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Complete Solutions to Newton'S Second Law Of Motion of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSNewton'S Second Law Of Motion
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Newton's second law of motion is

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  2. Which one of the following statement is not ture about Newton's second law of motion `vec(F)=vec(ma)` ?

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  3. The relation `vec(F)=vec(ma)` , cannot be deduced from Newton's second law, if

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  4. A large force is acting on a body for a short time. The impulse imparted is equal to the change in

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  5. Which one of the following is not force

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  6. The motion of a particle of mass m is described by `y =ut + (1)/(2) g t^(2)` . Find the force acting on the particale .

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  7. A constant force acting on a body of mass of 5 kg change its speed from `5ms^(-1)` to `10ms^(-1)` in `10 s` without changing the direction of motion. The force acting on the body is

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  8. A bullet of mass 40g moving with a speed of `90ms^(-1)` enters a heavy wooden block and is stopped after a direction of 60cm. The average resistive force exered by the block on the bullet is

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  9. A body under the action of a force `vec(F)=6hat(i)-8hat(j)N` acquires an acceleration of `5ms^(-2)` . The mass of the body is

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  10. A constant retarding force of 50N is apllied to a body of mass 10kg moving initially with a speed of `10ms^(-1)` . The body comes to rest after

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  11. A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial velocity `vec(u)=(30hati+40hatj)ms^(-1)` . If a constant force `(-6hati-5hatj)N` acts on the body, the time in which the y-component of the velocity becomes zero is

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  12. A body of mass `0.4kg` starting at origin at `t=0` with a speed of `10ms^(-1)` in the positive x-axis direction is subjected to a constant `F=8` N towards negative x-axis. The position of body after 25s is

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  13. The force on a rocket moving with a veloctiy 300 m/s is 210N. The rate of consumption of fuel of rocket is

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  14. A ball of mass m strikes a rigid walJ with speed u and rebounds with the same speed. The impulse imparted to the ball by the wall is

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  15. A batsman hits back a ball straight in the direction of the bowler without changing its initial speed of `12 ms^(-1)` . If the mass of the ball is 0.15 kg , determine the impulse imparted to the ball . (Assume linear motion of the ball).

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  16. Figure shows (x,t) (y,t) diagram of a particle moving in 2-dimensions.

    If the particle has a mass of 500 g , find the force (direction and magnitude) acting on the particle .

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  17. Figure shows the position-time graph of a particle of mass 4kg. Let the force on the particle for `tlt0` , `0ltt`lt,`4s` , `tgt4s` be `F_(1) , F_(2)` and `F_(3)` respectively. Then

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  18. Figure shows the position-time (x-t) graph of one dimensional motion of a mass 500g. What is the time interval between two consecutive impulses received by the body?

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  19. The position time graph of a body of mass `2 kg` is as given in What is the impulse on the body at ` t = 0 ` s and `t = 4 s` ?

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Newton'S Second Law Of Motion questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11