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Complete Solutions to Assertion And Reason of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSAssertion And Reason
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion : An external force is required to keep a body in motion.
    Reason : If the net external force is zero, a body at rest continues to remain at rest and a body in motion continues to move with a uniform velocity.

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  2. Assertion: For applying the second law of motion, there is no conceptual distinction between inanimate and animate objects.
    Reason: An animate object requires an external force to acceleration.

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  3. Assertion: If a body is momentarily at rest, it means that force or acceleration are necessarily zero at that instant.
    Reason: Force on a body at a given time is determined by the direction of motin only.

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  4. Assertion: If external force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero.
    Reason: This is the simple from of Newton's second law of motion.

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  5. Assertion: There is no apprecible change in the position of the body during the action of the impulsive force.
    Reason: In case of impulsive force the time of action of the force is very short.

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  6. Assertion:On a merry-go-around, all parts of our body are subjected to an inward force.
    Reason: We have a feeling of being pushed outward the direction of impending motion.

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  7. Assertion : The moment after a stone is released out of an accelerated train, there is no horizontal force or acceleration on the stone.
    Reason : Force on a body at a given time is determined by the situation at the location of the body at that time.

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  8. Assertion: Force on a body `A` by body `B` is equal and opposite to the force on the body `B` by `A` .
    Reason: Force in nature always occur between pairs of bodies.

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  9. Assertion: There is no cause-effect relation between action and raction.
    Reason: Action and reaction are not simultaneous force.

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  10. Assertion: The terms action and reaction in the third law of motion stand for simultaneous mutual force between a pair of bodies.
    Reason: In this conext action always precede or cause reaction.

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  11. Assertion : The total momentum of an isolated system of particles is conserved.
    Reason: The law of conservation of momentum follows from the second and third law of motion.

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  12. Assertion: Friction opposes relative motion and thereby dissipates power in the form of heat.
    Reason: Friction is always an undesirable force.

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  13. Assertion: On a rainy day, it is difficult to drive a car or bus at high speed.
    Reason: The value of coefficient of friction is lowered due to wetting of the surface.

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  14. Assertion : Static friction is a self-adjusting force upto its limit `mu_(s)N` where `mu_(s)` is the coefficient of static friction.
    Reason: One can use the equation `f_(s)=mu_(s)N` only when the maximum value of static friction comes into play

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  15. Assertion: The familiar equation `mg=R` for a body on a table is true only if the body is in equilibrium.
    reason: The equality of mg and `R` has no connection with the third law.

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Assertion And Reason questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11