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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions76
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f_1(x)={x, x leq x leq 1 and 1 x gt1 and 0`,otherwise `f_2(x) =f_1 (-x)` for all x abd `f_3(x)=-f_2(x)` for all x and `f_4(x)=-f_3(-x)` for all x Which of the following is necessarily true?

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  2. Which of the following functions is an odd function?

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  3. Given `f(x)= sqrt(8/(1-x)+8/(1+x))` and `g(x) = 4/(f(sinx))+4/(f(cosx))` then `g(x)` is

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  4. Let `f` be a function satisfying of `xdot` Then `f(x y)=(f(x))/y` for all positive real numbers `xa n dydot` If `f(30)=20 ,` then find the value of `f(40)dot`

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  5. Let `f(x)=e^{e^((|x|)sinx})a n dg(x)=e^{e^((|x|)sinx}),x in R ,` where { } and [ ] denote the fractional and integral part functions, respectively. Also, `h(x)=log(f(x))+log(g(x))dot` Then for real `x , h(x)` is an odd function an even function neither an odd nor an even function both odd and even function

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  6. Which of the following function is surjective but not injective. (a) `f:R->R ,f(x)=x^4+2x^3-x^2+1` (b) `f:R->R ,f(x)=x^2+x+1` (c) `f:R->R^+ ,f(x)=sqrt(x^2+1)` (d)`f:R->R ,f(x)=x^3+2x^2-x+1`

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  7. If `f(x) = 2 x^3 + 7x - 5` then `f^(-1) (4)` is :

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  8. The range of the function
    `f(x)=(e^(x)*logx*5^(x^(2)+2)*(x^(2)-7x+10))/(2x^(2)-11x+12)` is

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  9. If `x=cos^(-1)(cos 4) " and " y=sin^(-1)(sin3)`, then which of the following holds?

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  10. Let `f(x)=((2sinx+sin2x)/(2cosx+sin2x)*(1-cosx)/(1-sinx)): x in R.`
    Consider the following statements.
    I. Domain of f is R.
    II. Range of f is R.
    III. Domain of f is `R-(4n-1)pi/2, n in I.`
    IV. Domain of f is `R-(4n+1)pi/2, n in I.`
    Which of the following is correct?

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  11. If `f(x)=e^(sin(x-[x])cospix)`, where [x] denotes the greatest integer function, then f(x) is

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  12. Find the range of the function `f(x)=cot^(-1)(log)_(0. 5)(x^4-2x^2+3)`

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  13. Range of `f(x)=[1/(log(x^(2)+e))]+1/sqrt(1+x^(2)),` where `[*]` denotes greatest integer function, is

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  14. The period of the function `f(x)=Sin(x +3-[x+3]) `where [] denotes the greatest integer function

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  15. Which one of the following function best represent the graphs as shown below?

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  16. The solution set for [x]{x}=1, where {x} and [x] denote fractional part and greatest integer functions, is

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  17. The domain of definition of function
    `f(x)=log(sqrt(x^(2)-5x-24)-x-2)`, is

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  18. If `f(x)` is a function `f:R-> R`, we say `f(x)` has property I. If `f(f(x)) =x` for all real numbers x. II. `f(-f(x))=-x` for all real numbers x. How many linear functions, have both property I and Il ?

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  19. Let `f(x)=x/(1+x)` and let `g(x)=(rx)/(1-x)` , Let S be the set off all real numbers r such that `f(g(x))=g(f(x))` for infinitely many real number x. The number of elements in set S is

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  20. Let f(x) be linear functions with the properties that `f(1) le f(2), f(3) ge f(4) " and " f(5)=5.` Which one of the following statements is true?

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  21. Suppose R is relation whose graph is symmetric to both X-axis and Y-axis and that the point (1,2) is on the graph of R. Which one of the following is not necessarily on the graph of R?

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  22. The area between the curve `2{y} =[x] +1,0 leq y lt 1`, where `{.} and [.]` are the fractional part andgreatest integer functions, respectively and the X-axis is

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  23. If f(x)=`sin^(-1)x` and g(x)=[sin(cosx)]+[cos(sinx)], then range of f(g(x)) is (where `[*]` denotes greatest integer function)

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  24. The number of solutions of the equation `e^(2x) + e^x-2=[{x^2 + 10x + 11)]` is(where, fx) denotes fractional part of x and [x] denotes greatest integer function)

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  25. Total number of values of `x,` of the form `1/n, n in N` in the interval `x in[1/25,1/10]` which satisfy the equation `{x} + {2x) + ......+ {12x}=78x` is `K.` then `K` is less than,(where { } represents fractional part function)

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  26. The sum of the maximum and minimum values of the function `f(x)=1/(1+(2cosx-4sinx)^2)i s`

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  27. Let `f: X -> Y`be an invertible function. Show that the inverse of `f^(-1)`is f, i.e., `(f^(-1))^(-1)= f`.

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  28. The range of values of a so that all the roots of the equations `2x^(3)-3x^(2)-12x+a=0` are real and distinct, belongs to

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  29. If f(x) is continuous such that `abs(f(x)) le 1, forall x in R " and " g(x)=(e^(f(x))-e^(-abs(f(x))))/(e^(f(x))+e^(-abs(f(x)))),` then range of g(x) is

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  30. Let `f(x)=sqrt(|x|-{x})`, where `{.}` denotes the fractional part of x an X,Y and its domain and range respectively, then

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  31. If the graphs of the functions`y= log _(e)x and y = ax` intersect at exactly two points,then find the value of `a`.

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  32. A quadratic polynominal maps from [-2,3] onto [0,3] and touches X-axis at x=3, then the polynominal is

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  33. The range of the function `y=sqrt(2{x}-{x}^2-3/4)` (where, denotes the fractional part) is

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  34. Let `f(x)` be a fourth differentiable function such `f(2x^2-1)=2xf(x)AA x in R,` then `f^(iv)(0)` is equal

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  35. The number of solutions of the equation `[y+[y]]=2 cosx, ` where `y=(1)/(3)[sinx+[sinx+[sinx]]]` (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function) is

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  36. If a function satisfies `f(x+1)+f(x-1)=sqrt(2)f(x)`, then period of f(x) can be

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  37. If x and `alpha` are real, then the inequation
    `log_(2)x+log_(x)2+2cos alpha le 0`

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  38. The range of values of ‘a' such that `(1/2)^|x|= x² - a` is satisfied for maximum number of values of 'x'

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  39. Let `f:R rarr R` be a function defined by `f(x)={abs(cosx)}`, where {x} represents fractional part of x. Let S be the set containing all real values x lying in the interval `[0,2pi]` for which `f(x) ne abs(cosx)`. The number of elements in the set S is

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  40. The domain of the function
    `f(x)=sqrt(log_(sinx+cosx)(abs(cosx)+cosx)), 0 le x le pi` is

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  41. If `f(x)=(x^(2)+2alphax+alpha^(2)-1)^(1//4)` has its domain and range such that their union is set of real numbers, then `alpha` satisfies

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  42. If `f: (e,oo) rarr R & f(x)=log[log (logx)],` then f is -

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  43. The expression `x^2-4px+q^2> 0` for all real x and also `r^2+ p^2 < qr` the range of `f(x) = (x+r) / (x^2 +qx + p^2)` is

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  44. Let `f(x)=(x^(4)-lambdax^(3)-3x^(2)+3lambdax)/(x-lambda).` If range of f(x) is the set of entire real numbers, the true set in which `lambda` lies is

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  45. Let `a=3^(1//224)+1` and for all `n ge 3`,
    let `f(n)=""^(n)C_(0)a^(n-1)-""^(n)C_(1)a^(n-2)+""^(n)C_(2)a^(n-3)+...+(_1)^(n-1)*""^(n)C_(n-1)*a^(0).`
    If the value of f(2016)+f(2017)=`3^(k)`, the value of K is

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  46. The area bounded by `f(x)=sin^(-1)(sinx)` and
    `g(x)=pi/2-sqrt(pi^(2)/2-(x-pi/2)^(2))` is

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  47. If `f.R rarr R,f(x)=(x^(2)+bx+1)/(x^(2)+2x+b),(b gt 1) " and " f(x), 1/f(x)` have the same bounded set as their range, the value of b is

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  48. The period of `sin""(pi[x])/12+cos""(pi[x])/4+tan""(pi[x])/3`, where [x] represents the greatest integer less than or equal to x is

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  49. If f(2x+3y,2x-7y)=20x, then f(x,y) equals

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  50. The range of the function `f(x)=sqrt(x-1)+2sqrt(3-x)` is

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  51. The domain of the function `f(x)=cos^(-1)(sec(cos^-1 x))+sin^(-1)(cosec(sin^(-1)x))` is

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  52. Let f(x) be a polynominal one-one function such that
    `f(x)f(y)+2=f(x)+f(y)+f(xy), forall x,y in R-{0}, f(1) ne 1, f'(1)=3.`
    Let `g(x)=x/4(f(x)+3)-int_(0)^(x)f(x)dx,` then

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  53. Let f(x) be a polynominal with real coefficients such that `f(x)=f'(x) times f'''(x).` If f(x)=0 is satisfied x=1,2,3 only, then the value of f'(1)f'(2)f'(3) is

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  54. Let A={1,2,3,4,5} and `f:A rarr A` be an into function such that `f(i) ne, forall i in A`, then number of such functions f are

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  55. If functions `f:{1,2,…,n} rarr {1995,1996}` satisfying f(1)+f(2)+…+f(1996)=odd integer are formed, the number of such functions can be

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  56. The range of `y=sin^(3)x-6sin^(2)x+11sinx-6` is

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  57. Let `f(x)=x^(2)-2x` and g(x)=f(f(x)-1)+f(5-f(x)), then

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  58. If f(x) and g(x) are non-periodic functions, then h(x)=f(g(x)) is

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  59. If f(x) is a real-valued function discontinuous at all integral points lying in [0,n] and if `(f(x))^(2)=1, forall x in [0,n],` then number of functions f(x) are

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  60. A function `f` from integers to integers is defined as `f(x)={n+3, n in od d n/2,n in e v e n` suppose `k in ` odd and `f(f(f(k)))=27` . Then the sum of digits of `k` is__________

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  61. If `f:R->R` and `f(x)=sin(pi{x})/(x^4+3x^2+7)`, where `{}` is a fractional part of x , then

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  62. Let `f:R->R` and `g:R->R` be two one-one and onto functions such that they are mirror images of each other about the line `y=a`. If `h(x)=f(x)+g(x)`, then `h(x)` is (A) one-one onto (B) one-one into (D) many-one into (C) many-one onto

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  63. The domain of the funciton `f(x)` given by `3^(x) + 3^(f) = "min" (2t^(3) - 15t^(2) + 36+ - 25, 2 + |sin t| , 2 le t le 4)` is

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  64. Let x be the elements of the set A={1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20,24,30,40,60,120} and `x_(1),x_(2),x_(3)` be positive integers and d be the number of integral solutions of `x_(1),x_(2),x_(3)=x`, then d is

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  65. If A `gt` 0, c,d,u.v are non-zero constants and the graph of `f(x)=abs(Ax+c)+d " and " g(x)=-abs(Ax+u)+v` intersect exactly at two points (1,4) and (3,1), then the value of `(u+c)/(A)` equals

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  66. If `f(x)=x^(3)+3x^(2)+4x+asinx+bcosx, forall x in R` is a one-one fuction, then the greatestn value of `(a^(2)+b^(2))` is

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  67. If two roots of the equation `(p-1)(x^2 +x +1)^2 -(p+1)(x^4+x^2+1)=0` are real and distinct and `f(x)=(1-x)/(1+x)` then `f(f(x))+f(f(1/x))` is equal to

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  68. Let `f(x)=x^(13)+2x^(12)+3x^(11)+...+13x+14 " and " alpha=cos""(2pi)/15+isin""(2pi)/15.`If `N=f(alpha)f(alpha^(2))...f(alpha^(14))`, then

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  69. Let `f(x)=sin^(-1)2x + cos^(-1)2x + sec^(-1)2x`. Then the sum of the maximum and minimum values of f(x) is

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  70. The complete set of values of a for which the function `f(x)=tan^(-1)(x^(2)-18x +a)gt 0 AA x in R` is

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  71. The domain of the function
    `f(x)=sin^(-1)""(1)/abs(x^(2)-1)+1/sqrt(sin^(2)x+sinx+1)` is

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  72. The domain of `f(x)=(log(sin^(-1)sqrt(x^(2)+x+1)))/(log(x^(2)-x+1))` is

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  73. The domain of `f(x)=sqrt(sin^(-1)(3x-4x^(3)))+sqrt(cos^(-1)x)` is equal to

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  74. The domain of the function
    `f(x)=root(6)(4^(x)+8^(2//3(x-2))-52-2^(2(x-1)))` is

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  75. The domain of derivative of the function
    `f(x)=abs(sin^(-1)(2x^(2)-1))`, is

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  76. The range of a function
    `f(x)=tan^(-1){log_(5//4)(5x^(2)-8x+4)}` is

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter FUNCTIONS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12