set - II (Based on Rectilinear Motion )
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An object, starting with an initial speed and moving at constant acceleration traveIs 150 m in 5 s. The acceleration stops after this and in the next 5 s the object traveIs 200 m farther. Find the initial velocity and acceleration of the object.

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  2. A train begins its journey from a station with a uniform acceleration of 0.2 `"m.s"^(-2)` and moves for 1 min. Next, it moves for a further 5 min at uniform velocity. It then appIies brakes producing a retardation of 0.3 `"m.s"^(-2)` and stops at the next station. What is the distance between the two station?

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  3. An object moving with a constant acceleration covers 145 cm and 185cm, during its 6th and 10th second of motion respectively. What distance would it cover in the 16th second?

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  4. A policeman starts chasing a thief with a uniform velocity V along a straight path in a jeep. When the jeep is at a distance d from the thief rides on a motorcycle and moves with a constant acceleration a starting from rest. Show that the policeman can catch the thief if V `gt sqrt(2ad).`

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  5. When a train start from rest with a uniform acceleration of 2 `"m.s"^(-2)` , a man was exactly 9 m behind the door of the train. The man moving with a constant speed could just board the train. What was the speed of the man?

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  6. Two particles start moving from point A along a straight line AB at the same time in the same direction. One particle moves with a uniform velocity of 12 `"m.s"^(-1)` and the other with an acceleration of 2 `"m.s"^(-2)` and an initial velocity of 5 `"m.s"^(-1)`. After how much time will the two particles meet ?

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  7. Car A moving along a straight horizontal road with a velocity 60 `"km.h"^(-1)` is followed by car B moving with a velocity 70 `"km.h"^(-1)`. When car B is at a distance 2.5 km from car A car B applies a retardation of 20 `"km.h"^(-2)`. Where and when will the two cars meet?

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  8. A partical covers 35 cm, 50 cm, 89 cm distances during the third, seventh and tweIfth seconds respectiveIy of ite motion. Show that the partical is moving with a constant acceleration. Find (i) initial velocity and (ii) distance covered in 8 s by the partical.

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  9. A jet pIane starts from rest with an acceleration of 3 `"m.s"^(-2)`, and makes a run for 35 s before taking off. What is the minimum Iength of the runway and what is the velocity of the jet at take off?

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  10. A partical is subjected to an acceleration `a= alpha t^(1) + beta t^(2)` , where `alpha` and `beta` are constants. The velocity of the partical at t = 0 is `v0`. What is the expressions for velocity v of the particle at time t?

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  11. A body traveIs 400 cm in the 3rd second and 1200 cm in the 5th second. If the motion is uniformIy acceIerated, how far willI it traveI in next 3 seconds?

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  12. The displacement x of a particle in rectilinear motion at time t is represented as `x^(2) = at^(2) +2bt+c`, where a ,b, and c are constants. Show that the acceleration of this particle varies `(1)/(x^(3))`.

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  13. A particle moves along a straight line retardation a = `ksqrt(v)` [ k is a positive constant ]. The velocity of the particle at time t = 0 is u. How far would the particle move before coming to rest ?

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  14. A particle is moving along a straight line OX. The displacement (x) from the point o and the time (t) taken are related as x = 40 +12t- `t^(3)`, where x is in metre and t in second. How far would the particle move before coming to rest ?

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  15. A train of length 200 m is moving with uniform acceleration. It front and rear crosses a post beside the railtrack with velocities u and v respectively. Show that the mid-point of the train crosses the post with a velocity `sqrt((u^(2)+v^(2))/(2))`.

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  16. A car starts from rest and travels with uniform acceleration `alpha` for some time and then with uniform retardation `beta` and comes to rest. If the total time of travel of the car is t, then what is the maximum velocity attained by the car ?

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  17. On a two-lane car A is travelling with a speed of 36 `"km.h"^(-1)` . Two cars B and C approach car A in opposite directions with a speed of 54 `"km.h"^(-1)` each. At a certain instant when the distance AB is equal to AC both being 1 km, B decides to overtake A before C does. What minimum acceleration of car B is required to avoid an accident?

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Problem Set - II (Based on Rectilinear Motion ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ONE - DIMENSIONAL MOTION of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11