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Complete Solutions to PROBLEM SET-I of chapter VECTOR of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions59
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Resultant of vectors 3P and 2P is vector R. When the first vector is doubled, R also doubles. Find the angle between the two vectors.

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  2. If `vecA=4hati+3hatj` is a vector, find its magnitude and direction . What is the coordinates of the terminal point of the vector ?

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  3. At what angle the two forces `(vecF_1 +vecF_2) and (vecF_1-vecF_2)` act so that the resultant is of magnitude `sqrt(2(F_1^2+F_2^2))`

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  4. The length of second 's hand of a watch is 1 cm , what is the change in velocity of its tip in 15 seconds ?

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  5. A particle moves along a straight line by a metre and then makes an angle `theta` with the line and travels b metre. Find the resultant displacement of the particle.

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  6. A person moves 30 m towards north, then 20 m towards east and finally `30sqrt(2)` m towards south-west. What is his displacement from the original position ?

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  7. Two forces, each of magnitude P , are inclined at `60^@` .Find the magnitude and direction of their difference ?

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  8. What is the magnitude of the component of a force of magnitude 50dyn at `30^@` to the force. What is the magnitude of the orthogonal component ?

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  9. P and `sqrt(3)` P are two forces acting in north -west and north-east directions respectively. Find the magnitude of resultant of the forces by resolving them into perpendicular components.

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  10. Two forces of magnitudes P and 2Q are inclined to each other at an angle of `150^@`. If the resultant force is perpendicular to P , show that `P=sqrt(3)Q`.

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  11. `vecR` is the resultant of two vectors `vecP and vecQ`. When `vecQ` is reversed , the resultant is `vecS` . Prove that `R^2+S^2=2(P^2+Q^2)`.

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  12. Calculate the resultant of the following forces at a point , making use of resolution process.
    (i) `100 sqrt(2)` dyne along north-east ii) `980sqrt(2)`dyne along north-west (iii) `1960` dyne along south.

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  13. Calculate the resultant of the following forces at a point , making use of resolution process.
    (ii) `980sqrt(2) `dyn along north -west

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  14. A child pulls a rope attached to a stone with a force of 60 N . The rope makes an angle of `40^@` with the ground .
    (a) Calculate the effective value of the pull tending to move the stone along the ground.

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  15. A child pulls a rope attached to a stone with a force of 60 N . The rope makes an angle of `40^@` with the ground .
    (b) Calcutate the force tending to lift the stone vertically.

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  16. A car is moving at `24 km *h^(-1)` towards east and another car is moving north at `18 km *h^(-1)` . Find the relative velocity of the second car with respect to the first.

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  17. Rain is falling vertically at `4 km *h^(-1)` . What will be the apparent velocity and direction of the rain to a man moving horizontally at `3 km *h^(-1)` ?

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  18. A man can swim at the rate of `4 km *h^(-1)` in still water. At what angle should the man set himself relative to the current of `2 km *h^(-1)` to cross the river perpendicular to the banks ?

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  19. A river is 150 m wide and has a current of `1 m*s^(-1)`. A boat is moving directly across the river at a speed of `2 m*s^(-1)` . How long will the boat take to cross the river ?

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  20. A boat is moving at `12 km *h^(-1)` towards north and another is moving at `12sqrt(2) km *h^(-1)` towards north -west .Find the relative velocity of the second boat with respect to the first.

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  21. A ship is moving at `40 km*h^(-1)` towards west. Another is proceeding southward at `30 km *h^(-1)` . Find the relative velocity of the second ship with respect to the first.

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  22. From the top of a tower, two particles are dropped at an interval of 2 s . Find the relative velocity and relative acceleration of the particles during the fall . Acceleration due to gravity =g `cm*s^(-2)`.

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  23. In a harbour, wind is blowing at the speed of `72 km*h^(-1)` and the flag on the mast of a boat anchored in the harbour flutters along the N-E direction . If the boat starts moving at a speed of `51 km*h^(-1)` to the north, what will be the direction of the flag on the mast of the boat ?

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  24. To a cyclist moving at `5 m*s^(-1)` , rain appears to be falling vertically at a velocity of `5 m *s^(-1)`. Find the actual magnitude and direction of the velocity of rain.

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  25. A river 1 km wides is flowing at `3 km *h^(-1)` . A swimmer whose velocity in still water is `4 km *h^(-1)` can swim only for 15 minutes. In what direction should he swim in order to reach the opposite bank in those 15 minutes? What total distance will he swim ?

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  26. A boat with a speed of `5 km *h^(-1)` in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in 15 minutes. What is the velocity of the river water ?

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  27. An aeroplane is flying eastward with a speed of `600 km*h^(-1)` wind in blowing southward with a speed of `100 km*h^(-1)` . Calculate the speed and direction of the aeroplane with respect of the ground.

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  28. The speed of launch is 7 m/s and of the current on a river is 3 m/s. A floating body is released from the launch when it starts along the current . It reverses its direction of motion after travelling distance of 4.2 km, and eventually meets the floating body again. What is the time spent in between by the launch ?

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  29. If `veca +vecb= vecc and a+b=c` ,what is the angle between the vectors `veca and vecb` ?

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  30. `vecA =2 hati+3hatj and vecB=-3hati+2hatj` are two vector. Find the angle between them.

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  31. `vecA =2hati+3hatj+4hatk and vecB=hati-hatj+hatk` are two vectors. Find `vecAxxvecB`.

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  32. Given ,`vecA=3hati+2hatj-6hatk and vecB=4hati-3hatj+hatk`. What is the angle between `vecA and vecB` ?

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  33. For what values of a and b , will the vectors `2hati-3hatj-hatk and ahati+bhatj-2hatk` be parallel to each other ?

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  34. For what value of a ,will the vectors `ahati-2hatj+hatk and 2ahati+ahatj-4hatk` be perpendicular to each other ?

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  35. Prove that ` (vecA+2vecB)*(2vecA-3vecB)=2A^2+ABcostheta -6B^2`

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  36. Determine the value of n so that the vectors `vecA=2hati+4hatj-nhatk and vecB=3hati-4hatj+2hatk` are perpendicular .

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  37. If `(vecA+vecB)*(vecA-vecB)=0` , show that the magnitude of both the vectors are equal .

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  38. Find the unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors `vecA=(2hati+2hatj+2hatk) and vecB=(hati-hatj+2hatk)`.

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  39. The forces P=1 dyn and Q =`sqrt(3)` dyn are mutually perpendicular. Find out the angle between the vectors `(P+Q) and (P-Q)` .

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  40. A stone is thrown from the ground with a velocity of `14 m *s^(-1) ` , making an angle `60^@` with the horizontal.
    (i) What is the maximum height attained by the stone ?

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  41. A stone is thrown from the ground with a velocity of `14 m *s^(-1) ` , making an angle `60^@` with the horizontal.
    (ii) How far from the point of projection will it touch the ground ?

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  42. A stone is thrown up from the earth's surface with an initial velocity of `28 m*s^(-1)`, making and angle `30^@` with the horizontal. Find the maximum height attained and the range of the projectile motion of the stone.

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  43. If the range of a projectile, projected from the surface of the earth is four times the maximum height attained, what is the angle of projection ?

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  44. A soldier fires a bullet horizontally from the top a cliff with a velocity of `10 m *s^(-1)` . If the bullet strikes the ground after 2s , find the height of the cliff. Also calculate the velocity with which the bullet strikes the ground .

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  45. Show that the maximum height attained by a projectile is one fourth of its maximum horizontal range.

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  46. Find the magnitude of the vector `3hati+4hatj+12hatk` and the angles it makes with x,y,z axes.

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  47. What is the value of the resultant of three vectors `hati , hatj and sqrt(2)hatk` ? What angle of inclination does the resultant make with x,y and z axes ?

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  48. Position coordinates of the points A, B,C are (1,2,3),(2,3,1) and (3,1,2) respectively. Using vector method, find the area of the triangle .

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  49. If `vecA=5hati+3hatj-4hatk and vecB=5hati+2hatj+4hatk` are two vectors, find the unit vectors along `(vecA+vecB) and (vecA-vecB)` .

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  50. Find the magnitudes of the sum and difference of two vectors `6hati-4hatj+2hatk and 6hati+hatj+2hatk`.

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  51. Show that the magnitude of `vecAxxvecB` and area of a parallelogram of sides `vecA and vecB` are equal.

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  52. Determine the angle between `vecA=2hati-2hatj+hatk and vecB=3hati+hatj-4hatk`.

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  53. If `vecA=hati+4hatj+hatk and vecB=3hati-5hatj+hatk`, find the unit vector along any vector parallel to the resultant of `vecA and vecB`.

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  54. Show that the vectors `veca=3hati-2hatj+hatk, vecb=hati-3hatj+5hatk and vecc=2hati+hatj-4hatk` form a right angled triangle.

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  55. If the mid-points of the consecutive sides of any quan riateral are connected by straight line segments , prove that the resulting quandrilateral is a parallelogram.

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  56. Prove that `|axxb|^2=a^2b^2-(a*b)^2`.

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  57. Find the magnitude and direction of `veca=3hati+4hatj`. What are the coordinates of its end point ?

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  58. Which vector is to be added with `3hati+4hatj-5hatk and hati-2hatj+7hatk` to give resultant as `hati`?

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  59. Find the direction cosines for the vector `veca=4hati+6hatj-5hatk`.

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PROBLEM SET-I questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11