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Complete Solutions to MOTION IN FLUIDS of chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A piece of ice having a stone frozen in it floats in a glass vessel filled with water. How will the level of water in the vessel change when the ice melts?

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  2. A wooden cube just floats inside water when a 200 gm mass is placed on it. When the mass is removed, the cube is 2 cm above the water level. The size of the cube is

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  3. About floaring in a water tank is carrying a number of large stones. If the stories were unloaded into water what will happen to water level?

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  4. A body of volume 100 cc. is immersed completely in water contained in a jar. THE weight of water and jar before immersion of the body was 700 gm. After immersion weight of water and jar will be

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  5. With increase in temperature the viscocity of

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  6. A small spherical solid ball is dropped in a viscous liquid. It journey in the liquid is best described in the Fig. 15.5.1 by

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  7. The viscous drag on a spherical body moving with a speed v is proportional to

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  8. Under a constant pressure head, the rate of flow of orderly volume flow of liquid through a capillary tube is V. IF the length of the capillary is doubled and the diameter of the bore is halved, the rate of flow would become

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  9. Uniform speed of 2 cm diameter ball is `20cm//s` in a viscous liquid. Then, the speed of 1 cm diameter ball in the same liquid is

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  10. The terminal velocity v of a small steel ball of radius r falling under gravity through a column of viscous liquid of coefficient of viscosity `eta` depends on mass of the bass m, acceleration due to gravity g, coefficient of viscosity `eta` and radius r. Which of the following relations is dimensionally correct ?

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  11. Bernoulli's principle is based on the law of conservation of

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  12. The terminal velocity of small sized spherical body of radius r falling veertically in a viscous liquid is given by a following proportionality

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  13. When a large bubble rises from the bottom of a lake to the surface, its radius doubles, The atmospheric pressure is equal to that of a column of water of height H. The depth of the lake is

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  14. An inverted vessel (ball) lying at the bottom of a lake, 47.6 m deep, has 50 c.c. of air trapped in it. The bell is brought to the surface of the lake. The volume of the trapped air will now be (Atmospheric pressure is 70 cm of Hg, density of HG - 13.6 g `cm^(-3)`)

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  15. A metallic sphere floats in an immiscible mixture of water `(rho_(W) = 10^(3)kg//m^(3))` and a liquid `(rho_(1) = 13.5 xx 10^(3) kg//m^(3))` such that is (4/5) th portion is in water and (1/5) th portion in the liquid. The density of metal is

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  16. Motion of a liquid in a tube is describe by

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  17. A cylinider is filled with non viscous liquid of density d to a height `h_(0)` and a hole is made at a height `h_(1)` from the bottom of the cylinder. The velocity issuing out of the hole is

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  18. In the Fig. 15.5.2 below in shown the flow of liquid through a horizontal pipe. Three tubes A, B and C are connected to the pipe. The radii of the tube, A, B and C at the junction are respectively 2 cm, 1 cm , and 2 cm. It can be said that the

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  19. Two spheres of equal masses but radii R and 2 R are allowed to fall in a liquid, the ratio of their terminal velocities is

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  20. A vessel contains oil (density = 0.8 `gm//cm^(2)`) over mercury (density = 13.6 `gm//cm^(2)`). A homogeneous sphere floats with half of its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of material of the sphere in `gm//cm^(3)` is

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  21. The spring balance A read 2 kg with a block m suspended from it. A balance B reads 5 kg when a beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance. The two balances are now so arranged that the hanging is inside the liquid in the beaker as shown in Fig. 15.5.3. In this situation

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  22. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. If the whole system as shown in fig. 15.3.13 falls freely under gravity then the upthrust on the body due to liquid is

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  23. A wooden block with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in figure.

    The distance l and h are shown in the figure. After sometime, the coin falls into the water. Then,

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  24. A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is square hole of side L at a depth y from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth of 4y from the top. When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantities of water flowing out per second from both holes are the same. Then R is equal to

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  25. A hemispherical portion of a radius R is removed from the bottom of a cylinder of radius R. The volume of the remaining cylinder is V and its mass is M. It is suspended by a string in a liquid of density `rho` where it stays vertical . The upper surface of the cylinder is at a depth of h below the liquid surface. THe force on the bottom of the cylinder by the liquid is

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MOTION IN FLUIDS questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11