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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Distinguish between sound waves and radio waves of same frequency, say 15kHz.

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  2. An aeroplane flying horizontally makes a sound when its angle of elevation w.r.t a person on ground is `theta`. But the sound reached the person, when the aeroplane was just over him. Find the of the aeroplane. Also find its speed if speed of sound in air is `'v'_(s)`.

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  3. A simple harmonic wave has the equation `y=3.5sin(314t-1.57x)` where time is measured in second, `x` in metre and `y` in c.m. Calculate
    `(a)` Frequency
    `(b)` Wavelength of the wave
    Another wave has the equation `y=0.1sin(314t-1.57x+1.57)`
    Calculate the phase difference between this wave and the wave represented by the earlier wave equation.

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  4. If a traveling wave is represented by `y=(1)/(1+(2t+3x))` find the direction of wave and velocity.

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  5. The displacement of a wave disturbance propagating in the positive x-direction is given by
    `y =(1)/(1 + x^(2))`at `t = 0` and `y =(1)/(1 +(x - 1)^(2))` at `t =2s`
    where, `x` and `y` are in meter. The shape of the wave disturbance does not change during the propagation. what is the velocity of the wave?

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  6. Given the equation for a wave in a string `y=0.03sin(3x-2t)` where `y` and `x` are in metre and `t` is in second, answer the following :
    `1.` At `t=0` , what is the displacement at `x=0`?
    `2.` At `x=0.1m`, what is the displacment at `t=0.2s` ?
    `3`. What is the velocity of propagation of the wave ?
    `4`. What is the equation for the velocity of oscillation of the particles of the string? What is the maximum velocity of oscillation.

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  7. A transverse wave described by
    propagates on a stretched string having a linear mass density of `1.2xx10^-4 kgm^-1`. Find the tension in the string.

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  8. A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the equation `v(x, t) = 0.005 cos(alpha x - betat)`. If the wavelength and the time period of the wave are `0.08m` and `2.0s`, respectively, then `alpha and beta` in appropriate units are

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  9. `(a)` A string of mass 'm' and length 'L' is suspended from the ceiling and a mass M is hanged from it. Transverse waves are produced at its lowest point (nearM) having wavelength `lambda`, find its wavelength at a distance x from the upper point.
    `(b)` In the previous question, what time a transverse pulse will take to reach from it lowest point to its uppermost point , if the mass M is not hanged from it

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  10. Two blocks each having a mass of 3.2 kg are connected by a wire CD and the system is suspended from the ceiling by another wire AB . The linear mass density of the wire AB is `10 gm^-1` and that of CD is `8 g m^-1.` Find the speed of a transverse wave pulse produced in AB and in CD.

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  11. Two wire have cross section diameters `d_(1)` and `d_(2)`, length `L_(1)` & `L_(2)` & densities `rho_(1)` & `rho_(2)` such that
    `d_(1) : d_(2) : : 1 : 2 , L_(1) : L_(2):: 2 :1` and `rho_(1) : rho_(2) : : 1 : 2`. What weight must be suspended to the `2nd` wire if the transverse wave produced in it has the same speed as that produced in `1st` wire, which bears a load of `10kg wt`.

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  12. The elongation in a stretched strings is `(1)/(n)` times its original length. Prove that the ratio of transverse wave velocity and longitudinal wave velocity in the strings is `(1)/(sqrt(n))`.

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  13. The temperature at which the velocity of sound in air becomes double its velocity at `0^(@)C` is

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  14. Find the speed of sound in a mixture of `1` mole of helium and `2` mole of oxygen at `27^(@)C`

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  15. What are the factors that are affected for reflected and transmitted waves when a wave is travelled from `(a)` rarer to denser medium `(b)` denser to rarer medium ?

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  16. The transverse displacement of a string clamped at its both ends is given by
    `y(x, t) = 0.06 sin ((2pi)/3 x) cos(l20pit)` where x and y are in m and t in s. The length of the string is 1.5 m and its mass is `3 xx 10^(-2)` kg. The tension in the string is

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  17. Two travalling wavews of equal amplitudes and equal frequencies move in opposite directions along a string. They interfere to produce a standing wave having the equation `y = A cos kx sin omega t` in which `A = 1.0 mm, k = 1.57 cm^(-1) and omega = 78.5 s^(-1)` (a) Find the velocity of the component travelling waves. (b) Find the node closet to the origin in the x gt 0. (c ) Find the antinode closet to the origin in the region x gt 0 (d) Find the amplitude of the particle at x = 2.33cm.

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  18. The equation of a stationary wave is `y=20cos0.5pixsin100pit`. Find the equations of its parent progressive waves.

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  19. A one-metre long stretched string having a mass of 40 g is attached to a tuning fork. The fork vibrates at 128 Hz in a direction perpendicular to the string. What should be the tension in the string if it is to vibrate in four loops ?

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  20. Standing waves are producedin a rubber tube `12m` long . If the tube vibrates in five segmens and the velocity of the wave is `480m//s`, what is `(a)` the wave length of the waves `(b)` the frequency of the wave ?

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  21. If the lengths of the first and second resonating air columns are `16.5cm` and `51.5cm` respectively with a tuning fork of frequency `512Hz`, calculate the velocity of sound in air

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  22. Two coherent sources are at distances `x_(1)=0.2m` and `x_(2)=0.08m` from a point. Consider the intensity of resultant wave at that point if the frequency of each wave is `f=400Hz` and velocity of wave in the medium is `V=192m//s`
    The intensity of each wave is `I_(0)=60W//m^(2)`

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  23. The frequency of tuning fork 'A' is `2 5 0Hz`. It produces `6` beats/sec, when sounded together with another tunning fork B. If its arms are loaded with wax then it produces `4` beats/sec. Find the frequency of tuning fork `B`.

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  24. A tuning fork of frequency of `512Hz` when sounded with unknown tunning fork produces `5` beats/sec. If arms of the unknown fork are filed then it produces only `3` beats/sec. Find the frequency of unknown tunning fork.

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  25. If two sound waves, `y_(1)=0.3sin596pi[t-x//330]` and `y_(2)=0.5sin640pi[t-x//330]` are superposed, what will be the `(a)` frequency of resultant wave `(b)` frequency at which the amplitude of resultant waves varies `(c )` Frequency at which beats are produced. Find also the ratio of maximum and minimum intensities of beats

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  26. When a train is approaching the observer, the frequency of the whistle is 100 cps. When it has passed observer, it is 50 cps. Calculate the frequncy when the observer moves with the train.

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  27. A car approaching a crossing `C` at a speed of `20 m//s` sounds a horn of frequency `500 H_(Z)` when `80 m` from the crossing . Speed of sound in air is `330 m//s` . What frequency is heard by an observer (at rest) `60m` from the crossing on the straight road which crosses car road at right angles ?

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  28. A whistle of frequency `540 H_(Z)` rotates in a circle of radius `2 m`at a linear speed of `30 m//s` . What is the lowest and highest frequency heard by an observer a long distance away at rest with respect to the centre of circle ? Take speed of sound of sound in air as `330 m//s`. Can the apparent frequency be ever equal to actual ?

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  29. A source of sound is moving along a circular orbit of radius `3 meter` with an angular velocity of `10 rad//s`. A sound detector located far away from the source is executing linear simple harmonic motion along the line `BD` with an amplitude `BC = CD = 6 meters`. The frequency of oscillation of the detector is `(5)/(pi)` per second. The source is at the point `A` when the detector is at the point `B`. If the source emits a continuous sound wave of frequency `340 Hz`, Find the maximum and the minimum frequencies recorded by the detector.

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  30. The loudness level of ordinary conversation is `60dB`. Find the intensity of the ordinary conservation.

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11