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Complete Solutions to Progressive Waves of chapter WAVES AND SOUND of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSProgressive Waves
Number Of Questions80
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equation of a wave is `y=2 sin pi (0.5x- 200 t)`. Where x and y are expressed in cm and t in sec. The wave velocity is

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  2. Equation of a progressive wave is given by
    `y=0.2 cos pi (0.04t + .02 x -(pi)/(6))`
    The distance is expressed in cm and time in second. What will be the minimum distance between two particles having the phase difference of `pi //2`

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  3. A travelling wave passes a point of observation. At this point, the time interval between successive crests is 0.2 seconds and

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  4. The equation of a transverse wave is given by
    `y=10 sin pi (0.01 x -2t )`
    where x and y are in cm and t is in second. Its frequency is

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  5. At a moment in a progressive wave , the phase of a particle executing S. H. M `(pi)/(3)`. Then the phase of the particle 15 cm ahead and at the time `(T)/(2)` will be , if the wavelength is 60 cm

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  6. The equetion of a wave travelling on a string is
    `y = 4 sin(pi)/(2)(8t-(x)/(8))`
    if x and y are in centimetres, then velocity of waves is

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  7. The equation of a progressive wave is given by
    `y=a sin (628 t-31.4 x)`
    If the distances are expressed in cms and time in seconds, then the wave velocity will be

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  8. Two waves are given by`y_(1) = a sin (omega t - kx)` and `y_(2) = a cos (omega t - kx)`. The phase difference between the two waves is

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  9. If the amplitude of a wave at a distance `r` from a point source is `A`, the amplitude at a distance `2 r` will be

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  10. The relation between time and displacement for two particles is given by
    `y = 0.06 sin 2 pi (0.04 t + phi_(1)),y_(2) = 0.03 sin 2 pi (1.04 t + phi_(2))`
    The ratio of the intensities of the waves produced by the vibrations of the two particles will be

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  11. A wave is reflected from a rigid support. The change in phase on reflection will be

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  12. A plane wave is represented by
    `x=1.2 sin (3 14 t + 12.56 y)`
    Where x and y are distances measured along in x and y direction in meters and t is time in seconds. This wave has

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  13. The displacement y (in cm ) produced by a simple harmonic wave is
    `y=(10)/(pi) sin (2000 pi t -(pi x)/(17))` . The periodic time and maximum velocity of the particles in the medium will respectively be

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  14. The equation of a wave travelling in a string can be written as `y=3 cos pi (100 t-x)`. Ita wavelength is

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  15. A travelling wave is described by the equation `y = y_(0) sin ((ft - (x)/lambda))`. The maximum particle velocity is equal to four times the wave velocity if

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  16. A wave equation which gives the displacement along the y direction is given by `y=10^(-4)sin(60t+2x)`, where x and y are in meters and t is time in seconds This represents a wave

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  17. A transverse wave of amplitude `0.5 m` and wavelength 1 m and frequency 2 Hz is propagating in a string in the negative x - direction. The expression for this wave is

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  18. The displacement of a particle is given by `y= 5 xx 10 ^(-4) sin (100 t-50 x)` , where x is in meter and t in sec, find out the velocity of the wave

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  19. Which one of the following does not represent a travelling wave?

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  20. A wave is represented by the equation
    `y = A sin(10pix + 15pit + (pi)/(3))`
    where `x` is in meter and `t` is in seconds. The expression represents :

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  21. A plane wave is described by the equation `y=3 cos ((x)/(4)-10 t-(pi)/(2))`. The maximum velocity of the particles of the medium due to this wave is

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  22. The path difference between the two waves
    `y_(1)=a_(1) sin(omega t-(2pi x)/(lambda)) and y(2)=a_(2) cos(omega t-(2pi x)/(lambda)+phi)` is

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  23. Wave equations of two particles are given by `y_(1)=a sin (omega t -kx), y_(2)=a sin (kx + omega t)`, then

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  24. A wave is represented by the equation `y=0.5 sin (10 t-x)m`. It is a travelling wave propagating along the + x direction with velocity

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  25. A wave is represented by the equetion
    `y=7 sin(7pi t-0.04pix+(pi)/(3))`
    x is in metres and t is in seconds. The speed of the wave is

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  26. The equation of a transverse travelling on a rope is given by `y=10sinpi (0.01x-2.00t)` where y and x are in cm and t in seconds. The maximum transverse speed of a particle in the rope is about

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  27. As a wave propagates,

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  28. A transverse wave is represented by the equation
    For what value of `lamda`, the maximum particle velocity equal to two times the wave velocity?

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  29. A travelling wave in a stretched string is described by the equation `y = A sin (kx - omegat)` the maximum particle velocity is

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  30. A wave travels in a medium according to the equation of displacement given by
    `y(x, t)=0.03 sin pi (2 t-0.01 x)`
    where y and x are in metres and t in seconds. The wavelength of the wave is

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  31. The particles of a medium vibrate about their mean positions whenever a wave travels through that medium. The phase difference between the vibrations of two such particles

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  32. A progressive wave is given by
    `y=3 sin 2pi [(t//0.04)-(x//0.01)]`
    where x, y are in cm and t in s. The frequency of wave and maximum acceleration will be:

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  33. If the equation of progressive wave is given by `y=4 sin pi[(t)/(5)-(x)/(9)+(pi)/(6)]` then, which of the following is correct `?` (Assume SI units )

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  34. With the propagation of a longitudinal wave through a material medium, the quantities transmitted in the propagation direction are

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  35. The frequency of the sinusoidal wave
    `y=0.40 cos [2000 t +0.80 x]` would be

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  36. Which of the following equations represents a wave

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  37. The equation of a transverse wave is given by
    `y=100 sin pi (0.04z-2t)`
    where y and z are in cm ant t is in seconds. The frequency of the wave in Hz is

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  38. The equation of a plane progressive wave is given by`y = 0.025 sin (100 t + 0.25 x)`.The frequency of this wave would be

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  39. The equation of a sound wave is `y=0.0015sin(62.4x+316t)` the wavelength of this wave is

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  40. In the given progressive wave equation `y=0.5sin(10pit-5x)` where x,y in cm and t in second. The maximum velocity of the particle is :

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  41. A pulse of a wave train travels along a stretched string and reaches the fixed end of the will be reflected back with

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  42. The equation of a travelling wave is
    `y=60 cos(1800t-6x)`
    where y is in microns, t in seconds and x in metres. The ratio of maximum particle velocity to velocity of wave propagation is

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  43. The wave equation is `y=0.30 sin (314 t-1.57 x)` where t , x and y are in second, meter and centimeter respectively. The speed of the wave is

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  44. Equation of the progressive wave is given by : `y=a sin pi (40 t-x)` where a and x are in metre and t in second. The velocity of the wave is

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  45. Progressive wave of sound is represented by `y=a sin [ 400 pi t- pi x//6.85]`where x is in m and t is in sec. Frequency of the wave will be

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  46. Two waves of frequencies 20 Hz and 30 Hz. Travels out from a common point. The phase difference between them after 0.6 sec is

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  47. The phase difference between two points separated by 0.8 m in a wave of frequency 120 Hz is `90^(@)` . Then the velocity of wave will be

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  48. The equation of a progressive wave is
    here x and y are in metres and t is in seconds. The velocity of propagation of the wave is

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  49. If the equation of transverse wave is `y=5 sin 2 pi [(t)/(0.04)-(x)/(40)]`, where distance is in cm and time in second, then the wavelength of the wave is

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  50. A wave is represented by the equation : `y=a sin (0.01x-2t)`where a and x are in cm . velocity of propagation of wave is

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  51. A simple harmonic progressive wave is representive by the equation `y=8 sin 2pi (0.1x -2t)` where x and y are in centimetres and t is in seconds. At any instant the phase difference between two particle separted by 2.0 cm along the x-direction is

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  52. The intensity of a progressing plane wave in loss-free medium is

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  53. The equation of progressive wave is `y=a sin (200 t-x)`. where x is in meter and t is in second. The velocity of wave is

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  54. A wave is represented by the equation `y=7 sin {pi (2t -2x)}` here x is in metres and t in seconds. The velocity of the wave is

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  55. The equation of a longitudinal wave is represented as `y= 20 cos pi (50 t-x)`. Its wavelength is

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  56. A wave equation which gives the displacement along y -direction is given by `y=0.001 sin (100t +x)` where x and y are in meterand t is time in second. This represented a wave

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  57. A transverse wave is given by `y=A sin 2 pi ((t)/(T)-(x)/(lambda))`. The maximum particle velocity is equal to 4 times the wave velocity when

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  58. The equation of a wave is represented by ` y= 10^(-4) sin[ 100 t -(x)/(10)]`. The velocity of the wave will be

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  59. A wave travelling in positive X-direction with `A=0.2m` has a velocity of `360 m//sec` if `lamda=60m`, then correct exression for the wave is

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  60. The equation of a wave motion (with t in seconds and x in metres ) is given by `y=7 sin [ 7 pi t-0.4 pi x+(pi)/(3)]` . The velocity of the wave will be

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  61. Two waves represented by the following equations are travelling in the same medium `y_(1)= 5sin 2 pi (75 t-0.25x),y_(2)=10 sin2 pi (150 t-0.50x)`
    The intensity ratio `I_(1)//I_(2)` of the two waves is

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  62. The equation of a progressive wave is `y=8 sin [ pi ((t)/(10)-(x)/(4))+(pi)/(3)]`. The wavelength of the wave is

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  63. Which of the following is not true for the progressive wave
    where x and y are in cm and t in seconds.

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  64. The equation of a wave is given as`y = 0.07 sin (12 pi x - 3000 pi t)`. . where xis in metre and t in sec, then the correct statement is

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  65. The equation of the propagating wave is `y=25 sin (20 t+5 x)`,where y is displacement. Which of the following statement is not true

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  66. In a plane progressive wave given by `y=25 cos (2 pi t- pi x)`, the amplitude and frequency are respectively

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  67. The displacement `y` of a wave travelling in the x-direction is given by
    `y = 10^(-4) sin ((600t - 2x + (pi)/(3))meters`
    where `x` is expressed in meters and `t` in seconds. The speed of the wave-motion, in `ms^(-1)`, is

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  68. The displacement `y` of a partcle in a medium can be expressed as,
    `y = 10^(-6) sin ((100t + 20x + (pi)/(4))m` where `t` is in second and `x` in meter. The speed of the wave is

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  69. If the wave equation `y= 0.08 sin (2 pi)/(lambda) (200t-x)` then the velocity of the wave will be

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  70. The phase difference between two points separated by 0.8 m in a wave of frequency 120 Hz is `90^(@)` . Then the velocity of wave will be

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  71. A plane progressive wave is represented by the equation `y=0.1 sin (200 po t-(20 pi x)/(17))`where y is displacement in m , t in second and x is distance from a fixed origin in meter . The frequency, wavelength and speed of the wave respectively are

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  72. The equation of a progressive wave is given by `y = 0.5 sin (20 x - 400 t)` where xand y are in metre and tis in second. The velocity of the wave is

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  73. A transverse progressive wave on a stretched string has a velocity of `10ms^(-1)` and a frequency of 100 Hz . The phase difference between two particles of the string which are `2.5 cm` apart will be

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  74. A transverse sinusoidal wave of amplitude `a`, wavelength `lambda` and frequency `f` is travelling on a stretched string. The maximum speed of any point in the string is `v//10`, where `v` is the speed of propagation of the wave. If `a = 10^(-3)m` and `v = 10ms^(-1)`, then `lambda` and `f` are given by

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  75. When a longitudinal wave propagates through a medium, the particles of the medium execute simple harmonic oscillations about their mean positions. These oscillations of a particle are characterised by an invariant

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  76. Equation of a progressive wave is given by `y= a sin pi [(t)/(2)-(x)/(4)]`, where t is in seconds and x is in meters. The distance through which the wave moves in 8 sec is (in meter)

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  77. The phase difference between two waves represented by `y_(1)=10 ^(-6) sin [100 t+(x//50)+0.5]m, y_(2)=10^(-6) cos[100t+(x//50)]m`where x is expressed in metres and t is expressed in seconds, is approximately

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  78. Equation of motion in the same direction are given by ltbygt `y_(1)=2a sin (omega t-kx) and y_(2)=2a sin (omega t-kx - theta )`
    The amplitude of the medium particle will be

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  79. A particle on the trough of a wave at any instant will come to the mean position after a time ( T = time period)

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  80. If the equation of transverse wave is `Y=2 sin (kx-2t),` then the maximum particle velocity is

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Progressive Waves questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES AND SOUND of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11