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Complete Solutions to Interference and Superposition of Waves of chapter WAVES AND SOUND of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSInterference and Superposition of Waves
Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. There is a destructive interference between the two waves of wavelength `lambda` coming from two different paths at a point. To get maximum sound or constructive interference at that point, the path of one wave is to be increased by

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  2. When two sound waves with a phase difference of ` pi //2`, and each having amplitude A and frequency `omega` , are superimposed on each other, then the maximum amplitude and frequency of resultant wave is

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  3. If the phase difference between the two wave is `2 pi` during superposition, then the resultant amplitude is

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  4. The superposition takes place between two waves of frequency f and amplitude a . The total intensity is directly proportional to

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  5. If two waves of same frequency and same amplitude superimpose and produce third wave of same amplitude, then waves differ in phase by –

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  6. Two sources of sound `A` and `B` produces the wave of `350 Hz`. They vibrate in the same phase. The particel `P` is vibrating under the influence of these two waves, if the amplitudes at the point P produced by the two waves is `0.3mm` and `0.4mm` then the resultant amplitude of the point `P` will be when `AP-BP=25cm` and the velocity of sound is `350m//sec`.

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  7. Two waves are propagating to the point P along a straight line produced by two sources A and B of simple harmonic and of equal frequency. The amplitude of every wave at P is `a` and the phase of A is ahead by `pi//3` than that of B and the distance AP is greater than BP by `50 cm`. Then the resultant amplitude at the point P will be if the wavelength `1` meter

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  8. Coherent sources are characterized by the same

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  9. The minimum intensity of sound is zero at a point due to two sources of nearly equal frequencie4s when

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  10. Two sound waves (expressed in CGS units) given by ` y_(1)=0.3 sin (2 pi)/(lambda)(vt-x) and y_(2)=0.4 sin (2 pi)/(lambda)(vt-x+ theta)` interfere. The resultant amplitude at a place where phase difference is ` pi //2 ` will be

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  11. If two waves having amplitudes 2 A and A and same frequency and velocity, propagate in the same direction in the same phase, the resulting amplitude will be

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  12. The intensity ratio of two waves is `1 : 16`. The ratio of their amplitudes is ( Assuming medium and frequency is same)

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  13. Out of given four waves (1),(2),(3) and (4)
    `y=asin(kx+omegat)` .(1)
    `y=asin(omegat-kx)` ..(2)
    `y=acos(kx+omegat)` ..(3)
    `y=acos(omegat-kx)` .(4)
    emitted by four different source `S_1`,`S_2`,`S_3` and `S_4` respectively, interference phenomena would be observed in space under appropriate conditions when

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  14. Two waves of same frequency and intensity superimpose with each other in opposite phases, then after superposition the

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  15. The superposing waves are represented by the following equations :
    `y_(1) 5 sin 2 pi (10 t-0.1 x ), y_(2)=10 sin 2 pi (20t -0.2 x)` Ratio of intensities `(I_("max"))/(I_("min")) ` will be

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  16. The displacement of a particle is given by ` x = 3 sin ( 5 pi t) + 4 cos ( 5 pi t)`. The amplitude of particle is

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  17. Two waves ` y_(1) =A_(1) sin (omega t - beta _(1)), y_(2)=A_(2) sin (omega t - beta_(2))` Superimpose to form a resultant wave whose amplitude is

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  18. If the ratio of amplitude of wave is `2 : 1`, then the ratio of maximum and minimum intensity is

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  19. The two interfering waves have intensities in the ratio `9 : 4`. The ratio of intensities of maxima and minima in the interference pattern will be

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  20. If the ratio of amplitude of two waves is `4:3`, then the ratio of maximum and minimum intensity is

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  21. Equation of motion in the same direction is given by `y_(1) =A sin (omega t - kx), y_(2) = A sin ( omega t - kx- theta )`. The amplitude of the medium particle will be

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  22. The intensity ratio of two waves is `9:1`. If they produce interference, the ratio of maximum to minimum intensity will be

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  23. The displacements of two intering lightwaves are `y_(1) = 4 sin omega t` and `y_(2) = 3 cos(omega t)`. The amplitude of the resultant wave is (`y_(1)` and `y_(2)` are in CGS system)

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  24. Two waves are represented by `y_(1)= a sin (omega t + ( pi)/(6)) and y_(2) = a cos omega t `. What will be their resultant amplitude

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  25. The amplitude of a wave represented by displacement equation `y=(1)/(sqrt(a)) sin omega t +-(1)/(sqrt(b)) cos omega t ` will be

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  26. Two waves having equaitons
    If in the resultant wave the frequency and amplitude remain equal to those of superimposing waves. Then phase difference between them is

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Interference and Superposition of Waves questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES AND SOUND of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11