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Complete Solutions to CHECK POINT 6.1 of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A gardener pushes a lawn roller through a distance of 20 m. If he applies a force of 20 kg wt in a direction inclined at `60^(@)` to the ground , find the work

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  2. How much work must work be done by a force on 50 kg body in order to accelerate it in the direction of force from rest to `20 ms^(-1)` is 10 s?

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  3. A horizontal force F pulls a 20 kg box at a constant speed along a rough horizotal floor. The coefficient of friction between the box and the floor is 0.25. The work done by force F on the block in displacing it by 2 m is

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  4. The block of mass m is kept on plank of mass M. The block is given velocity `V_(0)` as shown. The coefficient of friction between the block of mass m and plank of mass M is `mu` and its value is such that block becomes stationary with respect to plank before it reaches the other end. Then:

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  5. A man pushes a wall and fails to displace it.He does

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  6. The work done by kinetic friction on a body :

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  7. A force `(3hati+4hatj)` newton acts on a boby and displaces it by `(3hati+4hatj)` metre. The work done by the force is

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  8. A force `F=(2hati-hatj+4hatk)N` displaces a particle upto `d=(3hati+2hatj+hat k)m.` Work done by the force is

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  9. A particle moves from point P(1,2,3) to (2,1,4) under the action of a constant force `F=(2hati+hatj+hatk)N`. Work done by the force is

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  10. Work done by a force `F=(hati+2hatj+3hatk)` acting on a particle in displacing it from the point `r_(1)=hati+hatj+hatk` to the point `r_(2)=hati-hatj+hat2k` is

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  11. A bodys constrained to more in the Y-direction ,Is subject to a force `vecF=(-2hati+15hatj+6hatk)` N What is the work done by force in moving the body through a distance of 10 m along the Y-axis ?

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  12. Force acting on a particale is `(2hat(i)+3hat(j))N`. Work done by this force is zero, when the particle is moved on the line `3y+kx=5`. Here value of k is `(`Work done `W=vec(F).vec(d))`

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  13. A particale moves under the effect of a force `F = Cx` from `x = 0` to `x = x_(1)`. The work down in the process is

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  14. A particle moves along the X-axis x=0 to x=5 m under the influence of a force given by `F=10-2x+3x^(2)`. Work done in the process is

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  15. A positon dependent force ,`F=8-4x+3x^(2)N` acts on a small body of mass 2 kg and displaces it from x=0 to x=5 m. The work done in joule is

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  16. A force `F = Ay^(2)+By+C` acts on a body at rest in the `Y`-direction. The kinetic energy of the body during a displacement `y = -a` to `y = a` is

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  17. The force F acting on a particle is moving in a straight line as shown in figure. What is the work done by the force on the particle in the 4 m of the trajectory?

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  18. A position dependent force F ia acting on a particle and its force-position curve is shown in the figure. Work done on the particle, when its displacement is from 0 to 5 m is

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  19. A spring of force constant `800N//m` has an extension of 5cm. The work done in extending it from 5cm to 15cm is

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  20. A spring 40 mm long is stretched by the application of a force. If 10 N force required to stretch the spring through 1mm, then the work done in stretching the spring through 40 mm is

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CHECK POINT 6.1 questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11