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Complete Solutions to PROBLEM SET-II (Hot Numerical Problems) of chapter VECTOR of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. One motor launch A is exactly 1 km north of another launch B. Both launches start from rest , at the same time, with an acceleration of `10 cm*s^(-2)`. The launch A proceeds towards east and B towards north. Find the distance of closest approach between them and the time taken to reach that distance.

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  2. Two straight railway tracks are at right angles to each other. At 7 pm , a train, moving at `30 km*h^(-1)` crosses the junction. Another train, following the other track at `40 km *h^(-1)` crosses the junction at 12 midnight. When are the two trains closest to each other ?

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  3. A steamer moves towards north with a velocity v. Smoke from the chimney comes out at `30^@` towards south with respect to the east. If wind is blowing from the west, find the speed of the wind .

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  4. Two particles start their journey at the same time from the same point following two straight lines inclined with each other at an angle `theta`. One moves with a uniform velocity u and other, starting from rest, moves with an acceleration a. show that the relative velocity between them will be minimum after a time u `cos theta//a` and its value is u `sin theta`.

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  5. A ship moves due to east at 12km/hr for one hour and then turns towards exactly towards south to move for an hour at 5km/hr. Calculate its magnitude of average velocity for the given motion.

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  6. A swimmer can swim at `3 sqrt(2) km*h^(-1)` in still water. He swims across a river when the velocity of current is `3 km *h^(-1)`.
    (i) In what direction should he swim to cross by the shortest path ?

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  7. A swimmer can swim at `3 sqrt(2) km*h^(-1)` in still water. He swims across a river when the velocity of current is `3 km *h^(-1)`.
    (ii) In what direction should he swim to cross the river in minimum time ? In that case how far will he be carried by the river current if the river is `sqrt(2)` km wide ?

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  8. Width of a river is l and the velocity of its current is v . A man wants to cross the river directly on a boat . What should be the direction of motion of his boat relative to the current and in what time will he cross the river directly ? If he covers a distance D along the current , and then returns the same distance against the current how much time would be required for the total journey ?

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  9. A car travels along a straight line for first half time with speed 40km/hr and the second half time with speed 60km/hr. find the average speed of the car.

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  10. A bomb explodes on falling on a horizontal floor. Different parts of the bomb are scattered in different directions, each with velocity u. Find the area of the floor which is littered by the fragment.

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  11. A body during its free fall from a height H, hits an inclined plane at a height h in its path. Due to collision, direction of the velocity of the body becomes horizontal. What should be the value of `h/H` so that the body takes maximum time to reach the ground ?

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  12. To hit a car a gun is positioned horizontally behind the car along a straight road. The car is moving on the road with a uniform velocity of `72 km*h^(-1)` . If the gun is fired at an angle of `45^@` with the horizontal , at a distance of 500 m from the car, find the distance of the car from the gun just when the bullet hits the car. Given, `g=10 m/s^2`.

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  13. A cricket ball, thrown upwards from a height 2 m making an angle of `30^@` with the horizontal at velocity `20 m*s^(-1)` , was caught by a player 50 cm above the ground. Find the distance between the thrower and the player.

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  14. A tennis ball, thrown horizontally from a height of 2m , lands after covering a horizontal distance of 20 m . On its way, the ball just touches a net 14 m from the projection point (distance measered horizontally ). Find the height of the net from the ground.

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  15. If for a projectile , the velocity of projection is u , range R, time of flight T and maximum height attained H show that, `g^2T^4-4T^2u^2+4R^2=0` and `16gH^2-8u^2H+gR^2=0`.

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  16. Locus of the path of a projectile , in a vertical plane is given by , =ax-`bx^2`, where a and b are constants and the horizontal and the vertical distances from the point of projection are x and y , respectively. Find the maximum height attained and the the angle of projection with the horizontal.

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  17. Show that for a projectile the angle between the velocity and the x-axis as a function of time is given by

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  18. Show that the projection angle `theta_0` for a projectile launched from the origin is given by
    Where the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  19. A man, standing on a truck running at a uniform speed of 14.7m/s , throws a ball in such a way that after some time the ball returns exactly to his hands. In that time, the truck moves through a distance of 58.8 m. Find out the velocity and angle of projection of the ball relative to
    (i) the truck,

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  20. A man, standing on a truck running at a uniform speed of 14.7m/s , throws a ball in such a way that after some time the ball returns exactly to his hands. In that time, the truck moves through a distance of 58.8 m. Find out the velocity and angle of projection of the ball relative to
    (ii) the ground.

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  21. Magnitudes of two forces acting at a point are in the ratio of `2:1` . If the angle between their resultant and the greater force is `theta` , show that, the value of `theta` cannot exceed `(pi)/(6)`.

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  22. Resulatant of two forces, P and Q acting at a point is R. On doubling Q, resultant also doubles. The magnitude of the resultant also doubles when the direction of Q is made opposite. Show that `P:Q:R=sqrt(2):sqrt(3):sqrt(2)`.

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  23. When the angle between forces P and Q is `alpha`, magnitude of the resultant is `5sqrt(P^2+Q^2)`. When th angle between them changes to `(90^@-alpha)`, magnitude of the resultant changes to `3sqrt(P^2+Q^2)`. Prove thet `tan alpha=1/3`.

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  24. Which of the following relations are correct for any type of motion ?
    (A) `vecv_(av)=1/2[vecv(t_1)+vecv(t_2)]`
    (B) `vecv_(av)=(vecr(t_2)-(t_1))/((t_2-t_1))`
    (C ) `vecv(t)=vecv(0)+vecat`
    (D) `vecr(t)=vecr(0)+vecv(0)*t+1/2vecat^2`
    (E) `veca_(av)=(vecv(t_2)-vecv(t_1))/((t_2-t_1))`
    All the symbols have usual meaning. The subscript 'av' has been used to denote the average of a quantity in the time interval `t_1` to `t_2`.

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PROBLEM SET-II (Hot Numerical Problems) questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11