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Complete Solutions to Medical entrance s gallery of chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETMedical entrance s gallery
Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A black body is at a temperature of `5760 K`. The energy of radiation emitted by the body at wavelength `250 nm` is `U_(1)` at wavelength `500 nm` is `U_(2)` and that at `1000 nm` is `U_(3)`. Wien's consant, `b = 2.88 xx 10^(6) nmK`. Which of the following is correct?

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  2. A piece of ice falls from a height `h` so that it melts completely. Only one-quarter of the heat produced is absobed by the ice and all energy of ice gets converted into heat during its fall. The value of `h` is
    [Latent heat of ice is `3.4 xx 10^(5) J//kg` and `g = 10 N//kg`]

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  3. The two ends of a metal rod are maintained at temperature `100^(@)C` and `110^(@)C`. The rate of heat flow in the rod is found to be `4.0 J//s`. If the ends are maintained at temperature s `200^(@)C` and `210^(@)C`. The rate of heat flow will be

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  4. The black body spectrum of an object `O_(1)` is such that its radiant intensity (i.e. intensity per unit wavelength interval) is maximum at a wavelength of 200 nm. Another object `O_(2)` has the maximum radiant intensity at 600 nm. The ratio of power emitted per unit area by source `O_(1)` to that of source `O_(2)` is

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  5. Two plates of same area are placed in contact. Their thickness as well as thermal conductivities are in the ratio `2:3`. The outer surface of one plate is maintained at `10^(@)`C and that of the other at `0^(@)`C. What is the temperature at the common surface?

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  6. If the wavelength corresponding to maximum energy radiated from the moon is 14 micron, and wien's constant is `2.8xx10^(-3)mK`, then temperature of moon is

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  7. A solid at temperature `T_(1)` is kept in an evacuated chamber at temperature `T_(2)gtT_(1)` . The rate of increase of temperature of the body is proportional to

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  8. A black body with surface area 0.001 `m^(2)` is heated upto a temperature 400 K and is suspended in a room temperature 300K. The intitial rate of loss of heat from the body to room is

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  9. Identify the meaningless

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  10. Water is being boiled in flat bottom kettle placed on a stove. The area of the bottom is `3000cm^2` and the thickness is 2 mm. If the amount of steam produced is `1g//min`, calculate the difference of temperature between the inner and outer surface of the bottom. K for the material of kettle is 0.5`cal^@C//s//cm`, and the latent heat of steam is `540 cal//g`.

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  11. A cylinder of radius R made of a material of thermal conductivity `K_1` is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of a material of thermal conductivity `K_2`. The two ends of the combined system are maintained at two different temperatures. There is no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. The effective thermal conductivity of the system is

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  12. On observing light from three different stars `P`, `Q` and `R`, it was found that intensity of violet colour is maximum in the spectrum of `P`, the intensity of green colour is maximum in the spectrum of `R` and the intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of `Q`. if `T_(P)`, `T_(Q)` and `T_(R)` are respective absolute temperature of `P`, `Q` and `R`. then it can be concluded from the above observation that

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  13. A piece of ice of mass `100 g` and at temperature `0^@ C` is put in `200 g` of water of `25^@ C`. How much ice will melt as the temperature of the water reaches `0^@ C` ? (specific heat capacity of water `=4200 J kg^(-1) K^(-1)` and latent heat of fusion of ice `= 3.4 xx 10^(5) J Kg^(-1)`).

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  14. A pan filled with hot food cools from `94^(@)C` to `86^(@)C` in 2 minutes when the room temperature is at `20^(@)C`. How long will it take to cool from `71^(@)C` to ` 69^(@)C`? Here cooling takes place according to Newton's law of cooling.

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  15. 1 g of ice at `0^@C` is mixed with 1 g of steam at `100^@C`. After thermal equilibrium is achieved, the temperature of the mixture is

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  16. Stream at `100^(@)C` is passed into 20 g of water at `10^(@)C`. When water acquires a temperature of `80^(@)C`, the mass of water present will be [Take specific heat of water `=1 cal g^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)` and latent heat of steam `=540 cal g^(-1)`]

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  17. A 10 W electric heater is used to heat a container filled with 0.5 kg of water. It is found that the temperature of water and container rises by `3^(@)`K in 15 min. The container is then emptied, dired and filled with 2kg of oil. The same heater now raises the temperature of container oil system by 2K in 20 min. Assume there is no heat loss in the process and the specific heat of water is 4200J`kgi^(-1)K%^(-1)`, the specific heat of oil in the same limit is equal to

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  18. A block of ice of mass 50kg is sliding on a horizontal plane. It starts with speed `5ms^(-1)` and stop 3 after moving through some distance. The mass of ice that has melted due to friction between the block and the suface is (assuming that no energy is lost nad the surface is (assuming that no energy is lost and latent heat of fustion of ice is 80 `calg^(-1)`)

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  19. Same quantity of ice is filled in each of the two metal container P and Q having the same size, shape and will thickness but make of different materials. The containers are kept in identical surroundings, The ice in P melts completely in time `t_(1)`, whereas in Q takes a time `t_(2)`. The ratio of thermal conductivities of hte materials of P and Q is:

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  20. Two identical rods are connected between two containers. One of them is at `100^(@)C` containing water and another is at `0^(@)C` containing ice. If rods are connected in parallel then the rate of melting of ice is `q_(1)g//s` . If they are connected in series then teh rate is `q_(2)g//s` . The ratio `q_(2)//q_(1)` is

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  21. Two rods of length `d_(1)` and `d_(2)` and coefficients of thermal conductivites `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` are kept touching each other. Both have the same area of cross-section. The equivalent thermal conductivity.

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  22. Certain quantity of water cools from `70^(@)C` to `60^(@)C` in the first `5` minutes and to `54^(@)C` in the next `5` minutes. The temperature of the surrounding is

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  23. A piece of iron is heated in a flame. It first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally turns to white hot. The correct explanation for the above observation is possible by using.

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  24. The temperature of the two ends `A` and `B` of a rod of length `25cm` and circular cross section are `100^(@)C` and `0^(@)C` respectively In the steady state, find the temperature at a point `10cm` from the end `B` (ifnore loss of heat from curved surface of the body) ?

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  25. Two stars `A` and `B` radiate maximum energy at wave lengths `4000Å` and `5000Å` respectively. The ratio of their temperature will be-

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  26. In a room where the temperature is `30^(@)C`, a body cools from `61^(@)C` to `59^(@)C` in 4 minutes. The time (in min.) taken by the body to cool from `51^(@)C` to `49^(@)C` will be

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  27. If the rate of emission of radiation by a body at temperature `TK` is `E` then graph between log `E` and log `T` will be .

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  28. 500 kg of water is heated from `20^(@)` to `100^(@)` C . Calculate the increase in the mass of water.Given specific heat of water `=4.2 xx 10^(3) J kg ^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  29. Water is used in car radiators as coolant because

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  30. A body cools from `60^@`C to `50^@`C in 10 min. Find its temperature at the end of next 10 min if the room temperature is `25^@C`. Assume Newton's law of cooling holds.

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  31. If the radius of a star is `R` and it acts as a black body, what would b the temperature of the star, in which the rate of energy production is `Q`?

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  32. Liquid oxygen at `50 K` is heated to `300 K` at constant pressure of `1 atm`. The rate of heating is constant. Which of the following graphs represents the variation of temperature with time?

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  33. The temperature at which a black body of unit area loses its energy at the rate of 1 joule/second is

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  34. A rod AB is 1m long. The temperature of its one end A is maintained at `100^(@)`C and other end B at `10^(@)`C, the temperature at a distance of 60 cm from point B is

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  35. Two slabs A and B of different materials but of the same thickness are joined end to end to form a composite slab. The thermal conductivities of A and B are `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` respectively. A steady temperature difference of `12^(@)`C is maintained across the composite slab. If `K_(1) = K_(2)/2`, the temperature difference across slab A is

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  36. A piece of blue glass heated to a high temperature and a piece of red glass at room temperature, are taken inside a dimly lit room then

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  37. The temperature gradient in a rod of `0.5 m` length is `80^(@)C//m`. It the temperature of hotter end of the rod is `30^(@)C`, then the temperature of the cooler end is

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  38. The thickness of a metallic plate is 0.4 cm. The temperature between its two surfaces is `20^(@)C`. The quantity of heat flowing per second is 50 calories from `5cm^(2)` area. In CGS system, the coefficient of thermal conductivity will be

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Medical entrance s gallery questions and complete solutions for chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11