Complete Solutions to Value Based Questions of chapter PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPValue Based Questions
Number Of Questions5
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Science is ever dynamic. There is no final theory in science and no unquestioned authority amongst scientists. As observation improve in detail / precison and experiments yield new result, theories are modified if necessary, to account for them. Thus, in science, approach is always 'open minded'. Read the above passage and answer the following questions :(i) What do you mean by 'open minded' approach ? (ii) What value of life do you learn from this?

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  2. Fundamental forces in nature have been classified as : Gravitational forces, weak forces, electromagnetic forces and nuclaer forces. Gravitational forces are weakest of all forces and nuclear forces are the stronges of all. Whereas gravitational forces operate over very long distance, the nuclear forces are confined only within the nucleus. Read the above passage and answer the following questions : (i) Which forces are central forces ? (ii) Which forces are non conservative forces ? (iii) What value of life do you learn from this study ?

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  3. Albert Einstein, the greastest scientist of all times once remarked : 'The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.' Another famous philosopher Bertrand Russel once commented 'We know very little and yet it is astonsihing that we know so much, and still more astonishing that so little knowledge (of science) can give us so much power.' Read the above paragraph and answer the following questions : (i) Are the two remarks identical ? What is the underlying basis of the two remarks ? (ii) How do these remarks apply in day to day life ?

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  4. The process of measurement is basically a process of comparison. The chosen standard of measurement of a quantity, which has essentially the same nature as that of the quantity is called unit of the quantity. Magnitude of a quantity (Q) = size of its unit `(u)xx` number of times (n) this unit is contained in the quantity. i.e. Q = nu As magnitude of a quantity remains the same, whatever be its units of measurement, therefore, `Q = n_1u_1 = n_2 u_2` Read the above passage and answer the following questions : (i) The value of acceleration due to gravity `(g) = 9.8 m//s^2` How do you express it in `km//hr^2` ? (ii) Our world is a game of numbers. Do you agree ? Justify.

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  5. As is known, the result of an experiment is calculated by performing mathematical operation (like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) on several measurements, which have different degrees of accuracy. It has been established that (a) When `x= a+b , Delta x = +- (Delta a + Delta b)`
    (b) When `x= a -b , Delta x = +- (Delta a + Deltab)`
    (c ) When `x = axxb , (Deltax)/(x) = +- ((Deltaa)/(a) +(Deltab)/(b))`
    (d) When `x = (a)/(b) , (Deltax)/(x) = +-((Deltaa)/(a) + (Deltab)/(b))`
    Read the above paragraph and answer the following questions : (i) Why is absolute error in `x = (a -b)`, sun of the absolute error in a and b ? (ii) Why is fractional error in `x=(a)/(b)` , sun of fractional error in a and b ? (iii) What do you learn from this ?

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Value Based Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11