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Complete Solutions to conceptual problmes of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPconceptual problmes
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Can a body in liner motion be in equillibrium ?

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  2. A stone when thrown on a glass window smashes the window pane to pieces , but a bullet from the gun passes through making a clean hole. Why ?

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  3. A person sitting in a carriage at rest pushes it from within. Will the carriage move ?

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  4. The distance traveled by a body is directly proportional to time Is any external force acting on it ?

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  5. A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = - kx , Where = `15 Nm^(-1)` . What will be its initial acceleration when particle is released from a point 20 cm away from origin ?

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  6. Heavier bodies need greater initial effort to put them in motion Way ?

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  7. A part of Newton's first law states that a body continuous to move uniformly in the absence of an external force appears contradictory Comment.

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  8. Four blocks of the same mass m connected by cords are pulled by a force F on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in Determine the tensions `T_(1) T_(2)` and `T_(3)` in the cords.

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  9. The speed of driving a car safely in darkness depends upon the range of headlights Explain .

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  10. A force of `5N` changes the velocity of a body from `10 ms^(-1)` to `20 ms^(-1)` in `5 sec`. How much force is required to bring about the same change in `2 sec`?

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  11. Earth is a rotating frame of reference, even then it is considered as inertial frame of reference for all practical purposes. Why ?

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  12. The motion of a particle of mass m is described by `y =ut + (1)/(2) g t^(2)`. Find the force acting on the particle.

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  13. Aeroplanes having wings fly at low altitudes while jet planes fly at high altitudes . Way ?

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  14. A thief jumps from the upper storey of a house with a load on this back. What is the force of the load on his back, when thief is in air ?

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  15. According to Newton' s third law, every force is a accompanied by an equal and opposite force. How can anything move then ?

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  16. A meteorite burns in the atmosphere before it reaches the earth' s surface. What happens to its momentum ?

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  17. On the pan of a spring balance , is placed a beaker containing water . How will the reading of spring balance change if we dip our finger in this water ?

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  18. A person of mass m is hanging from a rope fastened to a stationary balloon of mass M If the person climbs the rope , then with what velocity the balloon would move and in what direction ?

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  19. Vehicles stop on applying brakes . Does this phenomenon violate the principle of conservation of momentum ? ]

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  20. Three identical blocks, each having a mass `M`, are pushed by a force `F` on a frictionless table as shown in (figure) What is the acceleration of the blocks? What is net force on block `A`? What force does `A` apply on `B`? What force does `B` apply on `C`? show action reaction pairs on the contact surface of the blocks.

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  21. A bullet fired from a gun is more dangerous than an air molecule hitting a person , though both of them have almost the same speed Way ?

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  22. A rocket can move in air free space, but a jet plane cannot. Why?

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  23. Why is it difficult to move a bike with its brakes on ?

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  24. Send is spread on tracks covered with snow. Why ?

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  25. When a weel is rolling on a level , what is the directionv of fricctional force between the wheel and the road ?

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  26. Is large brake on a bicycle wheel more effective than a small one ? Explain

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  27. How do we save petrol when the types of the motor cycle are fully inflated ?

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  28. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 0.6. If the acceleration of the truck is `5m//s^2`, the frictional force acting on the block is…………newtons.

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  29. A block is gently placed at the top of an inclined plane 6.4 m long . Find the time taken by the block to slide down to the bottom of the plane . The plane makes an angle` 30^(@)` with the horizontal Coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.2 Take ` g = 10 m//s^(2) ` .

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  30. How does a lubricant help in reducing friction ?

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  31. When a person walks on a rough surface, the frictional force exerted by the surface on the person is opposite to the direction of his motion.

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  32. Can coefficient of friction exceed unity ?

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  33. Why are ball bearings used in machinery ?

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  34. Write a note on banking of roads.

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  35. A horse pulling a cart has to apply a greater force to start the cart than to keep the cart in motion Why ?

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  36. How does banking of roads reduce wear and tear of the tyres ?

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  37. Why has a horse to pull a cart harder during the first few steps of his motion ?

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  38. Why does a cyclist lean to one side while going along a curve ? In what direction does he lean ?

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  39. A stone tied at the end of sring is whirled in a circle. If the string break , the stone flies away tangentially . Why ?

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  40. Why does a child in a merry - go - round press the side of his seat radially outward ?

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  41. What is the source of centripetal force , when an electron revolves around the nucleus ?

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  42. A bucket containing water is rotated in a vertical circle. Explain why water does not fall.

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  43. Why does a pilot not fall down when his aeroplane loops a vertical loop ?

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  44. One aften comes across the following kind of statement concerning circular motion A particle moving uniformly along a circle experiences a force directed towards the center and an equal and opposite force directed away from the centre The two forces together keep the particle in equilibrium Explain what is wrong with the statement ?

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  45. If a force is acting on a moving body in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion what will be its effect on speed and direction of the body ?

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conceptual problmes questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11