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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of chapter KINETIC THEORY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT EXEMPLARMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cubic vessel (with face horizontal + vetical ) contains an ideal gas at NTP. The vessel is being carried by a rocket which is moving at a speed of `500 ms^(-1)` in vertical direction. The pressure of the gas inside the vessel as observed by us on the ground.

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  2. Mole of an ideal gas is contained in a cubical volume V, ABCDEFGH at 300 K (figure). One face of the cube (EFGH) is made up of a material which totally absorbs any gas molecule incident on it .At any given time.

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  3. Boyles's Law is applicable for an

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  4. A cylinder containing an ideal gas is in vertical position and has a piston of mass M that is able to move up or down without friction (figure). If the temperature is increased

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  5. Volume versus temperature graphs for a given mass of an ideal gas are shown in figure. At two different values of constant pressure. What can be inferred about relation between `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` ?

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  6. 1 mole of `H_(2)` gas in contained in a box of volume V 1.00 `m^(3)` at T =300 K. The gas is heated to a temperature of T= 3000K and the gas gets converted to a gas of hydrogen atoms. The final pressure would be (considering all gases to be ideal)

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  7. A vessel of volume V contains a mixture of 1 mole of hydrogen and 1 mole oxygen (both considered as ideal). Let `f_(1)(v) dv,` denote the fraction of molecules with speed between v and (v+ dv) with `f_(2)(v)dv`, similarly for oxygen . Then ,

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  8. An inflated rubber ballon contains one mole of an ideal gas , has a pressure P, volume V and temperature T. If the temperature rises to 1.1 T, and the volume isincreased to 1.05 V, the final pressure will be

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  9. ABCDEFGH is a hollow cube made of an insulator (figure) face ABCD has positive charge on it. Inside the cube, we have ionised hydrogen.

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  10. Diatomic molecules like hydrogen have energies due to both translations as well as rotational motion. From the equation in kinetic theory `pV =2/3 E,E " is "`

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  11. In a diatiomic molecule, the rotational energy at a given temperature

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  12. Which of the following diagrams (figure) depicts ideal gas behaviour?

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  13. When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically , its temperature rises the molecules on the average have more energy than before. The kinetic energy increases,

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  14. Caculate the number of atoms in 39.4 g gold. Molar mass of gold is 197g`mole^(-1).`

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  15. The volume of a given mass of a gas at `27^(@)C`, 1 atm is 100cc. What will be its volume at `327^(@)C` ?

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  16. The molecules of a given mass of a gas have root mean square speeds of `100 ms^(-1) "at " 27^(@)C` and 1.00 atmospheric pressure. What will be the root mean square speeds of the molecules of the gas at `127^(@)C` and 2.0 atmospheric pressure?

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  17. Two molecules of a gas have speeds of `9xx10^(6) ms^(-1)` and `1xx10^(6) ms^(-1)`, respectively. What is the root mean square speed of these molecules.

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  18. A gas mixture consists of 2.0 moles of oxygen and 4.0 moles of neon at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational modes, calculate the total internal energy of the system . (0xygen has two rotational modes).

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  19. Calculate the ratio of the mean free paths of the molecules of two gases having molecular diameters `1Å` and `2Å`. The gases may be considered under indentical conditions of temperature pressure and volume.

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  20. The container shown in figure has two chambers separated by a partition of volumes `V_(1) =2.0 L` and `V_(2) =3.0 L`. The chambers contain `mu_(1) 4.0` and `mu_(2)=5.0` mole of a gas at pressure `p_(1) =1.00` atm and `P_(2) =2.00` atm. Calculate the pressure after the partition is removed and the mixture attains equilibrium.

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  21. A gas mixture consists of molecules of A,B and C with masses `m_(A) gt m_(B) gt m_(C).` Rank the three types of molecules in decreasing order of (a) average KE (b) rms speeds.

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  22. We have 0.5 g of hydrogen gas in a cubic chamber of size 3 cm kept at NTP. The gas in the chamber is compressed keeping the temperature constant till a final pressure of 100 atm. Is one justified in assuming the ideal gas law in the final state ? (Hydrogen molecules can be consider as spheres of radius `1Å`).

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  23. When air is pumped into a cycle tyre the volume and pressure of the air in the tyre both are increased. What about Bouyle's law in this case?

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  24. A balloon has 5.0 mole of helium at `7^(@)C`. Calculate
    (a) the number of atoms of helium in the balloon.
    (b) the total internal energy of the system.

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  25. Calculate the number of degrees of freedom of molecules of hydrogen in 1cc of hydrogen gas at NTP.

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  26. An insulated container containing monoatomic gas of molar mass m is moving with a velocity `V_(0)`. If the container is suddenly stopped , find the change in temperature .

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  27. Explain why
    (a) there is no atmosphere on moon
    (b) there is fall in temperature with altitude

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  28. Consider an ideal gas with following distribution of spedds.

    (a) Calculate `V_("rms")` and henceT. `(m=3.0xx 10^(-26) kg)`
    (b) If all the molecules with speed `1000m//s` escape from the system, calculate new `V_("rms")` and hence T.

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  29. Ten small planes are flying at a speed of `150 km//h` in total darkness in an air space that is `20 xx 20 xx 1.5 km^(3)` in volume. You are in one of the planes, flying at random within this space with no way of knowing where the other planes are, On the average about how long a time will elapse between near collision with your plane. Assume for this rough computation that a safety region around the plane can be approximately by a sphere of radius 10 m.

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  30. A box of `1.00 m^(3)` is filled with nitrogen at `1.50` atm at 300 k. The box has a hole of an area 0.010 `mm^(2).` How much time is required for the pressure to reduce by 0.10 atm, if the pressure outside is 1 atm.

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  31. Consider a rectangular block of wood moving with a velocity `v_(0)` in a gas at temperature T and mass density p. Assume the velocity is along x-axis and the are of cross-section of the block perpendicular to `v_(0)` is A. show that the drag force on the block is `4rAv_(0)sqrt((kT)/(m))` where,m is the mass of the gas molecule.

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY of NCERT PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11