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Complete Solutions to Graphical Questions of chapter NEWTONS LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSGraphical Questions
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A block `B` is placed on the block `A`.The mass of block `B` is less than the mass of block `A`. Friction exists between the blocks , whereas the ground on which block `A` is placed is taken to be smooth. A horizontal force `F`, increasing linearly with time begins to act on `B`. The acceleration `a_(A)` and `a_(B)` of blocks `A` and `B`, respectively , are plotted against `t`. The correctly plotted graph is

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  2. In the figure given below, the position-time graph of a particle of mass `0.1kg` is shown. The impuslse at `t=2` sec is

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  3. The force-time`( F – t )` curve of a particle executing linear motion is as shown in the figure. The momentum acquired by the particle in time interval from zero to 8 second will be

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  4. Figure shows the displacement of a particle going along the X-axis as a function of time. The force acting on the particle is zero in the region

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  5. A body of 2kg has an initial speed `5ms^(-1)` . A force acts on it for some time in the direction of motion. The force time graph is shown in figure. The force time graph is shown in figure. The final speed of the body is

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  6. Which of the following graph depicts spring constant `k` versus length `l` of the spring correctly

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  7. A particle of mass m moving with velocity u makes an elastic one-dimentional collision with a stationary particle of mass `m`. They come in contact for a very small time `t_0`. Their force of interaction increases from zero to `F_0` linearly in time `0.5t_0`, and decreases linearly to zero in further time `0.5t_0` as shown in figure. The magnitude of `F_0` is

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  8. A particle of mass `m` , initially at rest , is acted upon by a variable force `F` for a brief interval of time `T`. It begins to move with a velocity `u` after the force stops acting . `F` is shown in the graph as a function of time. The curve is a semicircle.

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  9. A body of mass 3 kg is acted on by a force which varies as shown in the graph below. The momentum acquired is given by

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  10. The variation of momentum with time of one of the body in a two body collision is shown in fig. The instantaneous force is maximum corresponding to point

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  11. Figures I, II, III, and IV depict variation of force with time The impulse is hioghest in the case of situations depicted. Figure(s).

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Graphical Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter NEWTONS LAWS OF MOTION of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11