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Complete Solutions to OSCILLATIONS of chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle moves such that its accleration a is given by `a = -bx`, where x is the displacement from equilibrium position and b is a constant. The period of oscillation is

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  2. The motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by `X = 0.01 sin 100 pi (t + 0.05)`, where X is in metres andt in second. The time period is second is

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  3. The differential equation of a particle executing simple harmonic motion along y-axis is

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  4. The kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion will be equal when displacement (amplitude = a) is

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  5. A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of train has a period T When the train is at rest. When the train si accelerating with a uniform acceleratio a, the period of oscillation will

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  6. A simple harmonic oscillation has an amplitude `A` and time period `T`. The time required to travel from `x = A` to ` x= (A)/(2)` is

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  7. A spring has force constant K and a mass m is suspended from it. The spring is cut in half and the same is suspended from one of the havles. IF the frequency of osicllation in the frst case is `alpha`, then the frequency in the second case will be

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  8. If the period of oscillation of mass M suspended. From a spring is one second, then the period of 4 M will be

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  9. Two masses M and m are suspended together by massless spring of force constant -k. When the masses are in equilibrium, M is removed without disturbing the system. The amplitude of oscillations.

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  10. Two identical springs of spring constant k each are connected in series and parallel as shown in figure. A mass M is suspended from them. The ratio of their frequencies of vertical oscillation will be

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  11. On a smooth inclined plane, a block of mass M is attached between two springs as shown in the figure. The other ends of the springs are fixed to firm supports. If each spring has spring constant k, the period of oscillation of the block is (Assuming the springs as massless)

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  12. A simple pendulum with a bob of mass m oscillates from A to C and back to A such that PB is H. IF the acceleration due to gravity is g, the velocity of bob as it passes through B is

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  13. The kinetic energy of a particle, executing S.H.M. is 16 J when it is in its mean position. IF the amplitude of oscillation is 25 cm and the mass of the particle is 5.12 Kg, the time period of its oscillations is

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  14. Two masses `m_(1) and m_(2)` are suspended together by a massless spring of constant k. When the masses are in equilibrium, `m_(1)` is removed without disturbing the system. Then the angular frequency of oscillation of `m_(2)` is

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  15. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. The period of oscillation of pendulum on this planet will be (if it is a second's pendulum on earth )

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  16. The total energy of the body executing S.H.M. is E. Then the kinetic energy when the displacement is half of the amplitude is

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  17. A simple pendulum has a bob which is a hollow sphere full of sand and oscillated with certain period. If all that sand is drained out through a hole at its bottom, then its period
    (a) increases
    (b) decreases
    ( c) remains same
    (d) is zero.

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  18. A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant `2 xx 10^(6) Nm^(-1)` and amplitude 0.01 m has a total mechanical energy of 160 J. Its

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  19. Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring constants `k_(1)` and `k_(2)` respectively . If the two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of vibration of M to that on N is

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  20. A particle executes S.H.M. between `x = -A` and `x = + A`. The time taken for it to go from 0 to A/2 is `T_(1)` and to go from A/2 to A is `T_(2)`. Then

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  21. A simple pendulum of length I has been set up inside a railway wagon sliding down a frictionless inclined plane having an angle of inclination 0 with the horizontal. What will be its period of oscillation is recorded by an observer inside the wagon ? [Fig. 15.12.4]

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  22. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. The period of oscillation of pendulum on this planet will be (if it is a second’s pendulum on earth)

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  23. A block of mass M is attached to the lower end of a verticle spring. The spring is hung from a ceiling and has force constant value k. The mass is released form rest with the spring intially unstretched. The maximum extension produced in the length of the spring will be

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OSCILLATIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11