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Complete Solutions to Common Forces In Mechanics of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSCommon Forces In Mechanics
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statements is correct about friction?

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  2. Identify the correct statement.

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  3. Which of the following is a self adjusting force ?

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  4. Which one of the following can also act as a lubricant in the machines?

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  5. A girl press her physics text book against a rough vertical wall with her hand. The direction of the frictional force on the book exerted by the wall is

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  6. A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force exerted by

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  7. A block of mass m rests on a rough inclined plane. The coefficient of friction between the surface and the block is `µ`. At what angle of inclination `theta` of the plane to the horizontal will the block just start to slide down the plane?

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  8. When a body slides down from rest along a smooth inclined plane making an angle of `30^(@)` with the horizontal, it takes time 20s. When the same body slides down from rest along a rough inclined plane making the same angle and through the same distance, it takes time 20p is, where p is some number greater than 1. The coefficient of friction between the body and the rough plane is

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  9. The minimum force required to start pushing a body up a rough (frictional coefficient `mu`) inclined plane is `F_(1)` while the minimum force needed to prevent it from sliding down is `F_(2)`. If the inclined plane makes an angle `theta` with the horizontal such that `tan theta =2mu` then the ratio `(F_(1))/(F_(2))` is .

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  10. A block of mass `10kg` is placed on a rough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction `mu=0.5` . If a horizontal force of `100N` is acting on it, then acceleration of the block will be.

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  11. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the train's floor is 0.2. The maximum acceleration of the train in which a box lying on its floor will remain stationary is `("Take g"=10ms^(-2))`

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  12. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.6. If the acceleration of the truck is `5m//s^2`, the frictional force acting on the block is…………newtons.

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  13. A block of mass 2kg rests on a rough inclined plane making an angle of `30^@` with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.7. The frictional force on the block is

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  14. A block of mass M is held against a rough vertical wall by pressing it with a finger . If the coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is `mu` and the acceleration due to gravity is g , calculate the minimum force required to be applied by the finger to hold the block against the wall.

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  15. A trolley of mass 20 kg is attached to a block of mass 4kg by massless string passing over a frictionless pulley as shown in the figure. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between trolley and the surface is 0.02, then the acceleration of the trolley and block system is `(Take g=10ms^(-2))`

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  16. In the question number 66, the tension in the string is

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  17. The rear side of a truck is open A box of `40kg` mass is placed `5m` away from the open end as shown in The coefficient of friction between the box and the surface is 0.15. On a straight road, the truck starts from rest and accelerating with `2m//s^(2)`. At what dis tance from the starting point does the box distance from the starting point does the box fall from the truck? (Ignore the size of the box)

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  18. The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks shown in figure is `mu` and the table is smooth. What maximum horizontal forced F can be applied to he block of mass M so that the block move together?

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  19. Two blocks A and B of masses 10 kg and 15 kg are placed in contact with each other rest on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction between the blocks and surface is 0.2. A horizontal force of 200 N is applied to block A. The acceleration of the system is `("Take g"=10ms^(-2))`

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Common Forces In Mechanics questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11