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Complete Solutions to More than one option is correct of chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY MASTER PROBLEM PACKAGEMore than one option is correct
Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statement (s) is / are correct for a spherical body rolling without slipping on a rough horizontal ground at rest?

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  2. A uniform bar of length `6a` and mass `8m` lies on a smooth horizontal table. Two point masses `m` and `2m` moving in the same horizontal plane with speeds `2v` and `v`, respectively, strike the bar (as shown in the figure) and stick to the bar after collision. Denoting angular velocity (about the centre of mass), total energy and centre of mass velocity by `omega`, `E` and `V_(C)`, respectively, we have after collision

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  3. A particle moves in a circle of radius r with angular velocity `omega`. At some instant its velocity is v radius vector with respect to centre of the circle is r. At this particular instant centripetal acceleration `a_(c)` of the particle would be

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  4. A particle of mass m is travelling with a constant velocity `v=v_(0)hati` along the line `y=b,z=0`. Let dA be the area swept out by the position vector from origin to the particle in time dt and L the magnitude of angular momentum of particle about origin at any time t. Then

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  5. Choose the correct option:
    A spool of wire rests on a horizontal surface as shown in figure. As the wire is pulled, the spool does not slip at contact point P. On separate trials, each one of the force `F_(1),F_(2),F_(3) " and " F_(4)` is applied to the spool. For each one of these forces the spool.

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  6. In the above problem, direction of friction force is

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  7. A constant force F is applied at the top of a ring as shown in figure. Mass of the ring is M and radius is R. Angular momentum of particle about point of contact at time t

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  8. The moment of inertia of a thin square plate ABCD of uniform thickness about an axis passing through the centre O and perpendicular to plate is

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  9. In pure rolling, fraction of its total energy associated with rotation is `alpha` for a ring and `beta` for a solid sphere. Then

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  10. The end B of the rod AB which makes angle `theta` with the floor is being pulled with a constant velocity `v_(0)` as shown. The length of the rod is l. At the instant when `theta=37^(@)`

    (A)velocity of end A is `(4)/(3)v_(0)` downwards
    (B)angular velocity of rod is `(5)/(3)(v_(0))/(l)`
    (C)angular velocity of rod is constant
    (D)velocity of end A is constant

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  11. A disc can roll wihtout slippingg, without applying any external force on a

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  12. A ring of radius `R` rolls on a horizontal ground with linear speed `v` and angular speed `omega`. For what value of `theta` the velocity of point `P` is in vertical direction `(vltRomega)`.

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  13. If a circular concentric hole is made on a disc then about an axis passing through the centre of the disc and perpendicular to its plane

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  14. A uniform disc is rotating at a constantt speed in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis passing through the centre of the disc. A piece of the disc from its rim detaches itself from the disc at the instant when it is at horizontal level with the centre of the disc and moving upward. Then about the fixed axis, the angular speed of the

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  15. A spherical body of radius `R` rolls on a horizontal surface with linear velociltly `v`. Let `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` be the magnitudes of angular momenta of the body about centre of mass and point of contact `P`. Then:

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  16. A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R pure rolls on a rough surface as shown in the figure. Choose the correct alternative (s).

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  17. A solid sphere of radius R is rolled by a force F acting at the topo of the sphere as shown in the figure. There is no slipping and initially sphere is in the rest position, then (CM= centre of mass)

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  18. A disc of mass M and radius R moves in the x-y plane as shown in the figure. The angular momentum of the disc at tihe instant shows is

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  19. Four particle of mass m each are placed at four corners of a square ABCD of side a. Point O is the centre of the square. Moment of inertia of all four particles about an axis passing through

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  20. Two forces ` F_(1) " and " F_(2)` are acting on a rod abc as shown in figure.

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  21. A block with a square base measuring `axxa` and height h, is placed on an inclined plane. The coefficient of friction is `mu`. The angle of inclination `(theta)` of the plane is gradually increased. The block will

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  22. A wheel ( to be considered as a ring ) of mass m and radius R rolls without sliding on a horizontal surface with constant velocity v. It encounters a step of height R/2 at which it ascends without sliding

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  23. A uniform thin rod AB of mass M and length l attached to a string OA of length `=1/(2)` is supported by a smooth horizontal plane and rotates with angular velocity `omega` around a vertical axis through O. A peg P is inserted in the plane in order that on striking it the rod will come to rest.

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  24. A ball is projected with velocityd of `20sqrt(2)` m/s at an angle of `45^(@)` with horizontal and at the same instant another plate is rotating with constant angular velocity `omega=(pi)/(4)` rad/sec in vertical plane as shown in the figure ( assume the length of plate is sufficient for collision to take place). If the mass of the plate is much larger than the mass of the ball, the plate is initially in horizontal position and collision is perfectly elastic, then choose the correct statement (s)

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  25. A rigid rod of mass m slides along a fixed circular track followed by a flat track. At the given instant, velocity of end B is v along horizontal plane. Then at the given instant:

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  26. A massless spool of inner radius `r` outer radius `R` is placed against a vertical wall and a titled split floor as shown. A light inextensible thread is tightly wound around the spool through which a mass `m` is hainging. There exists no friction at point `A`, while the coefficient of friction between the spool and point `B` is `mu`. The angle between the two surface is `theta`

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  27. Two particles each of mass m are attached at end points of a massless rod AB of length l. Rod is hinged at point C as shown. Rod is released from rest from horizontal position. At the instant when rod reaches its vertical position as shown, which of the following is / are correct:

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  28. A rod CD of length L and mass m is placed horizontally on a frictionless horizontal surface as shown. A second identical rod AB which is also placed horizontally ( perpendicular to CD) on the same horizontal surface is moving along the surface with a velocity v in a direction perpendicular to rod CD and its and B strikes the rod CD at end C and sticks to it rigidity. Then,

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  29. A particle of mass m is doing horizontal circular motion with the help of a string (conical pendulum) as shown in the figure. If speed of the particle is constant then,

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  30. A thin uniform rod of mass 5 kg and length 1 m is held in horizontal position with the help of strings attachedd to ends of rod. Other ends of strings are held by some external agent. Now end A is pulled down with speed `v_(A)=3t` and end B is pulled down with speed `v_(B)=t` , where t is time in second. Choose the correct choice(s)

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  31. In the figure shown a uniform rod of length l and mass m is kept at rest in horizontal position on an elevated edge. The value of x is such that the rod will have maximum angular acceleration `alpha`, as soon as it is set free.

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  32. A particle of mass 'm' is attached to the rim of a uniform disc of mass 'm' and radius R. The disc is rolling wihtout slipping on a stationery horizontal surface as shown in the figure. At a particular instant, the particle is at the topmost position and centre of the disc has speed `v_(0)` amd its angular speed is `omega`. Choose the correct option (s).

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  33. A uniform square plate of mass m and edge a initially at rest startas rotating about one of the edge under the action of a constant torque `tau`. Then at the end of the `5^(th)` sec after start

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  34. A particle of mass m and velocity `v_(0)` is fired at a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R. The cylinder is initially at rest and is mounted on a fixed horizontal axle that runs through the centre of mass. The line of motion of the particle is perpendicular to the axle and at a distance d, less than R, from the centre and the particle sticks to the surface of the cylinder, then

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  35. A cylinder is rolling towards a cube of same mass on rough horizontal surface ( coefficient of friction = `mu`) with velocity `v_(0)` as shown in figure. Assume elastic collision and friction is negligible between cube and cylinder. Then after collision

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  36. A uniform solid cylinder of radius 'R' has a circular cut of radius `(R )/(2)` from the edge, Its mass is M. It is rolling wihtout slipping on a rough horizontal floor. When the cut part is at lowest position, centre of the disc is moving with horizontal velocity v. Choose the alternative:

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More than one option is correct questions and complete solutions for chapter ROTATIONAL MOTION of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11