Class 11 | PHYSICS |
HC VERMA | Worked Out Examples |
Number Of Questions | 10 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The displacement of a particle of a string carrying a travelling wave is given by `y = (3.0cm) sin 6.28 (0.50x - 50t),` where x is in centimetre and t in second Find (a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, (c ) the frequency and (d) the speed of the wave.
The equation for a wave travelling in x-direction on a string is y =(3.0cm)sin[(3.14 cm^(-1) x - (314s^(-1))t]` (a) Find the maximum velocity of a particle of the string. (b) Find the acceleration of a particle at x =6.0 cm at time t = 0.11 s.
A long string having a cross- sectional area `0.80 mm^2` and density `12.5 g cm^(-3)` is subjected to a tension of 64 N along the X-axis. One end of this string is attached to a vibrator moving in transverse direction at a frequency fo 20Hz. At t = 0. the source is at a maximujm displacement y= 1.0 cm. (a) Write the equation for the wave. (c ) What is the displacement of the particle of the string at x = 50 cm at time t = 0.05 s ? (d) What is the velocity of this particle at this instant ?
The speed of a transverse wave going on a wire having a length 50 cm and maas 5.0 g is `80ms^(-1)` The area of cross section of the wire is `1.0mm.^2` and its Young modulus is `16 xx 10^(11) N m^(-2).` Find the extension of the wire over its natural lenth.
A uniform rope of length 12 mm and mass 6 kg hangs vertically from a rigid support. A block of mass 2 kg is attached to the free end of the rope. A transverse pulse of wavelength 0.06 m is produced at the lower end of the rope. What is the wavelength of the pulse when it reaches the top of the rope?
Two waves passing through a region are represented by `y=(1.0cm) sin [(3.14 cm^(-1))x - (157s^(-1) x - (157s^(-1))t]`
and `y = (1.5 cm) sin [(1.57 cm^(-1))x- (314 s^(-1))t].` Find the displacement of the particle at x = 4.5 cm at time t = 5.0 ms.
The vibrations of a string fixed at both ends are described by the equation `y= (5.00 mm) sin [(1.57cm^(-1))x] sin [(314 s^(-1))t]`
(a) What is the maximum displacement of particle at x = 5.66 cm ? (b) What are the wavelengths and the wave speeds of the two transvers waves that combine to give the above vibration ? (c ) What is the velocity of the particle at x = 5.66 cm at time t = 2.00s ? (d) If the length of the string is 10.0 cm, locate the nodes and teh antinodes. How many loops are formed in the vibration ?
A guitar string is 90 cm long and has a fundamental frequency of 124 Hz. Where should it be pressed to produce a fundamatal frequecy of 186 Hz?
A sonometer wire has a total length of 1m between the fixed ends. Where should the two bridges be placed below the wire so that the three segments of the wire have their fundamental frequencies in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 ?
A wire having a linear mass density `5.0xx10^(03) kg m^(-1)` is stretched between two rigid supportes with a tension of 450 N. The wire resonates at which the same wire resontes is 490 Hz. Find the length of the wire.
Worked Out Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVE MOTION AND WAVES ON A STRING of HC VERMA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11