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Complete Solutions to Ordinary Thinking of chapter WAVES AND SOUND of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

ERRORLESSOrdinary Thinking
Number Of Questions94
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statements is wrong ?

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  2. The relation between frequency `n` wavelength `lambda` and velocity of propagation `v` of wave is

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  3. Ultrasonic, Infrasonic and audible waves travel through a medium with speeds `V_(u),V_(i) and V_(a)` respectively, then

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  4. The distance between two consecutive crests in a wave train produced in string is 5 m. If two complete waves pass through any point per second, the velocity of wave is :-

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  5. A tuning fork makes `256` vibrations per second in air. When the speed of sound is `330 m//s`, the wavelength of the note emitted is :

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  6. A man sets his watch by a whistle that is 2 km away. How much will his watch be in error. (speed of sound in air 330 m / sec )

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  7. When a sound wave of frequency 300 Hz passes through a medium the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium is 0.1 cm . The maximum velocity of the particle is equal to

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  8. Sound waves have the following frequencies that are audible to human beings

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  9. The velocity of sound waves in air is `330m//s`. For a particluar sound in air, a path difference of `40 cm` is equivalent to a phase difference of `1.6pi`. The frequency of this wave is

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  10. Wavelength of ultrasonic waves in air is of the order of :

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  11. The phase difference corresponding to path difference of x is

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  12. A hospital uses an ultrasonic scanner to locate tumour in a tissue. What is the wavelength of sound in a tissue in which the speed of sound is `1.7 km//s` ? The operating frequency of the scanner is `4.2 MHz`.

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  13. The minimum audible wavelength at room temperature is about

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  14. The ratio of the speed of sound in nitrogen gas to that in helium gas, at 300K is

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  15. In a sinusoidal wave, the time required for a particular point to move from maximum displacement to zero displacement is 0.170 second. The frequency of the wave is

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  16. The number of waves contained in unit length of the medium is called

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  17. The frequency of a rod is 200 HZ. If the velocity of sound in air is `340ms^(-1)`, the wavelength of the sound produced is

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  18. What is the audible range of the average human ear ?

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  19. In a medium sound travels 2 km in 3 sec and in air, it travel 3 km in 10 sec . The ratio of the wavelengths of sound in the two media is

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  20. A stone is dropped into a lake from a tower 500 metre high. The sound of the splash will be heard by the man approximately after

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  21. When sound waves travel from air to water, which of the following remains constant

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  22. A stone is dropped in a well which is 19.6 m deep. Echo sound is heard after 2.06 sec (after dropping) then the velocity of sound is

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  23. At what temperature will the speed of sound be double of its value at `0^@C ` ?

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  24. Velocity of sound is maximum in

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  25. If velocity of sound in a gas is 360 m / s and the distance between a compression and the nearest rarefaction is 1 m , then the frequency of sound is

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  26. If the density of oxygen is 16 times that of hydrogen, what will be the ratio of their corresponding velocities of sound waves

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  27. At which temperature the speed of sound in hydrogen will be same as that of speed of sound in oxygen at `100^@C`

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  28. A tuning fork produces waves in a medium. If the temperature of the medium changes, then which of the following will change

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  29. The wave length of light in visible part `(lambda_(v))` and for sound `(lambda_(s))` are related as

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  30. Which of the following is different from others

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  31. The phase difference between two points separated by 1m in a wave of frequency 120 Hz is `90^(@)` . The wave velocity is

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  32. The echo of a gun shot is heard 8 sec. after the gun is fired. How far from him is the surface that reflects the sound (velocity of sound in air = 350 m/s )

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  33. A man sets his watch by the sound of a siren placed at a distance 1 km away . If the velocity of sound is `330 m//s`

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  34. Velocity of sound in air is

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  35. Two monoatomic ideal gases `1` and `2` of molecular masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` respectively are enclosed in separate containers kept at the same temperature. The ratio of the of sound in gas `1` to that in gas `2` is given by

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  36. A man is standing between two parallel cliffs and fires a gun. If he hears first and second echoes after 1.5 s and 3.5s respectively, the distance between the cliffs is (Velocity of sound in air `= 340 ms^(–1)` )

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  37. When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased by 600 K , the velocity of sound in the gas becomes `sqrt(3)` times the initial velocity in it. The initial temperature of the gas is

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  38. The frequency of a sound wave is n and its velocity is v. If the frequency is increased to 4n the velocity of the wave will be

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  39. The temperature at which the speed of sound in air becomes double of its value at `27^(@)C` is

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  40. The speed of a wave in a certain medium is `960 m//s`. If 3600 waves pass over a certain point of the medium in 1 min, the wavelength is

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  41. Speed of sound at constant temperature depends on

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  42. A man standing on a cliff claps his hand hears its echo after 1 sec . If sound is reflected from another mountain and velocity of sound in air is 340 m / sec . Then the distance between the man and reflection point is

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  43. What will be the wave velocity, if the radar gives 54 waves per min and wavelength of the given wave is 10 m

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  44. Sound velocity is maximum in

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  45. What is the minimum distance of the obstacle from the source of sound for hearing distinct echo ?

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  46. The type of waves that can be propagated through solid is

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  47. A man stands in front of a hillock and fires a gun. He hears an echo after 1.5 sec . The distance of the hillock from the man is (velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s )

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  48. Velocity of sound in air
    I. Increases with temperature
    II. Decreases with temperature
    III. Increase with pressure
    IV. Is independent of pressure
    V. Is independent of temperature Choose the correct answer

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  49. The speed of a wave in a medium is 760 m/s. If 3600 waves are passing through a point in the medium in 2 min, then their wavelength is

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  50. If at same temperature and pressure, the densities for two diatomic gases are respectively `d_(1) and d_(2)` , then the ratio of velocities of sound in these gases will be

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  51. The frequency of a tunning fork is 384 per second and velocity of sound in air is 352 m/s . How far the sound has traversed while fork completes 36 vibration

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  52. `v_(1) and v_(2)` are the velocities of sound at the same temperature in two monoatomic gases of densities `

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  53. The temperature at which the speed of sound in air becomes double of its value at `0^(@)C` is

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  54. If wavelength of a wave is ` lambda = 6000 Å `.Then wave number will be

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  55. Velocity of sound measured in hydrogen and oxygen gas at a given temperature will be in the ratio

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  56. Find the frequency of minimum distance between compression & rarefaction of a wire. If the length of the wire is 1 m & velocity of sound in air is 360 m/s

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  57. The velocity of sound is `v_(s)` in air. If the density of air is increased to 4 times, then the new velocity of sound will be

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  58. It takes 2.0 seconds for a sound wave to travel between two fixed points when the day temperature is `10^(@) C`. If the temperature rise to `30 ^(@)C` the sound wave travels between the same fixed parts in

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  59. If `v_(m)` is the velocity of sound in moist air, `v_(d)` is the velocity of sound in dry air, under identical conditions of pressure and temperature

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  60. A man standing between two parallel hills, claps his hand and hears successive echoes at regular intervals of 1s. If velocity of sound is 340 m `s^(-1)`, then the distance between the hills is

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  61. A source of sound of frequency 600 Hz is placed inside water. The speed of sound in water is `1500 m//s` and in air it is `300 m//s`. The frequency of sounds recorded by an observer who is standing in air is :-

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  62. If the temperature of the atmosphere is increased the following character of the sound wave is effected

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  63. An underwater sonar source operating at a frequency of 60 kHz directs its beam towards the surface. If velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s, wavelength and frequency of the waves in air are :-

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  64. Two sound waves have phase difference of `60^(@)`, then they will have the path difference of:

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  65. It is possible to distinguish between the transverse and longitudinal waves by studying the property of

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  66. Water waves are

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  67. Sound travels in rocks in the form of :

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  68. The waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave motion is known as

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  69. A medium can carry a longitudinal wave because it has the property

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  70. Which of the following is the longitudinal wave

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  71. The nature of sound waves in gases is

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  72. Transverse waves can propagate in

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  73. Sound waves in air are

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  74. Which of the following is not the transverse wave

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  75. What is the phase difference between two successive crests in the wave

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  76. A wave of frequency 500 Hz has velocity 360 m/sec. The distance between two nearest points `60^(@)` out of phase, is

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  77. A wave of frequency 500 Hz has velocity 360 m/sec. The distance between two nearest points `60^(@)` out of phase, is

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  78. When an aeroplane attains a speed higher than the velocity of sound in air, a loud bang is heard. This is because

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  79. Ultrasound waves are those waves :

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  80. A big explosion on the moon cannot be heard on the earth because

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  81. Sound waves of wavelength greater than that of audible sound are called

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  82. ‘SONAR’ emits which of the following waves

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  83. Which type of waves do not require a material medium for propagation?

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  84. Consider the following
    I. Waves created on the surfaces of a water pond by a vibrating sources.
    II. Wave created by an oscillating electric field in air.
    III. Sound waves travelling under water. Which of these can be polarized

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  85. Mechanical waves on the surface of a liquid are

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  86. The ratio of densities of oxygen and nitrogen is 16`:`14. At what temperature, the speed of sound in oxygen will be equal to its speed in nitrogen at `14^(@)C`?

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  87. The intensity of sound increases at night due to

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  88. A wave of wavelength 0.60 cm is produced in air and it travels at a speed of` 300 ms^-1`. Will it be audible?

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  89. Speed of sound in mercury at a certain temperature is 1450 m/s . Given the density of mercury as `13.6 xx 10^(3) kg//m`, the bulk modulus for mercury is

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  90. A micro-wave and an ultrasonic sound wave have the same wavelength. Their frequencies are in the ratio (approximately)

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  91. A point source emits sound equally in all directions in a non-absorbing medium. Two point `P` and `Q` are at distance of `2 m` and `3 m` respectively from the source. The ratio of the intensities of the wave at `P` and `Q` is :

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  92. A wave has velocity u in medium P and velocity 2 u in medium Q . If the wave is incident in medium P at an angle of `30^(@)` then the angle of refraction will be

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  93. An observer standing at the sea coast observes `54 waves` reaching the coast per minute. If the wavelength of a wave is `10 m`, find the wave velocity.

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  94. Ultrasonic signal sent from SONAR returns to it after reflection from a rock after a lapse of 1 sec. If the velocity of ultrasound in water is 1600 `ms^(-1)`, the depth of the rock in water is

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Ordinary Thinking questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES AND SOUND of UNIVERSAL BOOK DEPOT 1960 PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11