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Complete Solutions to Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Questions of chapter VECTOR of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CHHAYA PRAKASHINIHigher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Questions
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Under which condition will the magnitude of scalar sum be equal to the magnitude of vector sum ?

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  2. If `|vecA| ne |vecB|`, then is it possible that `vecA +vecB =0` ? Explain.

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  3. Can the sum of three vectors, i.e., their resultant, be equal to zero ? Explain.

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  4. A stone is allowed to fall from the top of a tower 100m high and at the same time another stone is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25m/s. Calculate when and where the two stones will meet. `( g=10m/s^(2))`

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  5. A boy throws a ball vertically upward from a vehicle moving with a constant acceleration . Where would the ball land ?

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  6. Can the value of a component of a vector be greater than the value of the vector itself ? Discuss the case of rectangular components in this context.

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  7. At zero wind speed rain water falls vertically with velocity V`cm *s^(-1)` and is collected in a pot at a fixed rate. How will the rate of collection of rain water change when wind is blowing with a velocity of W`cm*s^(-1)` perpendicular to V ?

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  8. Are the magnitudes of the two vectors `(vecA-vecB) and (vecB-vecA)` the same ?

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  9. Show that, if three forces acting on a particle can be taken sequentially to form the three sides of a triangle, their resultant is zero.

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  10. If the position coordinates of the points A and B are `(x_1,y_1,z_1) and (x_2,y_2,z_2)` respectively , determine the magnitude and direction of the vector `vec(AB)`.

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  11. A person leans out of a train moving with uniform velocity and drops a coin. How does the path of motion of the coin appear to a co-passenger and a person standing outside the train near the rail tracks ?

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  12. State whether any physical quantity having magnitude and direction is a vector ?

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  13. Can the magnitude of the resultant of two vectors be less than either of them ? Explain.

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  14. By adding three unit vectors is it possible to get a unit vector ?

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  15. Resultant of two vectors `vecF_1 and vecF_2 is vecP` . When `vec_2` is reversed, the resultant is `vecQ` . Show that `(P^2+Q^2)=2(F_1^2+F_2^2)`

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  16. How does the change of acceleration due to gravity affect the path of a projectile ?

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  17. Can four non-coplanar vectors produce equilibrium ? Give reasons.

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  18. Show that a stretched wire cannot remain horizontal when a weight is suspended from its mid-point.

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  19. Two wooden blocks are falling from the same height. One is falling down an inclined plane and the other is in a free fall. Out of the two which one will reach the ground first ?

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  20. Two wooden blocks are falling from the same height. One is falling down an inclined plane and the other is in a free fall. Out of the two
    (ii) Which one will have higher velocity when it touches the ground ?

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  21. In a circus, a joker stands on a highly elevated plank with a ball in his hand. Another joker also stands with a rifle in his hand pointing it directly at the ball.
    If the fifle is fired precisely at the moment when the ball is released, will the bullet hit the ball ? Air resistance is negligible.

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  22. Under which condition will the magnitude of the resultant of two vectors be equal to that of any one of the constituent vectors ?

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  23. If the angle between two vectors is slowly increased from 0 then what changes in magnitude will be found in the resultant ?

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  24. If `|vecaxxvecb|=veca*vecb`, then what is the angle between `veca and vecb` ?

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  25. What is the vector product of two equal vectors ?

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  26. Show that the projection or component of a vector `vecR ` on another vector `vecA is vecR*hata`, where `hata` is a unit vector along `vecA`.

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  27. If `vecA` is a constant vector, then show that `(vec(dA))/(dt)` is perpendicular to `vecA`.

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  28. A water fountain on the ground sprinkles water all around it. If the speed of water coming out of the fountain is v , then what will be the total area around the fountain that gets wet ?

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Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11