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Complete Solutions to Section I - Solved Mcqs of chapter PROBABILITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMASection I - Solved Mcqs
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. 5 persons A, B, C, D and E are in a queue of a shop. The probability that A and E always occur together, is

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  2. Three houses are available in a locality. Three persons apply for the houses. Each applies for one house without consulting others. The probability that all the three apply for the same house is

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  3. For a party 7 guests are invited by a husband and his wife. They sit in a row for dinner. The probability that the husband and his wife sit together, is

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  4. Let `x = 33^n` . The index n is given a positive integral value at random. The probability that the value of x will have 3 in the units place is

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  5. Two integers `xa n dy` are chosen with replacement out of the set `{0,1,,2,3 ,10}dot` Then find the probability that `|x-y|> 5.`

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  6. Given that the sum of two non-negative quantities is 200, the probability that their product is not less than `3//4` times their greatest product value is

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  7. If three distinct number are chosen randomly from the first 100 natural numbers, then the probability that all three of them are divisible by both 2 and 3 is `4//25` b. `4//35` c. `4//33` d. `4//1155`

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  8. A five digit number is formed but the digits 1,2,3,4,5 without repetition. Find the probability that the number is divisible by 4.

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  9. In a party 23 persons take their seats at a round table. The odds against two particular persons sitting together are :

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  10. If the integers m and n are chosen at random between 1 and 100, then the probability that a number of the form `7^m+7^n` is divisible by 5, equals (a) `1/4` (b) `1/7` (c) `1/8` (d) `1/49`

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  11. A committee of five is to be chosen from a group of 9 people. The probability that a certain married couple will either serve together or not at all is

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  12. A five digit number if formed by the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8. The probability that the number has even digit at both ends is

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  13. Four digit numbers with different digits are formed using the digits `1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8`. One number from them is picked up at random. The chance that the selected number contains the digit '1' is

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  14. If `n` biscuits are distributed among `N` beggars, find the chance that a particular beggar will get `r(

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  15. 7 white balls and 3 black balls are kept randomly in order. Find the probability that no two adjacent balls are black.

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  16. Let `x = 33^n` . The index n is given a positive integral value at random. The probability that the value of x will have 3 in the units place is

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  17. Number 1, 2, 3, ...100 are written down on each of the cards A, B, and C. One number is selected at random from each of the cards. Then find the probability that the numbers so selected can be the measures (in cm) of three sides of right-angled triangles, no two of which are similar.

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  18. Three distinct numbers are chosen at random from the first 15 natural numbers. The probability that the sum will be divisible by 3 is

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  19. Three persons A, B and C speak at a function along with 5 other persons. If the persons speak at random, find the probability that A speaks before B and B speaks before C

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  20. A team of 8 couples, (husband and wife) attend a lucky draw in which 4 persons picked up for a prize. Then, inprobability that there is at least one couple is

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  21. `2n` boys are randomly divided into two subgroups containint `n` boys each. The probability that eh two tallest boys are in different groups is `n//(2n-1)` b. `(n-1)//(2n-1)` c. `(n-1)//4n^2` d. none of these

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  22. A car is parked by an owner amongst 25 cars in a row, not at either end. On his return he finds that exactly 15 places are still occupied. The probability that both the neighboring places are empty is

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  23. There is a five-volume dictionary among 50 books arranged on a shelf in a random order. If the volumes are not necessarily kept side-by side, the probability that they occur in increasing order from left to right is

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  24. If 10 objects are distributed at random among 10 persons, then find the probability that at least one of them will not get anything.

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  25. The numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., `n` are arrange in a random order. The probability that the digits 1, 2, 3, .., `k(k

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  26. The numbers 1,2,3,.., n are arranged in a random order. The probability that the digits `1,2,3,..,k(n gt k)` appears as neighbours in that order is

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  27. 10 mangoes are to be distributed among 5 persons. The probability that at least one of them will receive none, is

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  28. There are four machines and it is known that eactly two of them are faulty. They are tested, one by one, in a random order till both the faulty machines are identified. The probability that only two tests are needed is (A) `1/6` (B) `1/3` (C) `1/2` (D) `1/4`

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  29. In a convex hexagon two diagonals are drawn at random. The probability that the diagonals intersect at an interior point of the hexagon is

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  30. Fifteen persons, among whom are A and B, sit down at random on a round table. The probability that there are 4 persons between A and B, is

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  31. A and B play a game where each is asked to select a number from 1 to 25. If the two numbers match, both of them wins a prize.The probability that they will not win a prize in a single trial is

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  32. Three identical dice are rolled. The probability that same number appears on them, is

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  33. Three identical dice are thrown together. Find the probability that distinct numbers appear on them.

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  34. Three dice are thrown together. The probability that the sum of the numbers appearing on them is 9, is

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  35. If four dice are thrown together. Probability that the sum of the number appearing on them is 13, is

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  36. Four tickets are marked 00, 01, 10 and 11 respectively, are placed in a bag. A ticket is drawn at random five times, being replaced each time. The probability that the sum of the numbers on the five tickets drawn is 24, is

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  37. Three six-faced dice are thrown together. The probability that the sum of the numbers appearing on the dice is `k(3 le k le 8)`, is

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  38. Three six-faced dice are thrown together. The probability that the sum of the numbers appearing on the dice is `k(9 le k le 14)`, is

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  39. Let `omega` be a complex cube root unity with `omega!=1.` A fair die is thrown three times. If `r_1, r_2a n dr_3` are the numbers obtained on the die, then the probability that `omega^(r1)+omega^(r2)+omega^(r3)=0` is `1//18` b. `1//9` c. `2//9` d. `1//36`

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  40. Six faces of a die are marked with numbers `1, -1, 0, -2, 2, 3` and the die is thrown thrice. The probability that the sum of the numbers thrown is six, is

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  41. Three dice are thrown. The probability of getting a sum which is a perfect square, is

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  42. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The probability that P and Q are disjoint sets, is

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  43. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The probability that P =Q, is

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  44. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The Probability that `P cup Q=A`, is

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  45. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The Probability that `P cap Q` contain just one element, is

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  46. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The Probability that `P cup Q` contain just one element, is

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  47. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The Probability that Q is a subset of P, is

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  48. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The Probability that P and Q have equal number of elements, is

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  49. A is a set containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset Q is again chosen at random. The probability that Q contains just one element more than P, is

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  50. Let A be a set containing elements. A subset P of the set A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P, and another subset Q of A is chosen at random. The probability that `P cap Q` contains exactly `m (m lt n)` elements, is

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  51. A subset A of the set X={1,2,3,..,100} is chosen at random. The set X is reconstructed by replacing the elements of A, and another subset B of X is chosen at random. The probability that `A cap B` contains exactly 10 elements, is

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  52. Let A be a set consisting of n elements. The probability of selecting two subsets P and Q of set A such that `Q= overline(P)`, is

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  53. Four numbers are multiplied together. Then the probability that the product will be divisible by 5 or 10 is `369//625` b. `399//625` c. `123//625` d. none of these

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  54. If `barE` and `barF` are the complementary events of E and F respectively and if `0 < P(F)<1`, then

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  55. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then the relation between `P(bar A) and P(B)` is

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  56. If `A and B` are two events, the probability that at most one of these events occurs is

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  57. The probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two events A and B is p. If the probability that exactly one of A, B occurs is q, then which of the following alternatives is incorrect ?

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  58. If M and N are any two events, then the probability that exactly one of them occurs is

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  59. If A, B and C are three events, then which of the following is incorrect ?

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  60. If A and B are two events such that `P(A)=(1)/(2)` and `P(B)=(2)/(3)`, then which of the following is incorrect ?

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  61. If `P(A)=3//5 " and " P(B)=2//3`, then which of the following alternatives is incorrect ?

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  62. A and B are two events such that odds odds against A are 2 : 1 odds in favour of `A cup B` are 3 : 1. If `x le P(B) le y`, then the ordered pair (x, y) is

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  63. The probabilities that a student passes in Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry are m, p and c, respectively. Of these subjects, the student has a 75% chance of passing in at least one, a 50% chance of passing in at least two and a 40% chance of passing in exactly two. Which of the following relations are true?

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  64. If `P(A cap B)=(1)/(2), P(overline(A) cap overline(B))=(1)/(2)` and 2P(A)=P(B)=p, then the value of p is equal to

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  65. If `((1-3p))/2,((1+4p))/3,((1+p))/6` are the probabilities of three mutually excusing and exhaustive events, then the set of all values of `p` is a. (0,1) b. (-1/4,1/3) c. (0,1/3) d.

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  66. Events A, B, C are mutually exclusive events such that `P(A)=(3x+1)/(3), P(B)=(1-x)/(4) " and " P(C )=(1-2x)/(2)`. The set of all possible values of x are in the interval

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  67. If ` 0 lt P(A) lt 1, 0 lt P(B) lt 1` and `P(A cup B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A)P(B)`, then

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  68. For two events `A` and `B`, if `P(A)P((A)/(B))=(1)/(4)` and `P((B)/(A))=(1)/(2)`, then which of the following is not true ?

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  69. If A and B are two independent events such that `P(A)=(1)/(2) " and " P(B)=(1)/(5)`, then which of the following is incorrect ?

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  70. If the independent events A and B are such that `0 lt P(A) lt 1 " and " P(B)lt 1`, then which of the following alternatives is not correct ?

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  71. If A and B are two independent events such that `P(overline(A) cap B)=2//15 " and " P(A cap overline(B))=1//6`, then P(B), is

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  72. If A and B are two independent events such that `P(overline(A))=(7)/(10), P(overline(B))=alpha " and" P(A cup B)=(8)/(10)`, then `alpha`, is

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  73. A and B throw a dice. The probability that A's throw is not greater than B's, is

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  74. If `P(A)=(1)/(4), P(overline(B))=(1)/(2) " and " P(A cup B)=(5)/(9)`, then `P(A//B)` is

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  75. A person draws a card from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. Replaces it and shuffles the pack. He continues doing so until he draws as pade. The chance that he fails first two times is

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  76. Four positive integers are taken at random and are multiplied together. Then the probability that the product ends in an odd digit than 5 is

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  77. A fair coin is tossed repeatedly. The probability of getting a result in fifth toss different from those obtained in the first four tosses is

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  78. Cards are drawn one by one without replacement from a pack of 52 cards. The probability of the 11th card drawn is first ace,is:

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  79. A man draws a card from a pack of 52 cards and then replaces it. After shuffling the pack, he again draws a card. This he repeats a number of times. The probability that he will draw a heart for the first time in the third draw is

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  80. Two numbers are selected randomly from the set `S={1,2,3,4,5,6}` without replacement one by one. The probability that minimum of the two numbers is less than 4 is `1//15` b. `14//15` c. `1//5` d. `4//5`

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  81. It has been found that if A and B play a game 12 times, A wins 6 times, B wins 4 times and they draw twice. A and B take part in a series of 3 games. The probability that they will win alternately is

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  82. A person draws 2 cards from a well shuffled pack of cards, the cards are replaced after noting their colour. Then another person draws 2 cards after shuffling the pack. The probability that there will be exactly 1 common card is

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  83. All the heart cards are taken out from a pack of playing cards. From these cards, cards are drawn one by one without replacement till the ace of hearts comes. The probability that ace comes in the 4th draw is

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  84. A and B are two events such that `P(A cup B)=(3)/(4), P(A)=(1)/(3), P(overline(A) cap B)=`

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  85. A problem in mathematics is given to three students `A ,B ,C` and their respective probability of solving the problem is 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. Probability that the problem is solved is `3//4` b. `1//2` c. `2//3` d. `1//3`

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  86. A bag contains 5 apples and 7 oranges and another basket contains 4 apples and 8 oranges. One fruit is picked out from each basket. Find the probability that the fruits are both apples or both oranges.

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  87. The probability of happening of an event A is 0.5 and that of B is 0.3. If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then the probability of neither A nor B is…..

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  88. If P(B)`=(3)/(4)` P(A cap B cap overset(-)(c ))=(1)/(3)` and `P(overset(" "-)(A) cap B cap overset(-)(C ))=(1)/(3)`, then `P(B cap C)` is equal to

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  89. Five horses are in a race. Mr. A selects two of the horses at random and bets on them. The probability that Mr. A selected the winning horse is

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  90. The probability that A speaks truth is `(4)/(5)`, while this probability for B is `(3)/(4)`. The probability that they contradict each other when asked to speak on a fact is

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  91. The probability that in a year of `22nd` centurychosen at random, there will be 53 Sundays is

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  92. For two events `A` and `B`, if `P(A)P((A)/(B))=(1)/(4)` and `P((B)/(A))=(1)/(2)`, then which of the following is not true ?

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  93. A dice is thrown. The probability that the first time 1 occurs at the even throw is

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  94. There are n urns each containing (n+1) balls such that the `i^(th)` urn contains ' I' white balls and (n+1-i) red balls. Let `U_(i)` be the event of selecting `i^(th)` urn, i=1,2,3,.., n and W denotes the event of getting a white ball. If `P(U_(i)) prop` i, where i=1,2,3,..,n, then `lim_(n to oo) P(W)` is equal to

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  95. There are n urns each containing (n+1) balls such that the `i^(th)` urn contains ' I' white balls and (n+1-i) red balls. Let `U_(i)` be the event of selecting `i^(th)` urn, i=1,2,3,.., n and W denotes the event of getting a white ball. if `P(U_(i))=C`, where C is a constant, then `P(U_(n)//W)` is equal to

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  96. There are n urns each containing (n+1) balls such that the `i^(th)` urn contains ' I' white balls and (n+1-i) red balls. Let `U_(i)` be the event of selecting `i^(th)` urn, i=1,2,3,.., n and W denotes the event of getting a white ball. if n is even and E denotes the event of choosing even numbered urn `(p(U_(i))=(1)/(n))`, then the value of `P(W//E)`, is

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  97. One Indian and four American men and their wives are to be seated randomly around a circular table. Then the conditional probability that the Indian man is seated adjacent to his wife given that each American man is seated adjacent to his wife is

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  98. An experiment has 10 equally likely outcomes. Let A and B be two non-empty events of the experiment. If A consists of 4 outcomes, the number of outcomes that B must have so that A and B are independent, is (A) 2, 4 or 8 (B) 3, 6 or 9

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  99. A fair die is tossed repeatedly until a six is obtained Let X denote the number of tosses required The probability that `X = 3` equals

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  100. A fair die is tossed repeatedly until a six is obtained Let X denote the number of tosses required . the probability that `X ge 3` equals

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Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter PROBABILITY of DHANPAT RAI & CO MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11