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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Passage Based Questions) of chapter DETERMINANTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Passage Based Questions)
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the system of equations
    x+y+z=5, x+2y+3z=9, x+3y+`lambda z=mu`
    The sustem is called smart brilliant good and lazy according as it has solution unique solution infinitely many solution respectively .
    The system is smart if

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  2. Consider the system of equations
    x+y+z=5, x+2y+3z=9, x+3y+`lambda z=mu`
    The sustem is called smart brilliant good and lazy according as it has solution unique solution infinitely many solution respectively .
    The system is good if

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  3. Consider the system of equations
    x+y+z=5, x+2y+3z=9, x+3y+`lambda z=mu`
    The sustem is called smart brilliant good and lazy according as it has solution unique solution infinitely many solution respectively .
    The system is lazy if

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  4. `If Delta=|{:(a_(11),a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22),a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)):}|` and `C_(ij)=(-1)^(i+j) M_(ij), "where " M_(ij)` is a determinant obtained by deleting ith row and jth column then then `|{:(C_(11),C_(12),C_(13)),(C_(21),C_(22),C_(23)),(C_(31),C_(32),C_(33)):}|=Delta^(2).`
    If `|{:(1,x,x^(2)),(x,x^(2),1),(x^(2),1,x):}|` =5 and `Delta =|{:(x^(3)-1,0,x-x^(4)),(0,x-x^(4),x^(3)-1):}|` then sum of digits of `Delta^(2)` is

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  5. `If Delta=|{:(a_(11),a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22),a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)):}|` and `C_(ij)=(-1)^(i+j) M_(ij), "where " M_(ij)` is a determinant obtained by deleting ith row and jth column then then `|{:(C_(11),C_(12),C_(13)),(C_(21),C_(22),C_(23)),(C_(31),C_(32),C_(33)):}|=Delta^(2).`
    Suppose a,b,c,`in R, a+b+c gt 0, A =bc -a^(2),B =ca-b^(2)` and `c=ab-c^(2)` and `|{:(A,B,C),(B,C,A),(C,A,B):}|` =49 then the valu of `a^(3)+b^(3)+c^(3)`-3abc is

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  6. `If Delta=|{:(a_(11),a_(12),a_(13)),(a_(21),a_(22),a_(23)),(a_(31),a_(32),a_(33)):}|` and `C_(ij)=(-1)^(i+j) M_(ij), "where " M_(ij)` is a determinant obtained by deleting ith row and jth column then then `|{:(C_(11),C_(12),C_(13)),(C_(21),C_(22),C_(23)),(C_(31),C_(32),C_(33)):}|=Delta^(2).`
    Suppose a,b,c,`in R, a+b+c gt 0, A =bc -a^(2),B =ca-b^(2)` and `c=ab-c^(2)` and `|{:(A,B,C),(B,C,A),(C,A,B):}|` =49 then the valu of `a^(3)+b^(3)+c^(3)`-3abc is

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  7. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the roots of `x^(3)+2x^(2)-x-3=0` The value of `|{:(alpha, beta ,gamma),(gamma,alpha ,beta),(beta,gamma ,alpha):}|` is equal to

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  8. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the roots of `x^(3)+2x^(2)-x-3=0`. If the absolute value of the expression `(alpha-1)/(alpha+2)+(beta-1)/(beta+2)+(gamma-1)/(gamma+2)` can be expressed as `(m)/(n)` where m and n are co-prime the value of `|{:(m,n^(2)),(m-n,m+n):}|` is

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  9. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the roots of `x^(3)+2x^(2)-x-3=0`. If `a` = `alpha^(2)+beta^(2)+gamma^(2),b= alphabeta+betagamma+gammaalpha` the value of `|{:(a,b,b),(b,a,b),(b,b,a):}|` is

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  10. Suppose f(x) is a function satisfying the folowing conditions:
    (ii) f(x) has a minimum value at `x=(5)/(2)`
    (iii) for all xf'(x)= `|{:(2ax,2ax-1,2ax+b+1),(b,b+1,-1),(2(ax+b),2ax+2b+1,2ax+b):}|`
    The value of f(2)+f(3) is

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  11. Suppose f(x) is a function satisfying the folowing conditions:
    (ii) f(x) has a minimum value at `x=(5)/(2)`
    (iii) for all xf'(x)= `|{:(2ax,2ax-1,2ax+b+1),(b,b+1,-1),(2(ax+b),2ax+2b+1,2ax+b):}|`
    The number of solutions of the equation f(x) +1=0 is

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  12. Suppose f(x) is a function satisfying the folowing conditions:
    (ii) f(x) has a minimum value at `x=(5)/(2)`
    (iii) for all xf'(x)= `|{:(2ax,2ax-1,2ax+b+1),(b,b+1,-1),(2(ax+b),2ax+2b+1,2ax+b):}|`
    Range of f(x) is

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  13. If `|{:(x,e^(x-1),(x-1)^(3)),(x-lx,cos(x-1),(x-1)^(2)),(tanx,sin^(2)x,cos^(2)x):}|=a_(0)+a_(1)(x-1)+a_(2)(x-1)^(2)cdots`
    The value of `cos^(-1) (a_(1))` is

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  14. If `|{:(x,e^(x-1),(x-1)^(3)),(x-lx,cos(x-1),(x-1)^(2)),(tanx,sin^(2)x,cos^(2)x):}|=a_(0)+a_(1)(x-1)+a_(2)(x-1)^(2)cdots`
    The value of `lim_(xto 0) (sin x)^(x)` is

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  15. If `|{:(x,e^(x-1),(x-1)^(3)),(x-lx,cos(x-1),(x-1)^(2)),(tanx,sin^(2)x,cos^(2)x):}|=a_(0)+a_(1)(x-1)+a_(2)(x-1)^(2)cdots`
    The eqution whose roots are `a_(0) "and " a_(1)` is

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  16. Let `Delta =|{:(-bc,b^(2)+bc,c^(2)+bc),(a^(2)+ac,-ac,c^(2)+ac),(a^(2)+ab,b^(2)+ab,-ab):}|` and the equation
    `x^(3)-px^(2)+qx-r=0` has roots a,b,c, where a,b,c `in R^(+)`
    The value of `Dleta` is

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  17. Let `Delta =|{:(-bc,b^(2)+bc,c^(2)+bc),(a^(2)+ac,-ac,c^(2)+ac),(a^(2)+ab,b^(2)+ab,-ab):}|` and the equation
    `x^(3)-px^(2)+qx-r=0` has roots a,b,c, where a,b,c `in R^(+)`
    If a,b,c are in GP then

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  18. Let `Delta =|{:(-bc,b^(2)+bc,c^(2)+bc),(a^(2)+ac,-ac,c^(2)+ac),(a^(2)+ab,b^(2)+ab,-ab):}|` and the equation
    `x^(3)-px^(2)+qx-r=0` has roots a,b,c, where a,b,c `in R^(+)`
    If `Delta` =27 and `a^(2)+b^(2)+c^(2)=2` then the value of `sum a^(2) b` is

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  19. If `Deltan=|{:(a^(2)+n,ab,ac),(ab,b^(2)+n,bc),(ac,bc,c^(2)+n):}|,n in` N and the equation
    `x^(3)-lambdax^(2)+11x-6=0` has roots a,b,c and a,b,c are in AP.
    The value of `sum_(r=1)^(7) Delta_(n) ` is

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  20. If `Deltan=|{:(a^(2)+n,ab,ac),(ab,b^(2)+n,bc),(ac,bc,c^(2)+n):}|,n in` N and the equation
    `x^(3)-lambdax^(2)+11x-6=0` has roots a,b,c and a,b,c are in AP.
    The value of `(Delta2_(n))/(Delta_(n))` is

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  21. If `Deltan=|{:(a^(2)+n,ab,ac),(ab,b^(2)+n,bc),(ac,bc,c^(2)+n):}|,n in` N and the equation
    `x^(3)-lambdax^(2)+11x-6=0` has roots a,b,c and a,b,c are in AP.
    The value of `sum_(r=1)^(30)((27Delta_(r)-Delta3_(r))/(27r^(2))) ` is

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Exercise (Passage Based Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12