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Complete Solutions to Problems For Practice of chapter BASIC MATHEMATICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

GRB PUBLICATIONProblems For Practice
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given, `y=(ax+b)^(2)` , evaluate ` (dy)/(dx)`.

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  2. Given, `y=sin 2x` . Then find `(dy)/(dx)` .

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  3. Given , y=ln(ax+b), then find `(dy)/(dx)`

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  4. `y=x^(3)-4x^(2)+5`. Find ` (dy)/(dx) , (d^(2) y)/(dx^(2))` and ` (d^(3)y)/(dx^(3))` .

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  5. Find value of `int (ax+b)^(3//2) dx`.

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  6. Find value of ` int (dx)/((ax+b))` .

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  7. Find value of ` int sin 2x dx`.

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  8. Given , `epsilon-L(di)/(dt)=iR`, find the value of `i` at any time t in terms of constant ` epsilon`, L and R. At t=0 , `i=0` .

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  9. Plot the line `-3x-5y=15`.

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  10. A particle starts with some initial velocity with an acceleration along the direction of motion. Draw a graph depicting the variation of velocity (v) along y-axis with the variation of displacement(s) along x-axis.

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  11. Plot a graph for the equation ` y=ax-bx^(2)` , where a and b are positive constants.

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  12. If a particle starts moving along x-axis from origin with initial velocity u=2m/s and acceleration `4m//s^(2)` the relation between displacement and time is given as `x=2t+2t^(2)`. Draw the displacement time graph for `t ul(gt)0`.

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  13. A particle starts with uniform acceleration. Draw a graph taking the displacement(s) of the particle along y-axis and time(t) along x-axis. What is the curve known as?

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  14. If `y=[(x^(2)+1)/(x+1)]`, then find ` (dy)/(dx)`.

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  15. If `y=(sin x)/(x+cos x)`, then find ` (dy)/(dx)`.

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  16. If `y=cos^(2) x`, then find `(dy)/(dx)`.

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  17. If `y=cos x^(2)`, then find `(dy)/(dx)` .

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  18. If `x=at^(4)`, `y=bt^(3)`, then find ` (dy)/(dx)`.

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  19. The velocity v of a particle is given by the equation `v=6t^(2)-6t^(3)`, where v is in `ms^(-1)`, t is the instant of time in seconds while 6 and 6 are suitable dimensional constants. At what values of t will the velocity be maximum and minimum ? Determine these maximum and minimum values of the velocity.

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  20. Evaluate `intsqrt(1+y^(2)).2ydy`

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  21. Evaluate : `int (2xdx)/((x^(2)+1)^(3//2)`

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  22. How rapidly will the fluid level inside a vertical cylindrical tank drop if we pump the fluid out at the rate of 3000 L/min ? Take area of base of cylinder=A.

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  23. A hot air balloon rising straight up from a level field is tracked by a range finder 500 ft from the lift-off point. At the moment the range finder's elevation angle is `(pi)/(4)`. The angle is increasing at the rate of `0.14 ` rad/min. How fast is the balloon rising at the moment ?

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  24. A police cruiser, approaching a right-angled intersection from the north, is chasing a speeding car that has turned the corner and is now moving straight cast. When the cruiser is `0.6` mile north of the intersection and the car is `0.8` mile to the east, the police determine with radar that the distance between them and the car is increasing at 20 mph. If the cruiser is moving at 60 mph at the instant of measurement, what is the speed of the car ?

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  25. Water runs into a conical tank at the rate of `9 ft^(3)//"min"`. The tank stands point down and has a height of 10 ft and a base radius of 5 ft. How fast is the water level rising when the water is 6 ft deep ?

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  26. Heating a plate. When a circular plate of metal is heated in an oven, its radius increases at the rate of `0.01cm//"min"`. At what rate is the plate's area increasing when the radius is 50 cm ?

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  27. Changing dimensions in a rectangular box. Suppose that the edge lengths x, y and z of a closed rectangular box are changing at the following rates :
    `(dx)/(dt)=1m//"sec", (dy)/(dt)=-2m//"sec", (dy)/(dt)=1//"sec"`,
    Find the rates at which the box's (a) volume, (b) surface area and (c) diagonal length `s=sqrt(x^(2)+y^(2)+z^(2))` are changing at the instant when x=4, y=3 and z=2 .

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  28. A 13 ft leader is leaning against a house when its base starts to slide away. When the base is 12 ft from the house, then base is moving at the rate of 5 ft/sec.
    (a) How fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the wall then?
    (b) At what rate is the area of the triangle formed by the ladder, wall and ground changing then ?
    (c) At what rate is the angle `theta` between the ladder and the ground changing then ?

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  29. Flying a kite . A girl flies a kite at a height of 3000 ft, the wind carrying the kite horizontally away from her at a rate of 25 ft/sec. How fast must she let out the string when the kite is 500 ft away from her ?

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  30. A growing sand pile . Sand falls from a conveyor belt at the rate of ` 10m^(3)//"min"` on to the top of a conical pile. The height of the pile is always three-eights of the base diameter. How fast are the (a) height and (b) radius changing when the pile is 4 m high ? Answer in cm/min.

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  31. A growing raindrop. Suppose that a drop of mist is a perfect sphere and that, through condensation, the drop picks up moisture at a rate proportional to its surface area. Show that under these circumstances the drop's radius increases at a constant rate.

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  32. A balloon and a bicycle. A balloon is rising vertically above a level, straight road at a constant rate of 1 ft/sec. Just when the balloon is 65 ft above the ground , a bicycle moving at a constant rate of 17 ft/sec passes under it . How fast is the distance between the bicycle and balloon increasing 3 sec later ?

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  33. If two resistors of `R_(1)` and `R_(2)` ohms are connected in parallel in an electric circuit to make an R ohm resistor, the value of R can be found from the equation,
    If `R_(1)` is decreasing at the rate of 1 ohm/sec and `R_(2)` i increasing at the rate of 0.5 ohm/sec, at what rate is R changing when `R_(1)=75` ohm and `R_(2)=50` ohm ?

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  34. Suppose that at time ` t ul( gt)0` the position of a particle moving on the x-axis is `x=(t-1)(t-4)^(4)m`.
    (a) When is the particle at rest ?
    (b) During what time interval does the particle move to the left ?
    (c) Find maximum velocity of particle while moving to the left.

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  35. A draining conical reservoir. Water is flowing at the rate of `50m^(3)//"min"` from a shallow concrete conical reservoir (vertex down) of base radius 45 m and height 6 m.
    (a) How fast is the water level falling when the water is 5 m deep.
    (b) How fast is the radius of the water's surfce changing then ? Answer in cm/min.

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Problems For Practice questions and complete solutions for chapter BASIC MATHEMATICS of GR BATHLA & SONS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11