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Complete Solutions to Chapter Test of chapter PROBABILITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two friends `Aa n dB` have equal number of daughters. There are three cinema tickets which are to be distributed among the daughters of `Aa n dB` . The probability that all the tickets go to the daughters of `A` is 1/20. Find the number of daughters each of them have.

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  2. A bag contains `n` white and `n` red balls. Pairs of balls are drawn without replacement until the bag is empty. Show that the probability that each pair consists of one white and one red ball is `(2^n)/(^(2n)C_n)`

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  3. A bag contains 10 white and 3 black balls. Balls are drawn one-by-one without replacement till all the black balls are drawn. The probability that the procedure of drawing balls will come to an end at the seventh draw, is

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  4. If `A_1,A_2,....A_n` are n independent events such that `P(A_k)=1/(k+1),K=1,2,3,....,n;` then the probability that none of the n events occur is

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  5. Three of the six vertices of a regular hexagon are chosen the random. What is the probability that the triangle with these vertices is equilateral.

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  6. If ` 0 lt P(A) lt 1, 0 lt P(B) lt 1` and `P(A cup B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A)P(B)`, then

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  7. Write the probability that a number selected at random from the set of first 100 natural numbers is a cube.

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  8. For any two independent events `E_1` and `E_2` `P{(E_1uuE_2)nn(bar(E_1)nnbar(E_2)}` is

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  9. If Aand B are two events than the value of the determinant choosen at random from all the determinants of order 2 with entries 0 or 1 only is positive or negative respectively. Then (a) `P(A) ge P(B)` (b) `P(A) le P(B)` (c) `P(A)= P(B)=1/2` (d)None of these

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  10. The probability that a man will live 10 more years is `1//4` and the probability that his wife will live 10 more years is `1//3`. Then the probability that neither will be alive in 10 years, is

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  11. The probability that at least one of the events A and B occurs is 0.7 and they occur simultaneously with probability 0.2. Then, `P(overline(A))+P(overline(B))=`

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  12. A man alternately tosses a coin and throws a die beginning with the coin. The probability that he gets a head in the coin before he gets a 5 or 6 in the dice is `3//4` b. `1//2` c. `1//3` d. none of these

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  13. A and B are two independent events.The probability that both A and B occur is 1/6 and the probability that neither of them occurs is 1/3.Then the probability of the two events are respectively:

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  14. A, B, C are any three events. If P(S) denotes the probability of S happening, then `P(A cap (B cup C))`=

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  15. In a class of 125 students 70 passed in Mathematics, 55 in statistics, and 30 in both. Then find the probability that a student selected at random from the class has passes in only one subject.

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  16. A box contains 10 mangoes out of which 4 are rotten. Two mangoes are taken out together. If one of them is found to be good, then find the probability that the other is also good.

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  17. A lot consists of 12 good pencils, 6 with minor defects and 2 with major defects. A pencil is choosen at random. The probability that this pencil is not defective, is

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  18. 3 mangoes and 3 apples are in a box. If 2 fruits are chosen at random, the probability that one is a mango and the other is an apple, is

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  19. There are 3 bags which are known to contain 2 white and 3 black, 4 white and 1 black, and 3 white and 7 black ball, respectively. A ball is drawn at random from one of the bags and found to the black ball. Then the probability that it was drawn from the bag containing the most black ball is `7//15` b. `5//19` c. `3//4` d. none of these

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  20. Among the workers in a factory only 30% receive bonus and among those receiving bonus only 20% are skilled. The probability that a randomly selected worker is skilled and is receiving bonus, is

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  21. If two events `Aa n dB` are such that `P(A^o)=0. 3 ,P(B)=0. 4 ,a n dP(AnnB^o)=0. 5` , then find the value of `P[B//(AuuB^o)]dot`

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  22. An almirah stores 5 black and 4 white socks well mixed. A boy pulls out 2 socks at random. The probability that 2 are of the same colour is

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  23. There are 4 white and 4 black in a bag and 3 balls are drawn at random. If balls of same colour are identical, the probability that none of them is black, is

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  24. Cards are drawn one-by-one at random from a well-shuffled pack of 52 playing cards until 2 aces are obtained from the first time. The probability that 18 draws are obtained for this is `3//34` b. `17//455` c. `561//15925` d. none of these

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  25. Five different objects `A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4,A_5` are distributed randomly in 5 places marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. One arrangement is picked at random. The probability that in the selected arrangement, none of the object occupies the place corresponding to its number, is

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  26. A father has 3 children with at least one boy. The probability that he has 2 boys and 1 girl is `1//4` b. `1//3` c. `2//3` d. none of these

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  27. Out of 13 applicants for a job, there are 5 women and 8 men. It is desired to select 2 persons for the job. The probability that at least one of the selected persons will be a woman is

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  28. A box contains 100 tickets numbered `1,2,3......100`. Two tickets are chosen at random. It is given that the maximum number on the two chosen tickets is not more than 10. The minimum number on them is 5, with probability

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  29. A wire of length I is cut into three pleces. What Is the probability that the three pieces form a triangle ?

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  30. If `x in [0,5]`, then what is the probability that `x^2 - 3x + 2 > 0`

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  31. The probability that the graph of `y=16x^2 +8(a +5)x-7a-5=0,` is strictly above the x-axis, If `a in [-20,0]`

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  32. The probability that A can solve a problem is `2//3` and B can solve it is `3//4`. If both attempt the problem, what is the probability that the problem gets solved ?

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  33. A bag contains `(2n+1)` coins. It is known that `n` of these coins have a head on both sides whereas the rest of the coins are fair. A coin is picked up at random from the bag and is tossed. If the probability that the toss results in a head is `(31)/(42)` , determine the value of `n` .

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  34. Five boys and three girls are seated at random in a row. The probability that no boy sits between two girls, is

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  35. A and B are two independent events such that `P(A)=(1)/(5), P(A cup B)=(7)/(10). " Then ", P(overline(B))`=

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  36. A and B are two independent events such that their probabilities are `(3)/(10) " and " (2)/(5)` respectively. The probability of exactly one of the events happening, is

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  37. There are 7 seats in a row. Three persons take seats at random the probability that the middle seat is always occupied and no two persons are consecutive is

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  38. 10 different books and 2 different pens are given to 3 boys so that each gets equal number of things. The probability that the some boy does not receive both the pens, is

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  39. 4 five-rupee coins, 3 two-rupee coins and 2 one-rupee coins are stacked together in a column at random. The probability that the coins of the same denomination are consecutive is

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  40. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. The probability of getting at least a spade and an ace is

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  41. A and B appear for an interview for two posts. The probability of A's section is `(1//3)` and that of `B's` selection is `(2//5)`. Find the probability that only one of them will be selected.

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  42. Let S be the sample space of the random experiment of throwing simultaneously two unbiased dice with six faces (numbered 1 to 6) and let `E_k={(a,b)in S:ab=k}` for `k >= 1` If `p_k=p(E_k)` for `k >= 1` then correct among the following, is (Eamcet 2008)

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  43. For `k=1,2,3` the box `B_k` contains k red balls and `(k+1)` white balls. Let `P(B_1)=1/2,P(B_2)=1/3 and P(B_3)=1/6`.A box is selected at random and a ball is drawn from it. If a red ball is drawn, then the probability that it has come from box `B_2`, is

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  44. Four numbers are chosen at random from `{1,2,3,......, 40}`. The probability that they are not consecutive is

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  45. A number n is chosen at random from {1,2,3,..,1000}. The probability that n is a number which leaves a remainder 1 when divided by 7, is

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Chapter Test questions and complete solutions for chapter PROBABILITY of DHANPAT RAI & CO MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11