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Complete Solutions to Integer Type Questions of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPInteger Type Questions
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3cm. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion?

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  2. The potential energy of a `2 kg` particle free to move along the `x-` axis is given by
    `V(x)[(x^(4))/(4)-(x^(2))/(2)]jou l e`
    The total mechanical energy of the particle is `0.75 J`. The maximum speed of the particle `(`in `m//s)` is `:`

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  3. A force of `0.5 N` is applied on upper block as shown in figure. The work done ( in joule ) by upper block on lower block for a displacement of `3 m` is `:`

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  4. The potential energy of a partical of mass `2 kg` moving in `y-z` plane is given by `U=(-3y+4z)J` where `y` and `z` are in metre. The magnitude of force ( in newton ) on the particle is `:`

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  5. A bucket of mass `4//3` is tied to a string and is lowered at a constant acceleration of `g//4`. The magnitude of work done (in joule ) by the string in lowering the bucket by `10 cm` would be `:`

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  6. A `100 g ` block moves along `X-` axis. Its acceleration as a function of displacemetn is shown in figure. Calculate work done (in joule) on the block by the force applied as the block moves from `x=0` to `x=8m`.

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  7. Two bodies of masses `m` and `4m` are moving with equal linear momenta. The ratio of their kinetic energies is `:`

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  8. A bomb of mass `16 kg ` at rest explodes into two pieces of masses `4kg` and `12kg`. If KE of `4 kg` mass is `288 J`, what is the velocity (in `ms^(-1)` of the other piece of `12 kg` ?

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  9. Constant as eliptical rail `PQ` in the varticle plain with `OP = = 3m ` and `OQ= 4 m` . A block of mass `1` kg is pailed along the rail from `P` to `Q` with a force of `18 N` , which is always parallel to less `PQ` Assuming are frictionless losess , the kinetic energy the block when `0` reches `Q` is `( nxx 10)` pales . THe velie of a (Take acceleration due to gravity ) `= 10ms^(-2))`

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Integer Type Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11