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Complete Solutions to Exercise For Session 2 of chapter DETERMINANTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise For Session 2
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `lambda "and" mu` are the cofactors of 3 and -2 respectively in the determinant `|{:(1,0,-2),(3,-1,2),(4,5,6):}|` the value of `lambda+mu` is

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  2. If `a, b and c` are distinct and `D = |(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b)|.` then the square of the determinant of its cofactors is divisible by

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  3. An equilateral triangle has each of its sides of length 4 cm. If `(x_(r),y_(r))` (r=1,2,3) are its vertices the value of `|{:(x_(1),y_(1),1),(x_(2),y_(2),1),(x_(3),y_(3),1):}|`

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  4. If the lines ax+y+1=0, x+by+1=0 and x+y+c=0 (a,b and c being distinct and different from 1) are concurrent the value of `(a)/(a-1)+(b)/(b-1)+(c)/(c-1)` is

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  5. If p + q + r = a + b + c = 0, then the determinant `|{:(pa,qb,rc),(qc,ra,pb),(rb,pc,qa):}|` equals

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  6. If p,q and r are in AP the value of determinant `|{:(a^(2)+2^(n+1)+2p,b^(2)+2^(n+2)+2q,c^(2)+p),(2^(n)+p,2^(n+1)+q,2q),(a^(2)+2^(n)+p,b^(2)+2^(n+1)+q,c^(2)-r):}|` is

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  7. Let `{D_(1),D_(2),D_(3),cdots, D_(n)}` be the set of third order determinants that can be made with the distinct non-zero real numbers `a_(1),a_(2), cdots,a_(9).` Then ,

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  8. If `|{:(x,3,6),(3,6,x),(6,x,3):}|=|{:(2,x,7),(x,7,2),(7,2,x):}|=|{:(4,5,x),(5,x,4),(x,4,5):}|=0` then x is equal to

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  9. If a+b+c=0 the one root of `|{:(a-x,c,b),(c,b-x,a),(b,a,c-x):}|` =0 is

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  10. If `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)`=-2 and f(x)= `|{:(1+a^(2)x,(1+b^(2))x,(1+c^(2))x),((1+a^(2))x,1+b^(2)x,(1+c^(2))x),((1+a^(2))x,(1+b^(2))x,1+c^(2)x):}|` the f(x) is a polynomial of degree

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  11. If a,b,c,d,e and f are in GP the value of `|{:(a^(2),d^(2),x),(b^(2),e^(2),y),(c^(2),f"^(2),z):}|` is

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Exercise For Session 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12