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Complete Solutions to Level 2 Single Correct of chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYLevel 2 Single Correct
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When tension of a string is increased by 2.5 N, the initial frequency is altered in the ratio of 3:2. The initial tension in the string is

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  2. The lengths of two wires of same material are in the ratio 1:2, their tensions are in the ratio 1:2 and their diameters are in the ratio 1:3. the ratio of the notes they emits when sounded together by the same source is

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  3. When a string is divided into three segments of length `l_1,l_2` and `l_3` the fundamental frequencies of these three segments are `f_1,f_2` and `f_3` respectively. The original fundamental frequency `f` of the string is

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  4. Three one-dimensional mechanical waves in an elastic medium is given as
    `y_1 = 3A sin (omegat - kx), y_2 = A sin (omegat - kx + pi) and y_3 = 2A sin (omegat + kx)`
    are superimposed with each other. The maximum displacement amplitude of the medium particle would be

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  5. A string is under tension so that its length is increased by `1//n` times its original length . The ratio of fundamental frequency of longitudinal vibrations and transverse vibrations will be

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  6. A sting of length 1m and linear mass density 0.01 `kg//m` is stretched to a tension of 100 N. When both ends of the string are fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are `f_1, f_2 and f_3` . When only one end of the string is fixed, the three lowest frequencies for standing wave are `n_1, n_2 and n_3`. Then,

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  7. A sonometer wire has a length of 114 cm between its two fixed ends. Where should the two bridges be places so as to divide the wire into three segments, whose fundamental frequencies are in the ratio `1:3:4?`

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  8. The frequency of sonometer wire is f. The frequency becomes `f//2` when the mass producing the tension is completely immersed in water and on immersing the mass in a certain liquid, frequency becomes `f//3`. The relative density of the liquid is

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  9. A string of length 1.5 m with its two ends clamped is vibrating in fundamental mode. Amplitude at the centre of the string is 4 mm. Minimum distance between the two points having amplitude 2 mm is:

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  10. A man generates a symmetrical pulse in a string by moving his hand up and down. At `t=0` the point in his hand moves downward. The pulse travels with speed of `3 m//s` on the string & his hands passes `6` times in each second from the mean position. Then the point on the string at a distance `3m` will reach its upper extreme first time at time `t=`

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  11. Among two interfering sources, let `S_1` be ahead of the phase by `90^@` relative to `S_2` . If an observation point P is such that `PS_1 - PS_2 = 1.5 lambda` , the phase difference between the waves from `S_1 and S_2` reaching P is

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  12. A wire having a linear density `0.1 kg//m` is kept under a tension of 490N. It is observed that it resonates at a frequency of 400 Hz. The next higher frequency is 450 Hz. Find the length of the wire.

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  13. A string vibrates in 5 segments to a frequency of 480 Hz. The frequency that will cause it to vibrate in 2 segments will be

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  14. A wave travels on a light string. The equation of the waves is `y= A sin (kx - omegat + 30^@)`. It is reflected from a heavy string tied to an end of the light string at x = 0. If 64% of the incident energy is reflected, then the equation of the reflected wave is

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  15. The tension, length, diameter and density of a string B are double than that of another string A. Which of the following overtones of B is same as the fundamental frequency of A?

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Level 2 Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 11