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Complete Solutions to Exercises (B) of chapter CENTRIPITAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NN GHOSHExercises (B)
Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A stone weighing 1 kg is ties to a string of 1m length and whirled over the horizontal top of a rough plane with a speed of `2 ms^(-1)`. Calculate the tension of the string if the coefficient of friction between the table and the stone is 0.3

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  2. Calculate the frequency of revolution of an electron in a hydrogen atom assuming that the radius of the first Bohr orbit is `5 xx 10^(-11)`m. Mass of electron `= 9.0 xx 10^(-31) kg` , charge of electron `= 1.6 xx 10^(-19) C, (1)/(4pi epsilon_(0))=9xx10^(9) SI` units.

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  3. A brass bob is suspended by an inextensible weightless string of length `l` from a peg fixed on a vertical wall. A nail is fixed in the wall at a distance `d` vertically below the point of suspension of the string. The bob is then drawn to a position where the string becomes horizontal and it is released from there. Show that d must be at least `0.6 l` if the bob is to swing completely around in a circle centred on the nail.

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  4. A point mass m starts to slide from rest from the top of a smooth solid sphere of radius r. Calculate the angle at which the mass flies off the sphere. If there is friction between the mass and sphere, does the mass fly off at a greater or lesser angle ?

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  5. A very small cube of mass `m` is placed on the inside of a conial funnelof semivertical angle `(pi//2-theta)`. The funnel is then set in rotation. If the coefficient of static friction between the cube and the funnel is `mu` and the centre of the cube is at a distance`r` from the axis of rotation, what are the largest and smallest angular velocities with which the funnel can be rotated so that the block will not move with respect to the funnel ?

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  6. A simple pendulum of length `l` is suspended in a car that is travelling with a constant speed `v` around a circle of radius `r`. If the pendulum undergoes small oscillations about its equilibrium position , what will its freqeuency of oscillation be ?

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  7. A body is suspended on a spring balance in a ship sailing along the equator with a speed `v`. Show that the scale reading will be very close to `W_(0)(1 pm (2 omega v)/(g))`, where `omega` is the angular speed of the earth and `W_(0)` is the reading of spring balance when the ship is at rest. Explain the plus or minus sign
    [Hint : `W_(0)=mg-momega^(2)R,W=mg-m((momega+v)^(2))/(R)` when the ship is moving from west to east]

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  8. A satellite revolving in a circular equatorial orbit of radius `R = 2xx10^(4)` km from west to east appears over a certain point at the equator every `t = 11.6` hours. Calculate the mass of the earth. The gravitational contant `G= 6.67 xx 10^(-11) SI` units.
    [Hint : `omega_(app) =omega_("earth") or omega_("real") = 2pi ((1)/(T)+(1)/(t))`]

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  9. A 40-kg mass hanging at the end of a rope of length `l`. Oscillates in a vertical plane with an angular of `theta_(0)`. What is the tension in the rope when it makes an angle `theta` with the vertial ? If the breaking strength of the rope is 80 kg, what is the maximum angular amplitude with which the mass can oscillate without the rope breaking ?

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  10. A large mass `M` and a small mass `m` hang at the two ends of string passing through a smooth tube. The mass `m` moves around in a circular path in a horizontal plane. The length of the string from the mass `m` to the top of the tube of the tube is `l` and `theta` is the angle this length makes with the vertical. What should be the frequency of rotation of the mass m so that M remains stationary ?

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  11. In problem 17 if the mass `m` is allowed to fall from a height `2R`, find the reaction of the track on the sliding mass the lowest point, at the highest point, at the mid-point. Take `R : r = 5:2`

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  12. In the figure of problem 17 if the block starts from rest when `R = 5r`, what is the reaction of the inner track on the sliding mass at the highest point ? From what height should it fall so that it may exert a force equal to its weight on the track at the highesth point ?

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  13. Due to rotation of the earth, a plumb bob may not hang along the earth's gravitational pull, but may deviate slightly from this direction. Calculate the deviation (a) at `45^(@)` latitude, (b) at the poles (c) at the equator.

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  14. A mass `m` is moving inside a vertical circular track of radius R. There is no friction. Find the minimum speed `(v_(min))` at which `m` will round the circle without losing contact with the track. Suppose `v = 0.775 v_(min)`. The mass will move up to certain point P where it will lose contact with the track. Find the angular heightr of the track.

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  15. If a simple pendulum of mass `m` is released from a horizontal position, find the tension in the string as a function of the angle `theta` with the horizontal.

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  16. A simple pendulum consists of a heavy mass supported by a light, thin rod. It is held inverted in the position of unstable equilibrium and then released. Find the angle defining the position of its downward fall at which the axial force in the rod changes from compression to tension.

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  17. In problem 15 if a motor-cyclist passes over the bridge at `18 ms^(-1)`, atb which point will the reaction become equal to zero ?

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  18. Calculate the ratio of the reaction of a convex bridge at the highest point to the reaction of a concave bridge at its lowest point when a car passes at 30 kmph and the radius of either bridge is 20 m.

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  19. A heavy particle of mass 2kg is tied to two strings, each of length 25 cm and they are tied to two points 30 cm apart on the same vertical line. The particle is whirled in a horizontal plane with a speed of `1.8 ms^(-1)`. Calculate the ratio of the tensions of the two strings.

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  20. A body is suspended by a string of length 1 m and is projected horizontally with a velocity of `4 ms^(-1)` Calculate its tangential and radial accelerations when the string rises by `60^(@)` from its initial position.

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  21. A mass of 0.675 kg on a frictionless table is attached to a string which passes through a hole in the table at the centre. If the radius of the circle in which the mass rotates, is 5 m when its speed is `10 ms^(-1)`, find the tension of the string. It is found that on drawing down the string by 0.2 m, the tension is increased 4.63 times. Calculate the work done by the string on the revolving mass during the reduction of the radius.
    [Hint : Apply work-energy theorem to find work done by the force]

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  22. A particle is placed inside a hemispherical bowl which rotates about its vertical axis with constant angular speed `omega`. It is just prevented from sliding down when the line joining it to the centre of the hemisphere is `45^(@)` with the vertical. The radius of the bowl is `10 sqrt(2)`m. The coefficient of friction between the particle and the bowl is 0.5 and `g = 10 ms^(-2)`. Find the magnitude of `omega`.

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  23. A rigid rod of length `l` but of negligible mass has heavy mass `m` attached to one end and is hinged freely at the upper end. It is inverted and then released. What is its speed at the lowest point and what is the tension in the suspension at that instant ? When the same is released from the horizontal position, at what angle from the vertical will the tension in the suspension equal the weight ?
    [Hint : Consider conservation of energy and dynamics of circular motion]

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  24. Suppose that the string of a simple pendulum is elastic and `k` is its force constant. Show that the string will stretch by an amount `Deltal=(3mg)/(k)` when `Delta l lt ltl`. Also show that the speed of the bob at the bottom is `v=sqrt(2g(l-(3mg)/(2k)))`. The amplitude of the pendulum is `90^(@)`.

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  25. A rod of length `l` rotates with uniform velocity `omega` about an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through its end. Calculate the force exerted by one-half on this other.
    [Hint : Consider the dynamics of circular motion of an element at a distance `x` and thickness `dx`. Assume that T is the tension at a distance x]

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  26. A small body is placed on the top of a smooth sphere of radius R. Then the sphere is imparted a constant acceleration `w_0` in the horizontal direction and the body begins sliding down. Find:
    (a) the velocity of the body relative to the sphere at the moment of break-off,
    (b) the angle `theta_0` between the vertical and the radius vector drawn from the centre of the sphere to the break-off point, calculate `theta_0` for `w_0=g`.

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  27. A particle mass `m` begins to slide down a fixed smooth sphere from the top of its vertical diameter. Calculate its tangential acceleration, radial acceleration and total acceleration when it breaks off.

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  28. A particle of mass m is suspended by a string of length l from a fixed rigid support. Particle is imparted a horizontal velocity `u=sqrt(2gl)`. Find the angle made by the string with the vertical when the acceleration of the particle is inclined to the string by `45^(@)`?

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  29. A man stands on a running train (speed 60 kmph) with his feet 60 m apart facing forward. If the train rounds a curve of radius 450 m in a counterclockwise sense, what per cent of his weight rests on his left leg, if his centre of mass is 1.2 m above the floor ?

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  30. A stone is thrown horizontally with a velocity of `10m//sec`. Find the radius of curvature of it’s trajectory at the end of `3 s` after motion began. `(g=10m//s^(2))`

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  31. A body is weighed on a spring balance in the wagon of a train travelling round a bend in the track which is banked in the usual way. The balance shows increase in weight by fraction n. The balance can revolve about its support point and remains at right angles to the floor of the wagon when rounding the bend when the train is travelling at speed `v` ?

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  32. Two particles A and B move anticlockwise with the same speed v in a circle of radius R and are diametrically opposite to each other. At `t=0`, A is given a constant accelerartion (tangential) `a_(t)=(72v^(2))/(25 pi R)`. Calculate the time in which a collides with B, the angle traced by A, its angular velocity and radial acceleration at the time of collision.

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  33. A conical pendulum consisting of rigid rod of length `l` and mass `m` rotates uniformly about vertical axis with angular velocity `omega`. Find the angle `theta` between the rod and the vertical
    [Hint : Equate the moments of centrifugal forces on elementary masses to the moment of gravity]

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  34. A ring of mass `m` and radius `R` is being rotated about its axis with constant angular velocity `omega` in the gravity free space. Find tension in the ring.

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  35. Water flows along a horizontal pipe with a curve having a radius of `R=20` m. Find the lateral pressure of the water caused by the centrifugal force. The pipe diameter d = 20 cm, and m = 300 tons of water pass through the pipe in t = 2 hours.

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  36. A rough horizontal plate rotates with a constant angular velocity `w` about its vertical axis. A particle of mass `m` lies on the plate at a distance `(5a)/(4)` from the axes. If the coefficient of friction is `(1)/(3)` and the particle remains at rest relative to the plane, show that `w le sqrt((4g)/(15a))`. The particle is now connected to axis by a horizontal elastic string, of natural length a and modulus 3 mg. If the particle remains at rest relative to the plate and at a distance `(5a)/(4)`, show that the greatest possible angular velocity is `sqrt((13)/(15).(g)/(a))` and find the least possible velocity.

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Exercises (B) questions and complete solutions for chapter CENTRIPITAL AND CENTRIFUGAL FORCES of BHARATI BHAWAN PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11