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Complete Solutions to Problem For Self Practice of chapter PROJECTILE MOTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SL ARORAProblem For Self Practice
Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cyclist moves along a circular path of radius 70 m. If he completes one round in 11 s, calculate (i) total length of path, (ii) magnitude of the displacement, (iii) average speed, and (iv) magnitude of average velocity.

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  2. A body is moving with a uniform velocity of `10 ms^(-1)` on a circular path of diameter 2.0 m. Calculate (i) the difference between the magnitude of the displacement of the body and the distance covered in half a round and (ii) the magnitude of the change in velocity of the body in half a round.

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  3. A plane is flying horizontal at a height of 1000m with a velocity of `100 ms^(-1)` when a bomb is released from it. Find (i) the time taken by it to reach the ground (ii) the velocity with which the bomb hits the target and (iii) the distance of the target.

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  4. From the top of a building 19.6 m high, a ball is projected horizontal. After how long does it strike the ground ? If the line joining the point of projection to the point where it hits the ground makes an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal, what is the initial velocity of the ball ?

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  5. A body is thrown horizontal from the top of a tower and strikes the ground after two seconds at angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal. Find the height of the tower and the speed with which the body was thrown. Take `g = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  6. Two tall buildings are situated 200 m apart. With what speed must a ball be thrown horizontally from the window 540 m above the ground in one building, so that it will enter a window 50 m above the ground in the other ?

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  7. A stone is dropped from the window of a bus moving at `60 kmh^(-1)`. If the window is 1.96 m high, find the distance along the track, which the stone moves before striking the ground.

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  8. An aeroplane is flying in a horizontal direction with a velocity `600 km//h` at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically above the point A on the ground, a body is dropped from it. The body strikes the ground at point B. Calculate the distance AB.

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  9. A mailbag is to be dropped into a post office from an aeroplane flying horizontally with a velocity of `270 kmh^(-1)` at a height of 176.4 m above the ground. How far must the aeroplane be from the post office at the time of dropping the bag so that it directly falls into the post office ?

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  10. In between two hills of heights 100 m and 92 m respectively. There is a valley of breadth 16 m. If a vehicle jumps from the first hill to the second, what must be its minimum horizontal velocity so that it may not fall into the valley ? Take `g=9 ms^(-2)`

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  11. A ball is projected horizontally from a tower with a velocity of `4 ms^(-1)`. Find the velocity of the ball after 0.7 s. Take `g = 10 ms^(-2)`.

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  12. A shell is fired at an angle of `30^(@)` to the horizontal with a velocity of `392 ms^(-1)`. Find the time of flight, horizontal range and maximum height attained.

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  13. A football player kicks a ball at an angle of `37^(@)` to the horizontal with an initial speed of `15 ms^(-1)`. Assuming that the ball travels in a vertical plane, calculate (i) the time at which the ball reaches the highest point (ii) the maximum height reached (iii) the horizontal range of the projectile and (iv) the time for which the ball is in air.

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  14. A body is projected with a velocity of `20 ms^(-1)` in a direction making an angle of `60^(@)` with the horizontal. Determine its (i) position after 0.5 s and (ii) the velocity after `0.5s`.

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  15. The maximum vertical height of a projectile is 10 m. If the magnitude of the initial velocity is `28 ms^(-1)`, what is the direction of the initial velocity. ? Take `g = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  16. A bullet fired from a gun with a velocity of `140 ms^(-1)` strikes the ground at the same level as the gun at a distance of 1 km. Find the angle of inclination with the horizontal at which the bullet is fixed. Take `g=9.8ms^(-2)`.

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  17. A bullet is fired at an angle of `15^(@)` with the horizontal and hits the ground 6 km away. Is it possible to hit a target 10 km away by adjusting the angle of projection assuming the initial speed to be the same ?

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  18. A cricketer can throw a ball to maximum horizontal distance of 160 m. Calculate the maximum vertical height to which he can throw the ball. Given `g=10ms^(-2)`.

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  19. Find the minimum velocity for which the horizontal range of a projectile is 39.2 m.

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  20. A bullet fired from a rifle attains a maximum height of 5 m and crosses a range of 200 m. Find the angle of projection.

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  21. A shot is fired at a distance of 78.4 m from the foot of a pole 39.2 m high so that it just passes over it. Find the magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the shot.

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  22. A ball is thrown upwards with a velcoity of ` 80 m//s` at an angle of ` 30^@` to the horizontal . Find its velcituy after one second.

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  23. A football is kicked with speed ` 20 ms^(-1)` at a projection angle of ` 45^@` from the ground. A receiver on the goal line `20 m` away in the direction of the kick runs the same instant to meet the ball. What must be his speed, if he has to catch the ball before it hits the ground ? Take ` g= 10 ms^(-2)`.

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  24. A bullet fired at an angle of `60^(@)` with the vertical hits the ground at a distance of 2 km. Calculate the distance at which the bullet will hit the ground when fired at an angle of `45^(@)`, assuming the speed to be the same.

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  25. A person observes a bird on a tree 39.6 m high and at a distance of 59.2 m. With what velocity the person should throw an arrow at an angle of `45^(@)` so that it may hit the bird ?

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  26. A bomb is fired from a cannon with a velocity of `1000 ms^(-1)` making an angle of `30^(@)` with the horizontal `(g = 9.8 ms^(-2))`, (i) What is the time taken by the bomb to reach the highest point ? (ii) What is the total time of its motion ? (iii) With what speed the bomb will hit the ground and what will be its direction of motion while hitting ? (iv) What is the maximum height attained by the bomb ? (v) At what distance from the cannon the bomb will hit the ground ?

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  27. A ball is thrown from the top of a tower with an initial velocity of 10 m//s at an angle of `30^(@)`above the horizontal. It hits the ground at a distance of 17.3 m from the base of the tower. The height of the tower `(g=10m//s^(2))` will be

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  28. The horizontal range is same whether the angle of projection is ` alpha ` or `beta` , where ` alpha+ beta` = …………………….. .

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  29. A body is projected with a veocity of `40 ms^(-1)`. After `2 s` it fcrosses a vertical pole of height ` 20 .4 m` Find the angle of projection and horizontal range of projectile. (g = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  30. For the top of a tower ` 156.8 m` high, a projectile is thrown up with a velcity of `39.2 ms^(-1)`, makingan angle `30%(@)` with borizontal direction. Find the distance from the foot of tower wher it strikes the ground and the time taken byit do so.

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  31. Two particles are thrown from the same point with the same velocity of `49 ms^(-1)`. First is projected making angle `theta` with the horizontal and second at an angle `(90^(@)-theta)`. The second particle is found to rise 22.5 m higher than the first. Find the height to which each particle will rise.

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  32. A boy wants to throw a letter wrapped over a stone to his friend across the street 40 m wide. The boy's window is 10 m below the friend's window. How should he throw the ball ?

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  33. Find the angle of projection for a projectile motion whose rang `R` is (n) times the maximum height `H`.

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  34. A body A of mass m is thrown with velocity `upsilon` at an angle of `30^(@)` to the horizontal and another body B of the same mass is thrown with velocity `upsilon` at an angle of `60^(@)` to the horizontal, find the ratio of the horizontal range and maximum height of A and B.

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  35. The greatest height to which a boy can throw a stone is (h). What will be the greatest distance on horizontal surface upto which the boy can throw the stone with the same speed ? Neglect the air friction.

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  36. A ball of mass (m) is thrown vertically up. Another ball of mass ` 2 m` is thrown at an angle ` theta` with the vertical. Both of them stay in air for the same period of time. What is the ratio of the height attained by two balls.

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  37. As shown in Fig. 5.29, a body is projected with velocity `u_(1)` from the point A. At the same time another body is projected vertically upwards with velocity `u_(2)` from the point B. What should be the value of `u_(1)//u_(2)` for both the bodies to collide ?

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  38. The kinetic energy of a projectile at the highest point of its path is found to be `3//4^(th)` of its initial kinetic energy. If the body is projected from the ground, the angle of projection is

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  39. A projectile is projected in the upward direction making an angle of `60^(@)` with the horizontal direction with a velocity of `147 ms^(-1)`. After what time will its inclination with the horizontal be `45^(@)` ?

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  40. Which is greater , the angular velocity of the hour hand of a watch or angular velocity of earth around its own axis ?

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  41. A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with a velocity of 36 km/hr . The centripetal force is

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  42. A body of mass 10 kg revolves in a circle of diameter 0.40 m, making 1000 revolutions per minute. Calculate its linear velocity and centripetal acceleration.

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  43. The seocnd-hand of a watch is 3.0 cm long. Calculate the linear speed of its top.

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  44. Calculate the centripetal acceleation of a point on the equator of earth due to the rotatin of earth about its wn axis . Radius of earth ` = 6400 km`.

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  45. Assuming that the moon completes one revolution in a circular orbit around the earth in 27.3 days, calculate the acceleration of the moon towards the earth. The radius of the circular orbit can be taken as `3.85 xx 10^(5)km`.

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  46. What is the angular velocity of a geostationary satellite if unit of time is an hour and that of angle is a degree ?

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  47. The wheel of an automobile is rotating with ` 4` rotations per second. Find its angular velcoity . If the radius of the fly wheel, is ` 50 cm`, find the linear velcotiy of a point on its cicrumfernce.

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  48. The angular velocity of a particle moving in a circle of radius `50 cm` is increased in 5 min from `100` revolutions per minute to `400` revolutions per minute. Find the tangential acceleration of the particle.

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  49. Calculate the linear acceleration of a particle of a particle moving in a circle of radius 0.4 m at the instant when its angular velocity is 2 rad `s^(-1)` and its angular acceleration is 5 rad `s^(-2)`.

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  50. A threaded rod with `12 turns//cm` and diameter `1.18 cm` is mounted horizontally. A bar with a threaded hole to match the rod is screwed onto the rod. The bar spins at `216 rev//min`. How long will it take for the bar to move `1.50 cm` along the rod ?

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Problem For Self Practice questions and complete solutions for chapter PROJECTILE MOTION of DHANPAT RAI & CO PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11