Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | DYNAMICS |
Number Of Questions | 43 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Explain why bullets fired from a riffle leave a clean hole in window panes?
The blades of a fan continue to rotate even when the current is switched off. Why?
Athletes run some distance before taking a long jump. Why?
Why are mud-guards used over the rotating wheel of the vehicles?
A person falling from a certain height receives more severe injuries if he falls on a cemented floor than on a heap of sand? Why?
While catching a criket ball, the player lowers his hands. Why?
Action and reaction are equal and opposite, then why they do not cancel each other?
When an object falls to the earth, also moves up to meet it. Why the earth's motion is not noticeable?
In order to swim, a person pushes the water backward, why?
Suppose a boy is standing at the centre of a frictionless ice floor. How can be reach the edge of the floor?
When a horse pulls a cart, the cart pulls the horse backwards. Then explain how the motion takes place?
Explain why a horse cannot pull a cart and run in empty space?
It is easier to pull then to push a lawn roller, why?
Which of the observers below are inertial and which non-inertial?
A child revolving in a giant wheel.
Which of the observers below are inertial and which non-inertial?
A driver in a sports car along a straight road at `200 km"/"h`.
Which of the observers below are inertial and which non-inertial?
The pilot of an aeroplane which is taking off.
Which of the observers below are inertial and which non-inertial?
A cyclist negotiating a sharp turn.
Can a sail boat be propelled by air blown at the sails from a fan attached to the boat?
When a soda water bottle falls freely will the gas bubbles rise in water?
A person experiences a loss of weight at the start of a lift going down but not when the lift is in uniform motion?
What is the work done by earth's gravitational force in keeping the moon in the orbit?
A light body and a heavy have equal kinetic energy. Which will have a greater momentum?
A light body and a heavy have the same momentum. Which one has more kinetic energy?
Can a body have
Energy momentum.
Can a body have
Momentum without energy?
Explain the energy conversion
In a hydroelectric power plant.
Explain the energy conversion
In a thermal power plant.
How does an arrow shoot from a bow get energy?
Mountain roads are curved and not straight up the slope, why?
What is the sign of work done
By a man lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket.
What is the sign of work done
Gravitational force in the above case.
Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed. Then what happens to the energy spent against friction?
When a ball is thrown up the magnitude of its momentum decreases and then increases. Does it violate the law of conservation of momentum principle?
In a perfect inelastic collision, then momentum is conserved even though the K.E. of the colliding body decreases. Explain.
A compressed spring is placed in acid and dissolved. Where does the P.E. go?
What change is produced in the K.E. of a body if its mass and velocity are doubled?
A car and a bus having the same K.E. are brought to rest by the application of brakes, which provide equal retarding forces. Which will come to rest in a sharter distance?
Explain how fast neutron can be slowed down by sending them through heavy water.
A molecule in a gas container hits the wall with a speed `200ms^(-1)` at an angle `30^(@)` with the normal, and rebounds with the same speed. Is momentum conserved in the collision? Is the collision elastic or inelastic?
Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other steep meet at A, from where two stones are allowed to slide down from rest, one on each track. Will the stones reach the bottom at the same time? Will they there with the same speed? Explain.
The casing of a rocket in flight burns up due to friction. At whose expenses is the heat energy required for burning obtained? The rocket or the atmosphere?
An artificial satellite orbiting the earth in a very thin atmosphere loses its energy gradually due to dissipation against atmosphere resistance, however small. Why then does its speed increase progressively as it comes closer and closer to the earth?
In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, is the total K.E. is conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact)?
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERES questions and complete solutions for chapter DYNAMICS of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11