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Complete Solutions to CHECK POINT 6.2 of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the force acting on a body is inversely proportional to its speed, the kinetic energy of the body is

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  2. If the speed of a vehicle is increased by `1 ms^(-1)`, its kinetic energy is doubled , then original speed of the vehicle is

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  3. A running man has half the KE that a body of half his mass has. The man speeds up by `1.0ms^(-1)` and then has the same energy as the boy. What were the original speeds of the man and the boy?

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  4. Two bodies of different masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` have equal momenta. Their kinetic energies `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` are in the ratio

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  5. If the linear momentum is increased by 50%, then KE will be increased by :

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  6. The graph betwee `sqrt(E)` and `(1)/(p)` is (E=kinetic energy and p= momentum)

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  7. The KE acquired by a mass m in travelling a certain distance d, starting from rest, under the action of a constant force is directly proportional to

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  8. Under the action of a force, a `2 kg` body moves such that its position x as a function of time is given by `x =(t^(3))/(3)` where x is in metre and t in second. The work done by the force in the first two seconds is .

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  9. An object of mass 5 kg is acted upon by a force that varies with position of the object as shown. If the object starts out from rest at a point x=0. What is its speed at x=50 m.

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  10. A block of mass 20 kg is moving in x-direction with a constant speed of 10 `ms^(-1)`. It is subjected to a retarding force `F=(-0.1x)N` during its travel from x=20 m to x=30 m. Its final kinetic energy will be

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  11. Velocity-time graph of a particle of mass (2 kg) moving in a straight line is as shown in Fig. 9.20. Find the word done by all the forces acting on the particle. .

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  12. A particle of mass 0.01 kg travels along a space curve with velocity given by `4hat(i)+16 hat (k)m//s` After some time its velocity becomes `8hat(i)+20hat(j)m//s` due to the action of a conservative force The work done on the particle during this interval of time is:

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  13. A mass of 1 kg is acted upon by a single force `F=(4hati+4hatj)N`. Under this force it is displaced from (0,0) to (1m,1m). If initially the speed of the particle was 2 `ms^(-1)`, its final speed should be

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  14. A body of mass 5 kg is raised vertically to a height of 10 m by a force 170 N. The velocity of the body at this height will be

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  15. A body of mass 0.1 g moving with a velocity of 10 m/s hits a spring (fixed at the other end) of force constant 1000 N/m and comes to rest after compressing the spring. The compression of the spring is

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  16. A block of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height of 40 cm on a spring whose force-constant `1960 N m^(-1)`. The maximum distance through which the spring is compressed by

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  17. In which of the following cases the, potential energy is defined?

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  18. The potential energy of a system increased if work is done

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  19. A pendulum of length 2 m lift at P . When it reaches Q , it losses 10% of its total energy due to air resistance. The velocity at Q is

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  20. A body of mass m thrown vertically upwards attains a maximum height h. At height will its kinetic energy be 75% of its intial value?

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CHECK POINT 6.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11