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Complete Solutions to Competiton Focus Jee Medical Entrance I. Multiple choice Questions of chapter PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPCompetiton Focus Jee Medical Entrance I. Multiple choice Questions
Number Of Questions63
Academic Year2023-24
  1. One kilo - watt hout is equal to

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  2. A new unit of length is chosen such that the speed of light in vacuum is unity. What is the distance between the sun and the earth in terms of the new unit, if light takes 8 min and 20 sec. to cover the distance ?

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  3. Given that `y = a cos((t)/(P) - qx),` where t represents distance is metre. Which of the following statements is true ?

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  4. Which of the following in not the unit of surface tension ?

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  5. Which two of the following five physical paremeters have the same dimensions ? 1. energy density 2. refractive index 3. dielectric constant 4. Young's modulus 5. magnetic field.

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  6. If energy `(E )` , velocity `(V)` and time `(T)` are chosen as the fundamental quantities , the dimensions formula of surface tension will be

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  7. If `E , M , J , and G` , respectively , denote energy , mass , angular momentum , and gravitational constant , then `EJ^(2) //M^(5) G^(2)` has the dimensions of

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  8. A physical energy of the dimension of length that can be formula cut of `c,G` and `(e^(2))/(4 pi epsilon_(0))` is [`c` is velocity of light `G` is universal constant of gravilation e is change

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  9. Turpentine oil is flowing through a tube of length I and radius r. The pressure difference between the two ends of the tube is P , the visocity of oil at a distance x from the axis of tube from this relation, the dimensions of viscosity are :

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  10. Given `F = (a//t) + bt^2` where F denotes force and t time. The diamensions of a and b are respectively :

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  11. The dimensional formula for molar thermal capacity is same as that of

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  12. The dimensional forumla for thermal resistance is

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  13. If force `(F)` velocity `(V)` and time `(T)` are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensions of mass are

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  14. Which of the following units denots the dimensions `ML^2 // Q^2` where Q denots the electric charge ?

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  15. Time dependence of a physical quantity P is given by `P =P_0 exp(-alpha t^2),` where `alpha` is a constant and t is time. The constant `alpha` is

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  16. Given that `int (dx)/(sqrt(2 ax - x^2)) = a^n sin^(-1) ((x-a)/(a))` where a is a constant. Using dimensional analysis. The value of n is

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  17. Assuming that the mass m of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river depends upon the velocity `upsilon,` of water, its density `rho` and acceleration due to gravity g, then m is directly proportional to

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  18. a quantity `X` is given by `epsilon_(0)L(DeltaV)/(Deltat)` where `in_(0)` is the permittivity of the free space, L is a length, `DeltaV` is a potential difference and `Deltat` is a time interval. The dimensinal formula for `X` is the same as that of

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  19. A liquid of coefficient of viscosity `eta` is flowing steadily through a capillary tube of radius r and length I. If V is volume of liquid flowing per sec. the pressure difference P at the end of tube is given by

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  20. If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by `M^(a)L^(b)T^(c)`, then the physical quantity will be :

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  21. The position x of a partical at time t is given by `x =(V_0)/(a) (1 -e^(9-at))` where `V_0` is a constant and a gt 0. The dimensions of `V_0` and a are.

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  22. In dimension of circal velocity `v_(0)` liquid following through a take are expressed as `(eta^(x) rho^(y) r^(z))` where `eta, rhoand r `are the coefficient of viscosity of liquid density of liquid and radius of the tube respectively then the value of `x,y` and `z` are given by

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  23. In terms of basic units of mass (M), length (L), time (T), and charge (Q), the dimensions of magnetic permeability of vacuum `(mu_0)` would be

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  24. If units of length, mass and force are chosen as fundamental units, the dimensions of time would be :

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  25. The dimensions of intensity of wave are

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  26. Given : force `= (alpha)/("density" + beta^3).` What are the dimensions of `alpha, beta ?`

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  27. If the speed of light c, acceleration due to gravity (g) and pressure (p) are taken as the fundamental quantities then the dimension of gravitational constant is

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  28. Dimensions of `ohm` are same as that of (where h is Planck's constant and e is charge)

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  29. Experiments reveal that the velocity `v` of water waves may depend on their wavelength `lambda`, density of water `rho`, and acceleration due to gravity `g`. Establish a possible relation between `v and lambda , g, rho`.

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  30. If the energy, `E = G^p h^q c^r,` where G is the universal gravitational constant, h is the Planck's constant and c is the velocity of light, then the values of p are q and r are, respectively

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  31. The physical quantites not having same dimensions are

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  32. A dence collection of equal number of electrona and positive ions is called netural plasma. Certain solids contianing fixed positive ions surroundedby free electrons can be treated as neytral plasma. Let 'N' be the numbrer density of free electrons, each of mass '`m`'. When the elctrons are subjected to an eletric field, they are displaced relatively away from the heavy positive ions. if the electric field becomes zero, the electrons begin to oscillate about the positive ions with a natural angular frequency '`omega_(P)'` which is called the plasma frequency. to sustain the oscillations, a time varying electric field needs to be applied that has an angular frequrncy `omega`, where a part of the energy is absorbed and a part of it is reflected. As `omega` approaches `omega_(p)` all the free electrons are set to resonance together and all the energy is reflected. this is the explaination of high reflectivity of metals.
    (1) Taking the electronic charge as 'e' and the permittivity as `'epsilon_(0)`'. use dimensional analysis to determine the correct expression for `omega_(p)`.

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  33. Using mass `(M)` , length `(L)` , time `(T)` , and electric current `(A)` as fundamental quantities , the dimensions of permitivity will be

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  34. The energy of a system as a function of time `t` is given as `E(t) = A^(2)exp(-alphat)`, `alpha = 0.2 s^(-1)`. The measurement of `A` has an error of `1.25%`. If the error In the measurement of time is `1.50%`, the percentage error in the value of `E(t)` at t = 5 s` is

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  35. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is `T = 2pisqrt((L)/(g))`. Meaured value of `L` is `20.0 cm` know to `1mm` accuracy and time for `100` oscillation of the pendulum is found to be `90 s` using a wrist watch of `1 s` resolution. The accracy in the determinetion of `g` is :

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  36. The density of a cube is measured by measuring its mass and length of its side. If the maximum errors in the measurements of mass and length are 3% and 2% respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurement of density is :

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  37. The volume of a sphere is `.176 m^3` What will be the volume of 25 such spheres taking into account the significant figures.

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  38. The diameter of a circle is 2.486 m. Calculate the area with due regard to significant figures.

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  39. The length breadth and thickness of a rectangular object are 4.576 m, 1.243 , and 1.22 cm respectively. Find the area of its face and its volume to correct significant figures.

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  40. The length of a cylinder is measured with a meter rod having least count `0.1 cm`. Its diameter is measured with Vernier calipers having least count `0.01 cm`. Given that length is `5.0 cm` and radius is ` 2 cm`. Find the percentage error in the calculated value of the volume.

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  41. When a copper sphere is heated, maximum percentage change will be observed in :

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  42. A student performs an experiment to determine the Young's modulus of a wire, exactly`2m` long, by Searle's method. In a partcular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be `0.8mm with an uncertainty of `+- 0.05mm` at a load of exactly `1.0kg`, the student also measures the diameter of the wire to be `04mm` with an uncertainty of `+-0.01mm`. Take `g=9.8m//s^(2)` (exact). the Young's modulus obtained from the reading is

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  43. If voltage across a bulb rated 220 volt-100 watt drops by `2.5 %` of its value, the percentage of the rated value by which the power would decrease is

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  44. The percentage errors in the measurement of mass and speed are `2% and 3%` , respectively . How much will be the maximum error in the estimation of `KE` obtained by measuring mass and speed?

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  45. What is the value of `(5.0 xx 10^(-6)(5.0xx10^(-8)` with due regards to significant figures ?

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  46. In an experiment to measure the height of a bridge by dropping stone into water underneath, if the error in measurement of time of 0.1 s at the end of 2s, then the error in estimation of height of bridge will be

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  47. The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides of the plate. If the maximum error in measurement of force and length are respectively 4% and 2%, the maximum error in the measurement of pressure is

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  48. The following observations were taken for dtermining the surface tension of water by capillary tube method: diameter of capillary , `D = 1.25 xx 10^(-2) m` and rise of water in capillary , `h = 1.45 xx 10^(-2) m`. Taking ` g = 9.80 m s^(-2)` and using the relation `T = ( r gh//2) xx 10^(3) N m^(-1)`, what is the possible error in measurement of surface tension `T`?
    (a) `2.4%` (b) `15%` (c) `1.6%` (d) 0.15%`

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  49. The relative density of material of a body is found by weighting it first in air and then in water . If the weight in air is `( 5.00 +- 0.05) N` and the weight in water is `(4.00 +- 0.05) N`. Find the relative density along with the maximum permissible percentage error.

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  50. `1 cm` on the main scale of a vernier callipers is divided into `10 equal` parts. If `10` divisions of vernier coincide with `8` small divisions of main scale, then the least count of the calliper is.

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  51. Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of `1mm` on its main scale. The total number of divisions on the circular scale is `50`. Further, it is found that the screw gauge has a zero error of `- 0.03mm`. While main scale reading of `3mm` and the number of circular scale divisions in line with the main scale as `35`. the dimeter of the wire is

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  52. A student uses a simple pendulum of exactly `1m` length to determine `g`, the acceleration due ti gravity. He uses a stop watch with the least count of `1sec` for this and record `40 seconds` for `20` oscillations for this observation, which of the following statement `(s) is (are)` true?

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  53. A student measures that distance traversed in free fall of a body, initially at rest in given time. He uses this data to estimated `g`, the acceleration due to gravity. If the maximum percentage error in measurement of the distance and the time are `e_(1)` and `e_(2)`, respectively, the percentage error in the estimation of `g` is

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  54. The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is `0.5mm` and there are `50` divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the main scale is `2.5mm` and that on circular scale is `20` divisions. if the measured mass of the ball has a relative error of `2%`, the relative percentage error in the density is

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  55. A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to measure the angle of a prism.
    Main scale reading : `58.5 degree`
    Vernier scale reading : `09` divisions
    Given that `1` division on main scale correspods to `0.5` degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is `30` and match with `29` divisions of the main scale. the angle of the prism from the above data:

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  56. In an experiment four quantities a,b,c and d are measure with percentage error `1% , 2% , 3%`,and `4%` respectively quantity is P is calculate as follow
    `P = (a^(3)b^(2))/(cd) %` error in `P` is

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  57. The pressure on a square plate is measured by measuring the force on the plate and the length of the sides of the plate . If the maximum error in the measurement of force and length are , respectively , `4% and 2%`. Find the maximum error in the measurement of pressure.

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  58. A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as `3.50cm`. Which instrument did he use to measure it?

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  59. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is `T = 2pisqrt((L)/(g))`. Meaured value of `L` is `20.0 cm` know to `1mm` accuracy and time for `100` oscillation of the pendulum is found to be `90 s` using a wrist watch of `1 s` resolution. The accracy in the determinetion of `g` is :

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  60. The energy of a system as a function of time `t` is given as `E(t) = A^(2)exp(-alphat)`, `alpha = 0.2 s^(-1)`. The measurement of `A` has an error of `1.25%`. If the error In the measurement of time is `1.50%`, the percentage error in the value of `E(t)` at t = 5 s` is

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  61. A student measures the time period of `100` ocillations of a simple pendulum four times. The data set is `90 s`, 91 s, 95 s, and 92 s`. If the minimum division in the measuring clock is `1 s`, then the reported men time should be:

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  62. A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale with 50 division is used to measure the thickness of a thin sheet of aluminium. Before starting the measurement, it is found that when the two jaws of the screw are brought in constant, 45th division coincides with the main scale line and that the zero of main scale line and that the zero of main scale is barely visible. What is the thickness of the sheet, if the main scale reading is 0.5 mm and 25th division coincides with the main scalel line ?

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  63. There are two Vernier calipers both of which have `1cm` divided into `10` equal divisions on the main scale. The vernier scale of the calipers `( c_(1))` has `10` equal divisions that correspond to `9` main scale divisions. The Vernier scale of the other calipers `( C_(2))` has `10` equal divisions tgat correspond to `11` main scale divisions. the reading of the two calipers are shown in the figure. the measured values (in cm) by calipers `C_(1) and C_(2)` respectively, are

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Competiton Focus Jee Medical Entrance I. Multiple choice Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11