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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter PROBABILITY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions72
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Six dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that all of them show the same face, is

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  2. Six dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that all of them show the different faces, is

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  3. Six dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that exactly three of them show the same face and ramining three show different faces, is

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  4. Three numbers are chosen from 1 to 30. The probability that they are not consecutive is

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  5. A die is tossed twice. The prbability of having a number greater than 4 on each toss is

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  6. Suppose `n ( >=3)` persons are sitting in a row. Two of them are selected at random. The probability that they are not together is

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  7. If six students, including two particular students A and B, stand in a row, then the probability that A and B are separated with one student in between them is

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  8. A sum of money is rounded off to the nearest rupee, find the probability that the round off error is at least ten paise.

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  9. Three different numbers are selected at random from the set `A = {1, 2, 3,...., 10}.` The probability that the product of two of the numbers is equal to the third is

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  10. Three numbers are chosen at random from numbers 1 to 30. The probability that the minimum of the chosen numbers is 9 and maximum is 25, is

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  11. Three natural numbers are taken at random from the set of first `100` natural numbers. The probability that their A.M. is `25,` is

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  12. The probability that out of 10 person, all born in June, at least two have the same birthday is

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  13. Five persons entered the lift cabin on the ground floor of an 8 floor house. Suppose that each of them independently and with equal probability can leave the cabin at any floor beginning with the first, then the probability of al 5 persons leaving at different floor is a. `(\ ^7P_5)/(7^5)` b. `(7^5)/(\ ^7P_5)` c. `6/(\ ^6P_5)` d. `(\ ^5P_5)/(5^5)`

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  14. A elevator starts with m passengers and stops at n floors `(mleqn)`. The probability that no two passengers leaves at same floor

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  15. Find the probability that the birth days of six different persons will fall in exactly two calendar months.

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  16. Twelve balls are distributed among three boxes, find the probability that the first box will contains three balls.

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  17. Two numbers b and c are chosen at random with replacement from the numbers `1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9`. The probability that `x^2+bx+c > 0` for all `x in R ` is

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  18. A `2 xx 2` square matrix is written down at random using the number 1, -1 as elements. The probability that the matrix is non-singular is

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  19. Two persons each make a single throw with a- pair of dice. The probability that the throws are equal, is

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  20. If `n` biscuits are distributed among `N` beggars, find the chance that a particular beggar will get `r(

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  21. A die is rolled thrice, find the probability of getting a larger number each time than the previous number.

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  22. What is the probability that four S's come consecutively if all the letters of the word `'MISSISSIPPI'` are rearranged randomly?

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  23. There are n stations between two cities A and B. A train is to stop at three of these n stations. What is the probaility that no two of these three stations are consecutive ?

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  24. Out of `3n` consecutive integers, there are selected at random. Find the probability that their sum is divisible by 3.

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  25. Two natural numbers x and y are chosen at random from the set `{1,2,3,4,...3n}`. find the probability that `x^2-y^2` is divisible by 3.

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  26. If two different numbers are taken from the set `{0,1,2,3, ,10};` then the probability that their sum as well absolute difference are both multiple of `4,` is: `(14)/(45)` (2) `7/(55)` (3) `6/(55)` (4) `(12)/(55)`

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  27. Two numbers a and b are chosen at random from the set {1,2,3,..,3n}. The probability that `a^(3)+b^(3)` is divisible by 3, is

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  28. Two numbers a and b are chosen at random from the set {1,2,3,..,5n}. The probability that `a^(4)-b^(4)` is divisible by 5, is

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  29. Two non-negative integers x and y are chosen at random with replacement. The probability that `x^(2)+y^(2)` is divisible by 10, is

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  30. Two numbers are selected at random from 1,2,3,....100 and are multiplied, then the probability correct to two places of decimals that the product thus obtained is divisible by 3, is

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  31. The digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 are written in random order to form a nine digit number. The probability that this number is divisible by 4, is

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  32. Each coefficient in the equation `a x^2+b x+c=0` is determined by throwing an ordinary six faced die. Find the probability that the equation will have real roots.

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  33. The probability that the graph of `y=16x^2 +8(a +5)x-7a-5=0,` is strictly above the x-axis, If `a in [-20,0]`

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  34. Two points are taken at random on the given straight line segment of length a. The probability for the distance between them to exceed a given length c, where `0 lt c lt a`, is

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  35. If `P(A)=1//4, P(B)=1//2, P(A cup B)=5//8, " then " P(A cap B)` is

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  36. A die is thrown. Let A be the event that the number obtained is greater than 3. Let B be the event that the number obtained is less than 5. Then `P""(AuuB)` is

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  37. If A and B are arbitrary events, then a) `P(A nn B) ge P(A)+ P(B)` (b) `P(A uu B) le P(A)+ P(B)` (c) `P(AnnB)=P(A)+ P(B)` (d)None of these

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  38. If A and B are two given events, then `P(A cap B)` is

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  39. If `A_(1), A_(2),..,A_(n)` are any n events, then

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  40. An integer is chosen at random from first 200 positive integers. Find the probability that the integer is divisible by 6 or 8.

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  41. Odds in favour of an event A are 2 to 1 and odds in favour of `A cup B` are 3 to 1. Consistant with his information the smallest and largest values for the probability of event B are given by

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  42. Find the probability of 53 Sundays and 53 Mondays in a leap year.

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  43. For three events `A ,B` and `C ,P`(Exactly one of `A` or `B` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `B` or `C` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `C` or `A` occurs) `=1/4`
    and `P` (All the three events occur simultaneously) `=1/6dot` Then the probability that at least one of the events occurs, is :

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  44. For three events `A ,B` and `C ,P` (Exactly one of `A` or `B` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `B` or `C` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `C` or `A` occurs) `=1/4` and `P` (All the three events occur simultaneously) `=1/6dot` Then the probability that at least one of the events occurs, is :

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  45. Let A, B and C be three events such that `P(A)=0.3, P(B)=0.4, P(C )=0.8, P(A cap B)=0.08, P(A cap C) =0.28, P(A cap B cap C)=0.09`. If `P(A cup B cup C) ge 0.75`, then `P(B cap C)` satisfies

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  46. A die is thrown twice and the sum of the numbers appearing is observed to be 6. What is the conditional probability that the number 4 has appeared at least once?

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  47. Two integers are selected at random from integers 1 through 11. If the sum is even, find the probability that both the numbers are odd.

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  48. A bag contains `10` white and `15` black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement. What is the probability that first is white and second is black?

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  49. Find the probability of drawing a diamond card in each of the two consecutive draws from a well shuffled pack of cards, if the card drawn is not replaced after the first draw.

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  50. Two balls are drawn from an urn containing 2 white; 3 red and 4 black balls one by one without replacement. What is the probability that at least one ball is red?

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  51. A consignment of 15 record players contains 4 defectives. The record players are selected at random, one by one, and examined. The one is examined, are not put back. Then the probability that 9th one examined is the last defective, is

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  52. It is given that the events A and B are such that `P(A)=1/4, P(A/B)=1/2"and"p(B/A)=2/3dot` Then P(B) is: (1) `1/6` (2) `1/3` (3) `2/3` (4) `1/2`

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  53. One ticket is selected at random from 50 tickets numbered 00, 01, 02, ... , 49. Then the probability that the sum of the digits on the selected ticket is 8, given that the product of these digits is zero, equals (1) 1/14 (2) 1/7 (3) 5/14 (4) 1/50

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  54. Let `Xa n dY` be two events that `P(X)=1/3, P(X"|"Y)=1/2a n dP(Y"|"X)=2/5` then: `P(Y)=4/(15)` (b) `P(XuuY)=2/5` `P(X^(prime)"|"Y)=1/2` (d) `P(XnnY)=1/5`

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  55. If `A` and `B` are any two events such that `P(A)=2/5` and `P(AnnB)=3/20` then the conditional probability `P(A|(A'uuB'))` where `A'` denotes the complement of `A`is equal to

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  56. Let A and B be two events such that `p( bar AuuB)=1/6, p(AnnB)=1/4` and `p( bar A)=1/4` , where ` bar A` stands for the complement of the event A. Then the events A and B are (1) mutually exclusive and independent (2) equally likely but not independent (3) independent but not equally likely (4) independent and equally likely

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  57. Two aeroplanes I and II bomb a target in succession. The probabilities of I and II scoring a hit correctly are 0.3 and 0.2, respectively. The second plane will bomb only if the first misses the target. The probability that the target is hit by the second plane is (1) 0.06 (2) 0.14 (3) 0.2 (3) 0.7

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  58. If `P(A)=(2)/(3), P(B)=(1)/(2) " and " P(A cup B)=(5)/(6)`, then events A and B are

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  59. If `P(A cap B)=1//3, P(A cup B)=5//6 " and " P(A)=1//2`, then which one of the following is correct ?

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  60. If `A and B` are independent events of a random experiment such that `P(A nn B) = 1/6 and P( overlineA nn overlineB)=1/3` then `P(A)=`

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  61. If `A and B` are two independent events such that `P(B) = 2/7, , P(A uu B) = 0.8` then `P(A)=`

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  62. Let two fair six-faced dice A and B be thrown simultaneously. If `E_1` is the event that die A shows up four, `E_2` is the event that die B shows up two and `E_3` is the event that the sum of numbers on both dice is odd, then which of the following statements is NOT true ? (1) `E_1` and `E_2` are independent. (2) `E_2` and `E_3` are independent. (3) `E_1` and `E_3` are independent. (4) `E_1` , `E_2` and `E_3` are independent.

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  63. Let A and B be two events such that `p( bar AuuB)=1/6, p(AnnB)=1/4` and `p( bar A)=1/4` , where ` bar A` stands for the complement of the event A. Then the events A and B are

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  64. A box contains 4 white and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random and its colour is noted. A ball is then put back in the box along with two additional balls of its opposite colour. If a ball is drawn again from the box, then the probability that the ball drawn now is black, is

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  65. If from each of the three boxes containing 3 white and 1 black, 2 white and 2 black, 1 white and 3 black balls, one ball is drawn at random, then the probability that 2 white and 1 black balls will be drawn, is

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  66. A bag contains 16 coins of which two are counterfeit with heads on both sides. The rest are fair coins. One is selected at random from the bag and tossed. The probability of getting a head is

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  67. A bag contains `n+1` coins. If is known that one of these coins shows heads on both sides, whereas the other coins are fair. One coin is selected at random and tossed. If the probability that toss results in heads is 7/12, then find the value of `ndot`

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  68. A pack of cards consists of 15 cards numbered 1 to 15. Three cards are drawn at random with replacement. Then, the probability of getting 2odd and one even numbered cards is

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  69. `X` speaks truth in 60% and `Y` in 50% of the cases. Find the probability that they contradict each other narrating the same incident.

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  70. The chance of defective screws in three boxes `A ,B ,Ca r e1//5,1//6,1//7,` respectively. A box is selected at random and a screw draw in from it at random is found to be defective. Then find the probability that it came from box `Adot`

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  71. In an entrance test, there are multiple choice questions. There are four possible answers to each question, of which one is correct. The probability that a student knows the answer to a question is 90%. If the gets the correct answer to a question, then find the probability that he was guessing.

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  72. एक व्यक्‍ति के बारे में ज्ञात है कि वह 4 में से 3 बार सत्य बोलता है। वह एक पासे को उछालता है और बतलाता है कि उस पर आने वाली संख्या 6 है। इस की प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए कि पासे आने वाली संख्या वास्तव में 6 है।

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter PROBABILITY of DHANPAT RAI & CO MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11