Class 11 | PHYSICS |
PRADEEP | Problems for Practice |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
How many light years are there in 1 metre?
The radius of gold nucleus is 41.3. fermi. Express its volume in `m^3`
How may metric tone are there in a teragrm?
How much longer then a microsecond is a millisecond ?
The density of wood is `0.5g//cc` what is its value is SI?
Calculate surface area of a solid cylinder of diameter 4 cm and height 20 cm in `mm^2`
Express an acceleration of `10ms^(-2)` in km `h^(-2)`
Find the value of one light year in giga meter.
How much longer is a per sec from a light year?
Convert an acceleration of `2km h^(-2)` into cm `s^(-2)`
The relative density of lead is 11.3. its density `= ….. g cm^(-3) = …….kg m^(-3)`. Fill in the blanks.
fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units :
(i) `5ms^(-2) = ……. Km h^(-2)`
(ii) `G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) Nm^2 kg^(-2)`
`=….. Cm^3 s^(-2) g^(-1)`
76 cm of mercury column is a measure of atmospherice pressure. Express it is `N//m^2` Given density of mercury is `13.6xx10^3 kg//m^3`
How many amu would make up 1 kg?
How many astronomical units make up one light year?
The value of universal gravitational constant is `6.67xx10^(-8) "dyne" g^(-2) cm^2.` What is its value in Mks system?
The acceleration of a body is `2 km//h^2.` Express it in `cm//s^2`
Estimate the order of magnitude of surface area of earth.
Estimate the order of number of seconds in a century.
From a quasar, light takes about 3 billion years to reach the surface of earth. Calculate the distance of quasar from the earth in light years.
When planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million km from earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72'' of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.
A star is located 9 ly away from us. What is its distance in par sec ? What is the parallax shown by this star when viewed from two locations `3xx10^(11)m` apart. Given 1 par sec `=3.084xx10^(16)m, and 1ly = 9.46xx10^(15)m.`
When the observations are taken at an interval of 6 months, the angle of parallax for a star is 0.4''. Find the distance of star in par sec.
A drop of olive oil of radius 0.25 mm spreads into a circular film of diameter 20cm on the water surface. Estimate the size of the oil molecule.
The shadow of a pole standing on a level ground is found to be 45 m longer when the sun's altitude is `30^@` then when it was `60^@` Determine the height of the pole.
A radar signal is beamed towards a planet and its echo is recived 7 minutes later. If the distance between the planet and earth is `6.3xx10^(10)m,` calculate the speed of the signal.
Find the period of revoluition of planet Mars about the sun if mean distance of the Mars from the sun is 1.52AU.
A drop of olive oil of radius 0.3 mm spreads into a rectangular film of `30 cmxx15cm` on the water surface. Calculate the size of the oil molecule.
Total time taken by a laser beam to return to the earth after reflection from the moon is 2.56 s. Calculate the distance of moon from the earth. Take velocity of light in vacuum `=3xx10^8m//s.`
Human heart beats one in 0.8s. Calculate how many times the human heart beats in the life of a person of 60 years.
An air moleculle spins once in `10^(-12)`s. How many times (order of mangitude) would an air molecule spin around its asixs, while the earth revolves once around the sun?
If two atomic clocks, allowed to run for 60 years differ from eachother by 0.2s only, calculate the accuracy of standerd atomic clock measuring a time interval of 1 sec.
If the distance of vanus from sun is 0.73 AU, find out the orbital period of the venus in days.
IF the size of an atom ( = 1Å) were enlarged to the tip of a sharp pin `(~= 10^(-5)m)`, how large would the height of mout everest `(~= 10^4m)` be?
If an atom of size `10^(-10)`m were enlarged to the size of the earth `(~= 10^7m),` how large would its nucleus be ? Take size of nucleus ` =10^(-14)`m.
If size of an atom `(~~10^(-10)m)` is scaled up to 1m, what would be the size of nucleus `(~~ 10^(-14) m)?`
A neutron starj has a density equal to theat of nuclear matter `(~= 2.8xx10^(17) kg//m^3).` Assuming the star to be spherical, find the radius of the neutron star whose mass is `4.0xx10^(30)kg.`
An object 1 mm square is projected and its image on the screen is 1cm square. Calcullate the linear magnificaiton.
Rad corpuscles of human blood stream are known to be flattened discs. Blood count shows `RBC_s` of sdhte order of `5xx10^6` in each cubic millimeter of blood. If the adult body contains 5 litres of blood, what is the order of total number of red corpuscles it contains?
Find the percentage empty space in one mole of nitrogen gas at STP. Given, radius of nitrogen molecule is 2 Å.
Assuming that the orbit of the planet Mercury around the sun to be a circle, Copernicus detrmined the orbital radius to be `0.38AU`. From this determine the angle of maximum elongation for Mercury and its distance from the earth when the elongation is maximum .
If the unit of force is 1 kN, unit of length 1 km and unit of time is 100s, what will be the unit of mass?
Find the value of 100 J on a system which has 20 cm, 250g and half minute as fundamental units of length, mass and time.
If the value of universal gravitational constant is `6.67xx10^(11) Nm^2 kg^(-2),` then find its value in CGS system.
The value of Stefan's constant is `sigma =5.76xx 10^(-8) J s^(-1) m^(-2)K^(-4).` Find its value in cgs system.
Convert a power of one mage watt on a system whose fundamental units are 10kg, 1 dm and 1 minte.
When one metre, one kg and one minute are taken as fundamental units, the magnitude of a foce is 36 units. What is the value of this force on cgs system?
If velocity of light is taken as the unit of velocity and an year is taken as the unit of time, what is the unit of length? What is it called?
If the unit of force ware kilonewton, that of time millisecond and that of power kilowatt, what would be the units of mass and length?
The surface tension of water is 72 dyne//cm. Express is in SI units.
Check the correctness of the relation `pi = I alpha` whare `pi` is torque acting on the body, I is moment of inertia and `alpha` is angular acceleration.
Chack the correctness of the relations. (i) escape velocity, `upsilon = sqrt((2GM)/(R ))` (ii) `v =(1)/(2l) sqrt((T)/(m))`, where l is length, T is tension and m is mass per unit length of the string.
On the basis of dimensional arguments, rule out the wrong relation for Kinetic Energy. (i)`(3)/(16)m upsilon^2` (ii) `(1)/(2)m upsilon^2 + ma`
Cheak the correctness of the equation `FS =(1)/(2) m upsilon^2 -(1)mu^2`
The rate of flow (V) of a liquid flowing through a pipe of radius r and pressure gradient (P//I) is given by Poiseuille's equation` V = (pi)/(8)(Pr^4)/(etaI)` Chack the dimensional correctness of this relation.
Using dimensional analysis, check the correctness of the following relations : (i) `S_(nth) = u+(a)/(2) (2n-1)` (ii) `lambda = h//m upsilon` (ii) ` = mc^2` where the symbole have their usual menaings.]
Check the correctness of the relation `h =(2 sigma cos theta)/(r^2 dg),` where h is height , `sigam` is surface tension, `theta` is angle of contact, r is radius, d is density and g in acceleration due to gravity.
Check by the method of dimensions, the formula ` upsilo = (1)/(lambda)sqrt((K)/(d)),` where `upsilon` is velocity of longitudinal waves, `lambdas` is wavelength of wave, K is coefficient of volume elasticity and d is density of the medium.
The cirtical velocity `(upsilon)` of flow of a liquied through a pipe of radius (r ) is given by `upsilon = (eta)/(rho r)` where `rho` is density of liquid and `eta` is coefficient of visocity of the liquied. Check if the relaiton is correct dimensinally.
The dimension of (angular momentum/ magnetic moment) are `[MA^(-1) T^(-1)].` is it correct?
The dimension of `sigma b^4` (where `sigma` is Stefan's constant and b is Wien's constant) are `[ML^4 T^(-3)]` is it true.
Check by the method of dimensions, whether the folllowing relation are dimensionally correct or not. (i) `upsilon = sqrt(P//rho)`, where `upsilon` is velocity. P is prerssure and `rho` is density. (ii) `v= 2pisqrt((I)/(g)),` where I is length, g is acceleration due to gravity and v is frequency.
The distnac e (x) covered by a particel in time t is given by `x= a + bt -ct^2 +dt^3`. Find the dimesniosn of a,b,c,d.
Find the dimensions of axxb in the relation ` P= (a -t^2)/(bsqrtx)`, wher x is distance t is time and P is power.
In the equation y= a sin `(omega t+ kx)` t and x stand for time and distance respectively. What are the dimensions of `omega//k`?
The position of a particle moving along x-axis depends on time according to the equation `x = at^2 +bt^3,` where x is in metre and t is in sec. What are the units and dimensions of a and b : what do they represent?
The velocity `upsilon` of a particle depends upon time t, according to the equation `upsilon = a+ bt +(c )/(d +t)` Write the dimensions of a,b,c, and d.
Write the dimensions of `a//b` in the relation `F = a sqrtx + bt^2` where F is force x is distance and t is time.
Write the dimensions of` a//b` in the relation `P =(a-t^2)/(bx)` where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time.
Find the dimensions of `a//b` in the relation `P =(b-x^2)/(at)` where P is pressure. X is distance and t is time.
Find the dimensions of `axxb` in the relation ` p= a sqrtt - bx^2`, where x is distance, t is time and P is power.
Find the dimensions of `(axxb)/(c )` in the relation `F =(a)/(sqrtx) +bx = cx^2` where F is force and x is distance.
A small spherical ball of radius r falls with velocity `upsilon` through a liquid having coeffiecinet of viscosity `eta.` find viscous darg F on the wall if it depends or `r, upsilon, eta. Take K = 6 pi`
The cirtical angular velocity `omega_c` of a cylinder inside another cylinder containing a liquied at which its turbulance occurs depends on visocisity `eta` density `rho` and disntac d between wall of the cylinder. Obtain an expression for `omega_c` using method of dimensios.
Expermients show that frequency (n) of a tuning fork depends on lentght (I) fo the prong, density (d) and the Young's modulus (Y) of its meterial. On the basis of dimensional analysis, dericve an expression for frequency of tunnig fork.
Calculate the dimensions of linear momentum and surface tension in terms of velocity `(upsilon),` density `(rho)` and frequency (V) as fundamental units.
The wavalenght `(lambda)` of matter waves may depends upon Planck's constant (h) mass (m) and velocity `(upsilon)` of the particle. Use the method of dimensions to derive the formula
The speed of transverse wave `v` in a stretched string depend on length tension `T` in the string and liner mass density (mass per unit length). `mu`. Find the relation using method of dimensions.
Assuming that the mass m of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river depends upon the velocity `upsilon,` of water, its density `rho` and acceleration due to gravity g, then m is directly proportional to
The frequency (V) of an oscillatingj drop may depends upon radius (r ) of the drop density `(rho)` of liquid and the surface tension (S) of the liquid. Deduce of formula dimensionally.
Using the method of dimensions, derive an expression for rate of flow (v) of a liquied through a pipe of radius (r ) under a pressure gradient `(P//I)` Given that V also depends on coefficient of viscosity `(eta)` of the liquied.
The eacape velocity of a body depend upon (i) acceleration due to gravity (g) (ii) radius of the plate (R ) Obtain the formula for escape velcoity using the mehtod of dimensions.
A small spherical ball of radius r falls with velocity `upsilon` through a liquid having coeffiecinet of viscosity `eta.` find viscous darg F on the wall if it depends or `r, upsilon, eta. Take K = 6 pi`
By the method of dimensions, obtain an expression for the surface tension S of a liquid rising in a capillary tube. Assume that S depends on mass m of liquied, Pressure p of liquid and radius r of the capillary tube. Take `K = 1//2`.
Find the dimensional formula of `(1)/(4 pi "in"_0) (e^2)/(hc)`, where symbols have their usual menaing.
If the fundamental quantites are velocity `(upsilon)`, mass (M), time (T), what will be the dimensions of `eta` in the equaiton `V = (pi pr^4)/(8I eta)` where the symbosl have their usual meaning?
The number of particles is given by `n = -D(n_(2) - n_(1))/( x_(2) - x_(1))` crossing a unit area perpendicular to X - axis in unit time , where `n_(1)and n_(2)` are particles per unit volume for the value of `x` meant to `x_(2) and x_(1)` . Find the dimensions of `D` called diffusion constant.
In dimension of circal velocity `v_(0)` liquid following through a take are expressed as `(eta^(x) rho^(y) r^(z))` where `eta, rhoand r `are the coefficient of viscosity of liquid density of liquid and radius of the tube respectively then the value of `x,y` and `z` are given by
Reynold number `N_R` a dimensionless quantity determines the condition of laminar flow of a viscous liquied through a pipe. `N_R` is a function of density `rho` of liquid, average speed `upsilon` and coeff. Of viscosity `eta.` Given that `N_R prop D,` diameter of pipe. Show by the method of dimensions that `N_R prop(rhoupsilonD)/(eta)`
The period of vibration of a tunign fork depends on the length I of its prong, density d and Young's modulus Y of the meterial. Deduce an expression for the period of vibration (T) using dimensional analysis.
A U - tube of uniform cross section contains mercury upto a height h in either limb. The mercury in one limbe is depressed a little and then relased. Obtain an expression for time period (T) of oscillation, assuming that T depends on h,`rho` and g, where `rho` is density of mercury.
The length of a rod as measured in an experiment is found to be 2.48 m, 2.46 m , 2.49 m , 2.49 m and 2.46 m. Find the average length , the absolute error in each observation and the percentage error.
If `I_1 = (12.0 +- 0.1)` cm and `I_2 = (8.5 +- 0.5)cm` find `(l_1 +l_2) and (l_1 +l_2)` with proper error limits.
The lengths of the sides of a rectangle are `(5.7 +- 0.2)cm and (3.2 +- 0.1)` cm. Calculate the perimeter of rectangular with error limits.
In an experiment the refractive index of glass was observed to be `1.45 , 1.56 , 1.54 , 1.44 , 1.54 , and 1.53`. Calculate
(a). Mean value of refractive index
(b). Mean absolute error
( c ) Fractional error
(d) Percentage error
(e) Express the result in terms of absolute error and percentage error
The initial and final temperatures of a liquied are measured to be `(67.7 +- 0.2)^@C and (76.3 +- 0.3)^@C.` Calculate the rise in temperature.
Two resistance `r_1 = (100.0+- 0.3) ohm and r_2 = (150.0+- 0.5)` ohm are connected in series. Calculate the combined resistance with error limits.
The diameter of a wire as measured by a screw gauge was found to be 0.026 cm, 0.028 cm, 0.029 cm, 0.027cm, 0.024cm and 0.027 cm. Calculate
(i) mean value of diameter
(ii) mean absoulte error
(iii) relative error (iv) percentage error. Also express the result in terms of absolute error and percentage error.
The lengths of the two pieces of wire are `l_1 =(35.2 +- 0.1) cm and l_2 = (47.4 +- 0.2)` cm. what is the total length of wire with error limits ?
In the above question, what is the difference in lengths of the two pieses of wire ?
Problems for Practice questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11