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Complete Solutions to Match the columns of chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEY NEETMatch the columns
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Match the following columns, `{:("Column1","Coloumn2"),("a Specific heat","p [MLT^(-3)K^(-1)]"),("b Coefficient of thermal conductivity","q [MT^(-3)K^(-4)]"),("c Boltzmann constant","r [L^(2)T^(-2)K^(-1)]"),("d Stefan's constat","s [ML^(2)T^(-2)K^(-1)]"):}`

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  2. Match the following columns,
    `{:("Column1","Column2"),("a Thermal resitance","p [MT^(-3)K^(-4)]"),("b Stefan's constant","q [M^(-1)L^(-2)T^(3)K]"),("c Wien's constant","r [ML^(2)T^(-3)]"),("d Heat current","s [LK]"):}`

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  3. Three rods of equal length of same material are joined to form an equivalent triangle `ABC` as shown figure. Area of cross-section of rod `AB` is `S` of rod `BC` is `2S` and that of `AC` is `S` , then

    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),((A),"Temperature of junction" B,(p),"Greater than" 50^(@)C),((B),"Heat current in" AB,(q),"Less than" 50^(@)C),((C),"Heat current in BC",(r),"Is equal to current in BC"),(,,(s),"Is " 2/3 "times heat current in AC"),(,,(t),"None"):}`

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  4. Three liquids `A, B` and `C` having same specific heat and mass m , `2`m and `3` m have temperature `20^(@)C , 40^(@)C` and `60^(@)C` respectively. Temperature of the mixture when:
    `{:(,"Column-I",,"Column-II"),((A),"A and B are mixed",(p),35^(@)C),((B),"A and C are mixed",(q),52^(@)),((C),"B and C are mixed",(r),50^(@)),((D),"A,B and C all three are mixed",(s),45^(@)),(,,(t),"None"):}`

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Match the columns questions and complete solutions for chapter CALORIMETRY AND HEAT TRANSFER of DC PANDEY PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11