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Complete Solutions to Matrix Matching Type Questions of chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Four rods of equal length l and mass m each form a square as shown in figure. Moment of inertia about three axes 1,2 and 3 are say `I_(1) , I_(2) " and "I_(3)` . Then, match the following

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  2. A ring of mass m and radius R is placed on a rough inclined plane so that it rolls without slipping . Match the following table.

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  3. The particle of mass 1 kg is projected with velocity `20sqrt(2)`m/s at `45^(@)` with ground . When , the particle is at highest point `(g=10 m//s^(2))`,

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  4. A disc rolls on ground without slipping . Velocity of centre of mass is v. There is a point P on circumference of disc at angle `theta` . Suppose `v_(p)` is the speed of this point. Then, match the following the following table.

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  5. Match the following .

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  6. A disc with linear velocity v and angular velocity `omega` is placed on rough ground. Suppose `a " and " alpha` be the magnitudes of linear and angular acceleration due to friction.

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  7. In net force on a rigid body is zero. Then, match the following table.

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  8. If radius of earth is reduced to half without changing its mass,

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  9. A semi-circular ring has mass m and radius R as shown in figure. Let `I_(1),I_(2) ,I_(3) " and "I_(4)` be the moments of inertia about the four axes as shown . Axis 1 passes through centre and is perpendicular to plane of ring. Then , match the following.

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  10. A solid sphere is rotating about an axis as shown in figure. An insect follows the dotted path on the cricumference of sphere as shown .
    Match the following

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  11. In each situation of Table-1, a uniform disc of mass m and radius R rolls on a rough fixed horizontal surface as shown. At, t=0 (initially) the angular velocity of disc is `omega_(0)` and velocity of centre of mass of disc is `v_(0)` (in horizontal direction). The relation between `v_(0)` and `omega_(0)` for each situation and also initial sense of rotation is given in Table-1 . Then match the statements in Table-1 with the corresponding results in Table-2.

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  12. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere, a solid disc and a hollow cylinder are allowed to roll down a sufficiently rough inclined plane starting from rest. All have same mass and radius.

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  13. A uniform rod of mass m and length l is lying on a smooth table. An impulse J acts on the rod momentarily as shown in figure at point R. Just after that:

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  14. There are two point masses A and B, situated at origin and point (5m,0m) respectively . At a certain time `v_(A)` and `v_(B)` are respectively the velocities of point masses A and B . Match the situations under Table-1 with their correct option under Table-2

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  15. A thin but very large plank of mass 2 m is placed on a horziontal smooth surface. A solid cylinder of mass m and radius r is given only translational velocity `v_(0)` and gently placed on the plank as shown in the figure. The coefficient of kinetic friciton between the plank and the cylinder is `mu`.

    the cylinder given impluse t=0, than at what time pure rolling starts

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  16. Match the following two Tables .

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Matrix Matching Type Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11