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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter DETERMINANTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `alpha,beta!=0` , and `f(n)""=alpha^n+beta^n` and `|3 1+f(1)1+f(2)1+f(1)1+f(2)1+f(3)1+f(2)1+f(3)1+f(4)|=K(1-alpha)^2(1-beta)^2(alpha-beta)^2` , then K is equal to (1) `alphabeta` (2) `1/(alphabeta)` (3) 1 (4) `-1`

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  2. Let `Delta(x)=|(x+a,x+b,x+a-c),(x+b,x+c,x-1),(x+c,x+d,x-b+d)| and int_0^2 Delta(x)dx=-16,` where `a,b,c,d` are in A.P. then the common difference (i) `1` (ii)`2` (iii)`3` (iv)`4`

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  3. If `Delta (x)=|{:(x,1+x^(2),x^(3)),(log(1+x^(2)),e^(x),sinx),(cosx,tanx,sin^(2)x):}|` then

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  4. If `a, b, c` are sides of a triangle and `|(a^2,b^2,c^2),((a+1)^2,(b+1)^2,(c+1)^2),((a-1)^2,(b-1)^2,(c-1)^2)|=` then

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  5. If `|{:(alpha,x,x,x),(x,beta,x,x),(x,x,gamma,x),(x,x,x,delta):}|` =f(x)-xf'(x) then f(x) is equal to

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  6. If `|{:(a,b-c,c+b),(a+c,b,c-a),(a-b,a+b,c):}|=0` the line ax +by +c=0 passes through the fixed point which is

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  7. If f(x) `=a+bx+cx^(2)` and `alpha,beta "and" gamma` are the roots of the equation `x^(3)=1`, then `|{:(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b):}|` is equal to

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  8. When the determinant `|{:(cos2x,sin^(2)x,cos4x),(sin^(2)x,cos2x,cos^(2)x),(cos4x,cos^(2)x,cos2x):}|` is expanded in powers of sin x , the constant term in than or equal to expression is

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  9. If [] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to the real number under consideration and `-1lt=xlt0,0lt=ylt1,1lt=zlt2,` the value of the determinant `|{:([x]+1,[y],[z]),([x],[y]+1,[z]),([x],[y],[z]+1):}|` is

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  10. The determinant `|{:(y^(2),-xy,x^(2)),(a,b,c),(a',b',c'):}|` is equal to

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  11. If A,B and C are angle of a triangle of a triangle ,the value of `|{:(e^(2iA),e^(-iC),e^(-iB)),(e^(-iC),e^(2iB),e^(-iA)),(e^(-iB),e^(-iA),e^(2iC)):}|` is (where i=`sqrt(-1))`

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  12. If `|{:(x^(n),x^(n+2),x^(2n)),(1,x^(a),a),(x^(n+5),x^(a+6),x^(2n+5)):}|` =0 `forallx in "R where n" in` N, the value of a is

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  13. If x,y and z are the integers in AP lying between 1 and 9 and x 51, y 41 and z 31 are three digits number the value of `|{:(5,4,3),(x51,y41,z31),(x,y,z):}|` is

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  14. If `a_(1),b_(1),c_(1),a_(2),b_(2),c_(2) "and" a_(3),b_(3),c_(3)` are three digit even natural numbers and `Delta=|{:(c_(1),a_(1),b_(1)),(c_(2),a_(2),b_(2)),(c_(3),a_(3),b_(3)):}|` , then `Delta` is

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  15. If a,b,and c are sides of `Delta` ABC such that `|{:(c,bcosB+alphabeta,acosA+balpha+cgamma),(a,c cosB+a beta,b cosA+c alpha+agamma),(b,acosB+b beta,c cosA+aalpha+bgamma):}|` =0
    (where `alpha ,beta,gamma,in R ^(+) "and" angleA,angleB,angleCne(pi)/(2)), Delta` ABC is

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  16. If `x_(1),x_(2) "and" y_(1),y_(2)` are the roots of the equations
    `3x^(2) -18x+9=0 "and" y^(2)-4y+2=0` the value of the determinant `|{:(x_(1)x_(2),y_(1)y_(2),1),(x_(1)+x_(2),y_(1)+y_(2),2),(sin(pix_(1)x_(2)),cos (pi//2y_(1)y_(2)),1):}|` is

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  17. The value of `|(.^(10)C_(4).^(10)C_(5).^(11)C_(m)),(.^(11)C_(6).^(11)C_(7).^(12)C_(m+2)),(.^(12)C_(8).^(12)C_(9).^(13)C_(m+4))|` is equal to zero when `m` is

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  18. The value of the determinant `|{:(1,sin(alpha-beta)theta,cos (alpha-beta)theta),(a, sinalphatheta,cos alphatheta),(a^(2),sin(alpha-beta)theta,cos(alpha-beta)theta):}|` is independent of

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  19. If `f(x), h(x)` are polynomials of degree 4 and `|(f(x), g(x),h(x)),(a, b, c),(p,q,r)|``=mx^4+nx^3+rx^2+sx+r` be an identity in x, then `|(f''(0) - f''(0),g''(0) - g''(0),h''(0) -h''(0)),(a,b,c),(p,q,r)|` is

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  20. If f(x) =`|{:(cos (x+alpha),cos(x+beta),cos(x+gamma)),(sin (x+alpha),sin(x+beta),sin(x+gamma)),(sin(beta+gamma),sin(gamma+alpha),sin(alpha+beta)):}|` then `f(theta)-2f(phi)+f(psi)` is equal to

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  21. If `|(1,1,1),(a,b,c),(a^(3),b^(3),c^(3))|= (a -b) (b -c) (c -a) (a + b+c)`
    where a, b, c are all different, then the determinant
    `|(1,1,1),((x-a)^(2),(x -b)^(2),(x -c)^(2)),((x -b) (x -c),(x -c) (x -a),(x -a) (x -b))|` vanishes when

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  22. Let `a ,b , c in R` such that no two of them are equal and satisfy `|2a b c b c2a c2a b|=0,` then equation `24 a x^2+4b x+c=0` has at last one root in `[0,1]` at last one root in `[-1/2,1/2]` at last one root in `[-1,0]` at last two roots in `[0,2]`

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  23. The number of positive integral solutions of the equation `|(x^3+1,x^2y,x^2z),(xy^2,y^3+1,y^2z),(xz^2,z^2y,z^3+1)|=11` is

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  24. If f(x)=`ax^(2)+bx+c,a,b,c in` R and eqation f(x)-x=0 has imaginary roots `alpha,beta,gamma "and " delta` be the roots of f(x) -x=0 then `|{:(1,alpha,delta),(beta,0,alpha),(gamma,beta,1):}|` is

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  25. If the system of equtions 2x-y+z=0,x-2y+z=0, tx-y+2z=0 has infinitely many solution and f(x) be a continuous function such that f(5+x)+f(x)=2, then `f_(0)^(-2t)` f(x) dx is equal to

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  26. if `(1+ax+bx^(2))^(4)=a_(0) +a_(1)x+a_(2)x^(2)+…..+a_(8)x^(8),` where `a,b,a_(0) ,a_(1)…….,a_(8) in R` such that `a_(0)+a_(1) +a_(2) ne 0` and
    `|{:(a_(0),,a_(1),,a_(2)),(a_(1),,a_(2),,a_(0)),(a_(2),,a_(0),,a_(1)):}|=0` then the value of `5.(a)/(b) " is " "____"`

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  27. Given (f(x) `=log_(10)` x and g(x) = `e^(piix)` .
    `phi (x) =|{:(f(x).g(x),(f(x))^(g(x)),1),(f(x^(2)).g(x^(2)),(f(x^(2)))^(g(x^(2))),0),(f(x^(3)).g(x^(3)),(f(x^(3)))^(g(x^(3))),1):}|` the value of `phi` (10), is

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  28. The value of the determinant `|(1,(alpha^(2x)-alpha^(-2x))^2,(alpha^(2x)+alpha^(-2x))^2),(1,(beta^(2x)-beta^(-2x))^2,(beta^(2x)+beta^(-2x))^2),(1,(gamma^(2x)-gamma^(-2x))^2,(gamma^(2x)+gamma^(-2x))^2)|` is (a) 0 (b) `(alphabeta gamma)^(2x)` (c) `(alpha beta gamma)^(-2x)` (d) None of these

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  29. If a,b and c are non-zero real numbers and if the equation (a-1)x=y+z,(b-1)y=z+x,
    (c-1)z=x+y has a non-trival solution then ab+bc+ca equals to

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  30. the set of equations `lambdax-y+(cos 0) z=0,3x+y+2z=0`
    (cos 0) x+y+2z=0 ,`0 le 0 lt 2 pi` has non-trivial solution (s)

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12