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Complete Solutions to Dynamics (UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION) of chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle is in motion for somoe time, which of the following can be zero ?

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  2. Which of the following statement is true about a particle moving with uniform velocity ?

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  3. A particle moves along the circumference of a circle of radius r when its completes one rotation.

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  4. Which of the following is not a unit of speed ?

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  5. The area enclosed by the position-time graph of a stationary body,

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  6. The speedometer of an automobile measures

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  7. If a car at rest, accelerates uniformly to a speed of `144 km//h` in `20s`, it covers a distance of

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  8. A man runs along the straight road for half the distance with velocity `v_(1)` and the remaining half distance with velocity `v_(2)`. Then the average velocity is given by

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  9. The position x of a particle varies with time t, as `x = at^(2)-b t^(3)`. The acceleration of the particle will be zero at time t equals to

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  10. A particle moves along with X-axis. The position x of particle with respect to time t from given by `x=b_(0)+b_(1)t+b_(2)t^(2)`. The acceleration of particle is

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  11. A person travels along a straight road for the first half with a velocity `v_(1)` and the second half time with a velocity `v_(2)`. Then the mean velocity `vecv` is given by

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  12. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate `alpha` for some time, after which it decelerates at a constant rate `beta,` to come to rest. If the total time elapsed is t seconds. Then evalute the maximum velocity aquired by the car is

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  13. A train accelerates from rest at a constant rate `alpha` for some time and then it retards to rest at the constant rate `beta`. If the total distance covered by the train is s, then the velocity of the train is

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  14. The acceleration of a moving body can be found from

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  15. The variataion of velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is illustrated in the following Fig. 3.1. The distance traversed by the particle in 4 seconds is

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  16. A particle is moving eastwards with velocity of `5 m//s`. In `10 sec` the velocity changes to `5 m//s` northwards. The average acceleration in this time is.

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  17. A particle starting from rest, move with uniform acceleratin. It covers a distance `x_(1)` during third second and `x_(2)` in the fifth second. Then the ratio `x_(1)//x_(2)` is

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  18. A car starts from rest moves with uniform acceleration `a_(1)` for `t_(1)` second and then retards uniformly at a rate `a_(2)` for `t_(2)` second. Then `t_(1)//t_(2)` is equal to

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  19. A car can be stopped within a distance of s when its speed is v. What is the minimum distance within which the car can be stopped during the same time when its speed is nv ?

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  20. A body starts from rest and travels with uniform acceleration the time taken by the body to cover the whole distance is t. Then the time taken the body to cover the second half of the distance is

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  21. A train starting from rest, and moving with uniform acceleration `alpha`, acquires a speed v. Then its comes to a stop with uniform retardation `beta`. Then the average velocity of the train is

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  22. The maximum acceleration that can be produced by the engine of a vehicle is `5ms^(-2)` and the maximum retardation is brake can produce is `10ms^(-2)`. Then the minimum time during which it can cover a distance of 60 m is

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  23. Starting from rest a body moves with uniform acceleration and acquires a velocity v after n seconds. Then its displacement in the last two seconds is

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  24. A body starts from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration. The ratio of the distance covered in the nth sec to the distance covered in n sec is

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  25. A particle is moving at `5ms^(-1)` towards east In one second its velocity changes to `5ms^(-1)` towards north. Assuming the acceleration to be uniform, the change in velocity will be directed at

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  26. Four children are standing at the corners A, B, C and D of a square of side l. They simultaneously start running such that A runs towards B, B towaards C, C runs towards D and D runs towards A, each with a velocity v.They will meet after a time

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  27. A simple pendulum hangs from the roof of a train whose string is inclined towards the rear of the train. Then the train is

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  28. A body A starts from rest with an acceleration `a_(1)`. After 2 seconds, another body B starts from rest with an acceleration `a_(2)`. If they equal distance in the 5th second, after the start of A, then the ratio the 5th second, after the start of A, then ratio `a_(1) : a_(2)` is equal to

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  29. The velocity time graph of a body is shown in fig. 3.3. it implies that at point B

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  30. The velocity-time graph of a linear motion is shown below . The displacement from the origin after 8 seconds is

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  31. A taxi leaves the station X for station Y every 10 minutes. Simultaneously, a taxi also leaves the station Y for station X every 10 minutes. The taxies moves at the same same constant speed and go from X to Y or vice versa in 2 hours. How many taxies coming from the otehr side will meet each taxi on route from Y to X ?

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  32. Three different balls of masses `m_(1), m_(2)` and `m_(3)` are allowed to roll form rest on three firctionless parth OA, OB and OC respectively from O. The height of O above the ground is h. The respective speeds `S_(1), S_(2) and S_(3)` of `m_(1), m_(2), and m_(3)` at the bottom A, B and C are

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  33. For a body thrown vertically upwards, if the air resistance is taken into consideration, then the time of rise is

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  34. A wooden ball and an iron ball are dropped from the same height h in vaccum. If their radii are the same then the time taken by then to reach the ground are

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  35. An air tight cage with are parrot sitting in it is suspended from the spring balance. The parrot starts flying. The reading of the spring balance will

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  36. The distance travelled by a body falling from reset in the frist, second and third seconds are in the ratio

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  37. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity u form the top of a tower, recahes the ground with a velocity 3u. The height of the tower is

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  38. A body is released form the top of a tower of height h meters. It takes t seconds to reach the ground. Where is the ball at the time t/2 sec ?

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  39. A body released from a great height and falls freely towards the earth. Another body is released from the same height exactly one second later. Then the separation between the two bodies, two seconds after the release of the second body is

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  40. The ball is dropped from a bridge ` 122.5 m` above a river, After the ball has been falling for 2 s, a second ball is thrown straight down after it. What must its initial velocity be so that both hit the water at the same time ?

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  41. A body dropped from a height h with initial velocity zero, strikes the ground with a velocity 3 m/s. Another body of same mass dropped from the same height h with an initial velocity of 4m/s. Find the final velocity of second mass with which it strikes the ground.

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  42. A body falling from the rest has a velocity v after it falls through a heigh h. The distance it has to fall down further for its velocity to become double, will be

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  43. A wooden block of mass 10 gm is dropped from the top of a cliff 100 m high. Simultaneously a bullet of mass 10 gm is fired from the foot of the cliff upward with a velocity 100 m/s . The bullet and the wooden will meet each other after a time in seconds

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  44. A ball A is thrown vertically upwards with speed u. At the same instant another ball B is related from rest at height h. At time t, the speed of A relative to B is

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  45. A bomb is dropped from an aeroplane moving horizontal at constant speed. When air resistance is taken into consideration, then the bomb

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  46. A stone is thrown vertically upwards. When stone is at a height half of its maximum height, its speed is `10m//s`, then maximum height attained by the stone is `(g = 10 m//s^(2))`

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  47. A bal is thrown vertically upwards from the ground. It crosses a point at the height of 25 m twice at an interval of 4 secs. The ball was thrown with the velocity of

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  48. A body, thrown upwards with some velocity, reaches the maximum height of 20 m. Another body with double the mass thrown up, with double intial velocity will each a maximum height of

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  49. The height of a tower is h meter, A body is thrown from the top of tower vertically upwards with some speed, it takes `t_(1)` seconds to reach the ground. Another body thrown from the top of tower with same speed downwards and takes `t_(2)` seconds to reach the ground. If third body, released from same place takes 't' second to reach the ground, then

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  50. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance, its velocity v varies with the heiht h above the ground as

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  51. A man in a lift throws a ball vertically upwards with a velocity v and catches it (i) after `t_(1)` second when the lift is ascending with an upward acceleration of 'a' and (ii) after `t_(2)` second when the lift is descending downward with the same acceleration 'a'. THe velocity of the ball v is

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  52. A body falls freely form rest. It covers as much distance in the last second of its motion as covered in the first three seconds. The body has fallen for a time of

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  53. A man throw rings into air one after the other at an interval of one second. The next ring is thrown when the velocity of the ring thrown earlier is zero. The height to which the ring rise is `("take" g = 10ms^(-2))`

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  54. A bird flies with a speed of 10 km/h and a car moves with uniform speed of 8 km/h. Both starts from B towards A (BA = 40 km), at the same instant. The bird having reached A, flies back immediately to meet the approaching car. As soon as it reaches the car it flies back to A. Thus the bird repeats till both the car and the bird reach A simultaneously. The total distance flown hy the bird is [see Fig. 3.7]

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  55. A train of 150 m length is going towards north direction at a speed of 10 m/s. A bird flies at a speed of 5 m/s towards south direction paral­lel to the railway track. The time taken by the bird to cross the train is equal to

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  56. Two trains, each 50 m long are travelling in opposite direction with velocity 10 m/s and 15 m/s. The time of crossing is

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  57. The first and the second runners in a 100 m dash have a gap of half metre at the mid way stage. By what percentage should the second runner increase his speed just to win the race, assuming that the first runner goes steady ?

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  58. Two stones are thrown from the same point with velocity of 5 `ms^(-1)` one vertically upwards and the other vertically downwards. When the first stone is at the highest point the relative velocity of the second stone with respect to the first stone is,

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Dynamics (UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPETITION CARE UNIT of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11